A recent study published in the journal Human Reproduction Update found that the sperm count of men all over the world has been declining fast, even going lower than 50 years ago. This could signal a possible reproductive crisis if action is not taken soon.
Hagai Levine, first author of the research, noted that sperm counts dropped by 1.2 percent per year from 1973 to 2000. From 2000 to 2018, the decline was 2.6 percent per year, “which is an amazing pace,” he said.
The meta-analysis conducted by Hebrew University of Jerusalem researchers looked at 223 studies based on sperm samples from over 57,000 men across 53 countries. It suggested that the average sperm concentration fell from an estimated 101.2 million per ml to 49.0 million per ml between 1973 and 2018 – a drop of 51.6 percent. According to the Guardian, the counts fell by 62.3 percent during the same period.
“We don’t understand why we’re seeing this pattern, so I think it’s hard to be alarmist for an individual,” said Dr. Michael Eisenberg, a urologist focused on male fertility and sexual function at Stanford University and Stanford Health Care in California. He was not involved in the study.
However, he pointed out that this should be a wake-up call to try and understand this trend as experts say weak sperm counts could take longer for men to have children. Thus, it can contribute to a possible reproductive crisis.
Meanwhile, the same team reported in 2017 that sperm concentration had declined significantly in the last 40 years. However, a lack of data from other parts of the world at the time meant the findings were focused on a region encompassing Europe, North America and Australia. The latest study included more recent data from 53 countries, and it has seen a massive decrease in Central and South America, Africa and Asia.
“I think this is another signal that something is wrong with the globe and that we need to do something about it. So yes, I think it’s a crisis, that we [had] better tackle now, before it may reach a tipping point which may not be reversible,” Levine said.
Previous studies have suggested that fertility is compromised if sperm concentration falls below about 40 million per ml. While the latest estimate is above this threshold, Levine noted that this is a mean figure – meaning, a significant percentage of men are likely below this threshold.
“Such a decline clearly represents a decline in the capacity of the population to reproduce,” he said.
COVID-19 vaccines lower men’s sperm count, a separate study reveals
Experts claim that endocrine-disrupting chemicals or other environmental factors may play a role in why men around the globe are impacted. According to some, smoking, drinking, obesity and poor diet might be blamed as well, and a healthy lifestyle may help boost sperm counts.
Richard Sharpe, an expert in male reproductive health at the University of Edinburgh, said the new data showed that the trend is a worldwide phenomenon. He said the decline could mean it would take longer for couples to conceive.
As to why this phenomenon has increased at such a fast pace, there could be a more recent factor. Back in June, a peer-reviewed study published in the journal Andrology showed that men who got vaccinated with Pfizer’s Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) injections were found to have massive decreases in their sperm counts. (Related: Study: COVID “vaccines” are devastating men’s sperm counts.)
Former New York Times reporter Alex Berenson wrote in his Substack account that the study was based on counts from men who donated sperm to three fertility clinics in Israel. “The Israeli paper offers hard evidence that the vaccines may present a systemic risk to men’s sperm counts. What was a conspiracy theory is now just a theory. Again,” Berenson said.
The study suggested that fully vaxxed men’s sperm counts will return to normal after about five months, but this claim was unsubstantiated. “The actual data in the paper do not really support the argument that sperm levels returned to normal after five months,” the writer explained. “In fact, by some measures, levels continued to decline.”
He pointed out that rather than acknowledging this fact, the authors offered the best possible spin on their data, while at the same time publishing the figures themselves near the end of the paper so that other researchers could see the reality for themselves.
Visit VaccineDamage.news for more news related to COVID-19 vaccines’ effects on male reproductive health.
Watch the video below about the study that found low sperm count in vaccinated men.
This video is from the InfoWars channel on Brighteon.com.
More related stories:
- CONFIRMED: Sperm count in Western men is HALF what it should be; what is happening to the average American man?
- Pfizer DID NOT test its COVID-19 vaccine for possible effects on male fertility.
- Covid vaccine spike proteins attack male fertility, too.
- HUMANITY ALERT: Sperm count plunges 59% due to mass chemical feminization of men.
Sources include:
- TheGuardian.com
- Academic.OUP.com
- EuroNews.com
- USAToday.com
- AlexBerenson.substack.com
- OnlineLibrary.Wiley.com
- Brighteon.com
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