Around the Web – Original Source:
A Massachusetts judge this week threw out a parental lawsuit against a school district’s policy of hiding the gender transitions of two underage children, claiming the rule—while flawed—did not rise to the level of a necessary constitutional standard.
U.S. District Court Judge Mark Mastroianni professed himself “apprehensive” about the reported transgender policies of Ludlow County Schools, but that the suit brought by two parents against the district regarding those policies failed to meet a longstanding “shock-the-conscience” constitutional test.
The parents claimed in the suit that school officials hid the intended gender “transitions” of their respective children, ages 11 and 12 at […]
Around the Web – Original Source:
Liberal Massachusetts…. from an Obama judge….so, no big surprise.
Barack Obama is GAY….and is married to a MAN.
Michelle Obama’s REAL name is….. Michael Robinson…. a transsexual ( TRANNY ).
Michael still has his MALE parts…..and…hung like a horse.
Barack likes it that way.
Watch Michelle dancing the *boog-a-loo* on the Ellen Show….. on YouTube.
Use BING search engine….because it is censored by Google.
You can see Michelle’s BIG DICK…. bouncing around.
The *Gorilla Tape* broke loose….and could not hold it down.
It’s difficult to hold down a 10″ SAUSAGE.
The judge has no conscience. What little sense of right and wrong he thinks he has is built on moral relativist shifting sands of societal whims.
The Bible specifically and directly says the abominations will spend eternity in Hell, lest they repent, submit to Jesus Christ as their only Lord and Savior, becoming born again and turning from their sins, no longer that which they once were. And parents have a special obligation before God to bring up children in the way they should go.
If the ultimate eternal consequence isn’t enough to shock the conscience, then nothing is enough. What makes the judge believe that his own conscience, based on his own beliefs, and his own philosophy, and his own sense of what is right and wrong, which is in direct conflict with the Word of Almighty God, matters more than the conscience of others?
Sin is not a God-given right. There is no such thing as the right to sexual immorality of any kind, nor is there a right to make oneself appear to be the opposite sex, which the Bible also says is an abomination. Jesus directly condemned such abominable sins in Mark 7:21-22, as they are condemned all throughout scripture.
Nobody has an obligation to respect sin. In fact, we are obligated to disrespect it.
Quit playing their game. Carry the sword of the Word of Almighty God into the courtroom. If the judge’s decision is going to be informed by his conscience, then quote the scripture until the judge grows a conscience, and would have to directly violate the 1st Amendment, effectively establishing his own contrived religion, in order to rule against you. At least get it on the record, even if you lose.
I don’t care how long-standing such an arbitrary, subjective “shocks-the-conscience” test has existed, it is a violation of the 1st Amendment. Dependent on the whims of the judge’s own beliefs from one day to the next, that of society from one day to the next, etc. It is thus the establishment of religion.
We lose these battles because we leave God’s Word sitting on the shelf and try to lean on our own understanding, trying to fight on their ever-changing field, according to their ever-changing rules, and the baseless shifting sands of their treacherous ever-changing philosophies and beliefs which change just about every five minutes.
Don’t play their game. Wield the unchanging, immutable, sword of the Word of Almighty God. They cannot defeat it. Carry it right into the courtrooms, the highest halls of power, and speak it boldly. Stand on the solid rock, and be not moved.