(End of the American Dream)—Anyone that thinks that it is going to be easy to end the war in Ukraine is just being delusional. The Russians do not want to end the war right now because they are winning and they don’t want to stop until they have achieved their goals. The Ukrainian leadership in Kyiv does not want to end the war right now because it is their golden goose. Giant mountains of money have been flowing into the country, but once the war ends the endless flow of cash will stop. Politicians all over western Europe don’t want the war to end either, because they have become absolutely obsessed with defeating Russia. In fact, the UK and France are so determined to keep the war going that they are actually talking about sending troops to Ukraine…
Britain and France are in talks to send troops to Ukraine to deter Vladimir Putin, it has emerged.
London and Paris want to create a “core of allies in Europe” as fears intensify that President-elect Donald Trump could withdraw military support for Ukraine.
This was one of the top stories on the Drudge Report today.
Our allies in Europe are making it very clear that they plan to continue with the war no matter what Donald Trump decides to do once he is inaugurated.
NATO’s top military official is warning that Europeans may have to make sacrifices in order to support Ukraine if Trump reduces the level of U.S. funding for the war…
Europeans must be ready to sacrifice some “luxuries” to pay to support Ukraine and to prevent a “wartime scenario” coming to the nations of the continent if they are insufficiently prepared, NATO’s most senior military officer said in a speech namechecking both Russia and China as threats.
Dutch Admiral Rob Bauer, who probably has no idea what a real war looks like, is also encouraging European businesses to “adjust their production and distribution lines” for a wartime scenario…
A top NATO military official on Monday urged businesses to be prepared for a wartime scenario and adjust their production and distribution lines accordingly, in order to be less vulnerable to blackmail from countries such as Russia and China.
“If we can make sure that all crucial services and goods can be delivered no matter what, then that is a key part of our deterrence,” the chair of NATO’s military committee, Dutch Admiral Rob Bauer, said in Brussels.
It certainly does not sound like he expects the war to end any time soon.
In fact, it very much sounds like he expects it to escalate significantly.
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Meanwhile, the New York Times is reporting that the Biden administration has actually discussed giving nuclear weapons to Ukraine…
So U.S. and European officials are discussing deterrence as a possible security guarantee for Ukraine, such as stockpiling a conventional arsenal sufficient to strike a punishing blow if Russia violates a cease-fire.
Several officials even suggested that Mr. Biden could return nuclear weapons to Ukraine that were taken from it after the fall of the Soviet Union. That would be an instant and enormous deterrent. But such a step would be complicated and have serious implications.
Needless to say, the Biden administration should not be discussing such a thing, and the New York Times should not be printing such a thing.
If the Russians think that there is even a small chance that nuclear weapons are going to be given to Ukraine, that is going to make them even more paranoid than they are now.
Most people in the western world have no idea how the Russians view this conflict. They were promised that NATO would not expand one inch eastward, and now NATO is right on their borders and long-range missiles provided by NATO are being fired into their territory. The Russians truly believe that they are engaged in an existential struggle with western powers, and they also truly believe that those western powers want to overthrow their government and carve their beloved homeland up into dozens of little countries. They have seen “regime change” happen in so many other nations in recent years, and now they fear that the exact same thing is being done to them.
If the Russians feel that they have been backed into a corner with no other options, they will use nuclear weapons.
Alarmingly, it is being reported that FEMA has just released “a spine-chilling survival guide for a nuclear attack”…
As global tensions mount, the US Federal Emergency Management Agency has released a spine-chilling survival guide for a nuclear attack amid the escalating Ukraine conflict and intensifying Middle Eastern disputes.
Echoing Cold War-era preparedness, the agency’s updated advice aims to shield Americans from the horrors of a nuclear explosion. A nuclear simulation grimly tallies the death toll should Russia target Washington DC with a nuke – the numbers are staggering, reports the Irish Star.
If the Russians use nuclear weapons on U.S. soil, they won’t just hit one city.
Instead, they would hit hundreds of targets simultaneously, and America as we know it would cease to exist.
The Germans are so concerned about the possibility of all-out war with Russia that they are actually creating a list of bunkers that civilians could potentially use when missiles start falling…
Germany is drawing up a list of bunkers that could provide emergency shelter for civilians, the interior ministry has said, at a time of rising tensions with Russia.
The list would include underground train stations and car parks as well as state buildings and private properties, a ministry spokesperson said.
A digital directory of bunkers and emergency shelters will be drawn up so people can find them quickly using a planned phone app. People would also be encouraged to create protective shelters in their homes by converting basements and garages, the spokesperson told a press briefing.
I don’t know if they understand what they are potentially facing.
Those shelters may do some good if conventional weapons are used, but if nukes start flying entire cities will be pounded into oblivion.
Let us hope that cooler heads will prevail.
But for now, fighting continues to rage in Ukraine. In fact, the Russians are telling us that they hit 149 locations inside Ukraine in just one 24 hour period…
Russian forces carried out strikes on Ukrainian military airfields, personnel and equipment over the past 24 hours, the Ministry of Defense (MoD) reported.
“Operational-tactical aviation, strike drones, missile forces, and artillery targeted the infrastructure of military airfields as well as concentrations of enemy personnel and military equipment in 149 locations,” the Mod said.
Even though we have been warned about this exact scenario for many, many years, we continue to march toward the unthinkable.
I don’t understand why so many people out there want an all-out war with Russia.
I hear from readers all the time that are absolutely obsessed with “defeating” the Russians.
But there will not be any winners in this war.
When push comes to shove, the Russians will use nuclear weapons, and by then it will be way too late for the warmongers to admit that they were wrong.
Michael’s new book entitled “Why” is available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon.com, and you can subscribe to his Substack newsletter at michaeltsnyder.substack.com.
The good thing that happens after nuke war; the woke gold-digging ‘wymen’ die off: they are too stupid, weak, and/or lazy to even work the simplest job, they can’t survive without electric power, fossil fuels, and simp men to do and create everything for them.
I will enjoy the cries of the millions of blue city useless eaters when no more semitrucks of garbage foods be delivered, or when they discover their free entitlements are forever voided. And all their electronic devices become doorstops.
Bonus, the confused-sexuals can die out and the extinction of their pretend-psychosis. In the end real men will retake their rightful place at the very top of the human hierarchy.
The society can return to facts, the truth and law; and the pretend fiction people can go F themselves, that is the only thing they are good at.
Don’t fear, what will be- will be.
I’d say it was a mistake and a huge blunder. But they’re already made so many of them, what’s one more?
Ask your senator if they would support repealing the 17th Amendment?