Editor’s Commentary: I have long contended that those in the know among the “elites” have done whatever they can to avoid taking the actual Covid vaccines. I’ve suspected that the higher-ups like Barack Obama and Anthony Fauci are taking their “jabs” but they’re not really the so-called vaccines. Others are trying to buy their way out of getting the jabs by getting fake vax passports.
In the article below by Matt Agorist from Free Thought Project, we see the latter in action. This took place in Spain, but we can assume it’s taking place in every western nation. Some people are just suspicious of the jabs. Others actually know the dangers and may have even been told to avoid them. For the common people, we’re still fighting medical tyranny because we do not have the resources to fake it. Considering at least one CEO at a pharmaceutical company is among those trying to escape the jabs, we have to wonder what he and others know. Here’s Matt…
As we reported last year, World Bank President David Malpass made a telling admission. In a nutshell, Malpass stated that Pfizer won’t go into countries unless those governments grant them immunity from any an all damages caused by their vaccine. If the country allows individuals or organizations to sue after Pfizer hurts them, Pfizer stays out.
“Pfizer has been hesitant to go into some of the countries because of the liability problems, they don’t have a liability shield,” Malpass stated.
Imagine the audacity it takes for a company who is ostensibly helping to stop a pandemic, to tell people they can’t have their “life-saving” medicine unless said company can harm them with impunity. There is no need to imagine, as this is the situation in which we currently find ourselves.
Refusal to take responsibility for a product with many known side effects — which was mandated on people throughout the world without their consent — naturally doesn’t sit well with folks who care about their health. For this reason, a massive black market formed around fake vaccination certifications for people who didn’t want to lose their livelihoods or worse, over forced vaccinations.
While we were told that this black market was the work of criminals and staunch antivaxxers, an investigation in Spain found that more than 2,200 famous people, including top medical personnel and the leader of one of the country’s largest pharmaceutical companies — have been buying fake vaccination certificates.
A report from Euroweekly painted this discovery as a bad thing — as if avoiding state-sponsored forced medical procedures by buying a fake piece of paper is somehow unethical.
“What is disconcerting, is that many of these people are involved in professions that meant a high level of contact with others. Essentially, they cared so little for those around them, they did not bother to ensure that those they came into contact with were kept safe and free from Covid-19,” the report stated.
But as the world would find out, absolutely none of the mandated vaccines stopped transmission or infection.
A telling notion about the safety of the vaccines is the fact that on that list of 2,200 people who bought fake vaccine cards is President of PharmaMar, José María Fernández Sousa-Faro, one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in Spain, whose company was involved in researching Covid-19 vaccines.
The fact that Sousa-Faro refused to get the jab while his own company was researching it, led “many to ask whether vaccinations were necessary or safe,” the report stated.
“The 76-year-old businessman, who has not yet been summoned to testify, was included in the lists to reflect that he had received the third dose,” states the report.
According to the report, “the famous people investigated so far includes: José María Fernández Sousa-Faro, President of PharmaMar – Trinitario Casanova, one of the richest men in Spain -Kidd Keo, trap singer in English and Spanish – Anier, rap singer – Jarfaiter, rap singer – Veronica Echegui, actress – Bruno Gonzalez Cabrera, soccer player – Fabio Díez Steinaker, former beach volleyball Olympian – José Luis Zapater, alias Titín, former boxer – Camilo Esquivel, recognized and prestigious doctor.”
Not mentioned in the report is the question as to why so many of these top doctors, rich business persons, and scientists refused to take the vaccine? What did they know that the public at large did not?
The scam was run by a nurse at La Paz University Hospital who made over €200,000 for adding more than 2,200 people to Spain’s national vaccination database. He has since been arrested and will likely face steep penalties.
As we reported last year, the United States government also went after folks who sold fake vaccination certificates with a vengeance. A Chicago-based pharmacist was arrested after selling more than 100 official Covid vaccination cards on eBay after obtaining them from the CDC. He was slapped with 12 federal counts for theft of government property and is facing life in prison for it.
They know the vax kills!
I have long suspected many highly visible vaccine champions never actually received the jab, only a placebo or simply lied about their status. We already know the hypocrisy of the elite when it comes to their own behavior vs what they impose on others. And despite their cheerleading for vaccines and boosters, they are not unaware of the deaths and injuries they cause.
We were ready to bribe a nurse if necessary to prevent my daughter from getting the shot (for her company, with a mandatory requirement). She instead got a fake thing from an old friend, a pharmacist. It infuriated me because what about the people who have no connections, no money for bribes? These world elites have intentionally killed people with this shot.
Funny, all she needed was a decent (non-Jewish) lawyer.
Yep…even their “golden fleece” “Polio”.
If you have something you disagree with in this comment, this is the time and place for the discussion.
Here is my thinking. The only people who would downvote this without any explanation, must work in some way for big pharma.
So if you’re not a big pharma shill, then please…what, exactly, do you disagree with on my statement? Because I can back up everything I say, I know the whole story from front to back.
The truth is, if everyone knew the truth about “Polio”, families of the victims would demand compensation, JUST COMPENSATION, from their “government”.
The truth is, your government allowed substances (DDT) to be sprayed on crops worldwide and what you call “polio” is a result of defects caused by the toxicity of this chemical. They are liable for millions (billions in today’s adjusted dollars) in compensatory damages.
If someone DISAGREES with this assessment, or the historical facts herein, PLEASE…step forward and make your claim.
Here’s your opportunity. Put up or shut up.
And by the way…
DDT was created by Othmar Zeidler…who was Jewish.
It’s creation was overseen by Adolf von Baeyer, who comes from the Jeish Itzig family.
The “vaccine” for “polio” was created by Jonas Salk…who was Jewish.
And let me guess…I’m a BAD MAN for pointing this out…right?
What do they know? Simple, they know that the “Vaccine” is really a depopulation device and those too stupid to realize it and took The Shot have greatly reduced their lifespan (Hello Cancer case explosion) PLUS they are now Sterile (No Kids for you). The Smart people……didn’t get the “Vaccine” and the Elites who want to show that they were playing along got the fake docs (busted). The Elites who were videoed getting the shot actually got Saline Shots.
Me, I never got the “Vaccine”, never got sick, never closed my Mom & Pop Shop, never wore a Face Diaper. I used a magic device….COMMON SENSE.
A little-known fact is that the CDC NEVER required its own employees to be vaccinated. It’s obvious that the elites follow one set of rules and the masses are made to suffer, herded and coerced like sheeple. Funk Big Pharma. Funk the CDC.