In our time, everything about marriage, family and gender is being redefined, but not everyone is happy with these changes. In fact, many long for a bygone era when life was simpler and families seemed to be much happier. This desire to recapture what has been lost has spawned the “tradwife movement”, and this movement has been causing a tremendous amount of controversy all over social media in recent months. Needless to say, many modern feminists absolutely abhor the social values of the 1950s, but it is precisely those values that “tradwives” are seeking to promote…
On certain corners of the internet, a segment of women is exhibiting a nostalgia for an era it has never known.
These millennials and zoomers glamorize the aesthetics of 1950s Americana, donning retro fit-and-flare dresses and posting vintage illustrations of aproned housewives placing dinner on the table.
The mainstream media has been trying to downplay the significance of this movement, and CNN even went so far as to label tradwives as a “fringe group”…
In the grand scheme of internet phenomena, tradwives are a fringe group.
Online mentions of tradwives go at least as far back as five years ago, but 2020 saw a noticeable uptick in usage of the term, according to Deborah Etienne, a data analyst and researcher for the social media marketing agency Brandwatch. The tradwife discourse continued to grow in 2022 as tradwife content across social media increased and media outlets subsequently covered the trend. But while Etienne found about 152,000 mentions of tradwives across Tumblr, Twitter, Reddit, forums and blogs over the last year, negative mentions overwhelmingly outnumbered positive ones – suggesting a strong backlash is present, too.
But if tradwives really are a “fringe group”, why have they been able to garner so much attention?
One 29-year-old tradwife that has developed a very large following on social media says that she has decided to stay home with her children because “her own mom wasn’t around enough when she was a kid”…
A mom-of-two has told how she lives like a fully-fledged 1950s-style housewife and her decision to quit the office was inspired by feeling neglected as a child.
Alexia Delarosa, 29, from San Diego, is part of a growing movement of so-called ‘tradwives’ – short for traditional wives – whereby women live by old-fashioned gender stereotypes.
The Californian, who stays at home to cook, clean and look after the children while her husband goes out to work, said she adopted the homemaker mindset because her own mom wasn’t around enough when she was a kid.
Spending more time with our children should actually be a national priority, because the truth is that our kids are a mess.
Scores on standardized tests just keep falling, childhood obesity rates just keep rising, and the horrifying crime epidemic that we are currently dealing with is largely being fueled by kids under the age of 20.
If all U.S. children were raised in traditional families with traditional values, crime rates would be very low. But instead, crime rates are absolutely soaring right now. Here is just one example…
Compared to the first 22 days of 2021, the major crime rate in Democrat-run Chicago is already up 97 percent this year, reports Wirepoints. Compared to those same 22 days last year, crime is up 61 percent.
Sadly, even though it has become exceedingly clear that what we have been doing is not working, our society continues to run very rapidly in the wrong direction.
The birth rate has plunged to an all-time low, and at this point the percentage of married women in the United States has fallen below the 50 percent mark…
Their power is growing thanks to the demographic winds. The number of never married women has grown from about 20% in 1950 to over 30% in 2022, while the percentage of married women has declined from almost 70% in 1950 to under 50% today. Overall, the percentage of married households with children has declined from 37% in 1976 to 21% today.
And even many of those that are supposedly married are not necessarily in traditional relationships.
We live at a time when anything goes, and that includes something called “a romantic quad”…
Two couples who fell in love and started a four-way relationship are candidly opening up about their experiences with ‘polyfamory’ – a practice that sees them all living under the same roof in a romantic quad while caring for their kids together.
When Alysia Rodgers, 34, and her husband, Tyler, 35, met Sean Hartless, 46, and his wife, Taya, 28, from Oregon, they had no idea what the term polyamory – the name given when a person has one or more partners at the same time – was, but when feelings flourished, the couples were more than ready to embrace polyfamory.
As the traditional family unit becomes less prominent in our society, public schools are taking a more central role in raising our children.
Needless to say, this often has very serious consequences…
A high school history teacher in California has admitted to helping students change their gender identity without their parents’ knowledge.
Olivia Garrison, who is nonbinary, told the New York Times that they felt it was their job as a teacher to ‘protect kids’ – ‘sometimes from their own parents.’
‘My job, which is a public service, is to protect kids,’ Garrison said. ‘Sometimes, they need protection from their own parents.’
Many of these teachers are openly hostile to traditional values, and some of them actually post videos on social media where they actually laugh about what they are doing to our kids.
Ultimately, the biggest reason why America is moving away from the traditional family structure is because the country is rapidly moving away from the faith that traditional family values are based upon…
In 1972 92% of Americans said they were Christian, Pew reported, but by 2070 that number will drop to below 50% – and the number of “religiously unaffiliated” Americans – or ‘nones’ will probably outnumber those adhering to Christianity.
Once upon a time, virtually all mothers in the United States embraced traditional values.
Unfortunately, now we have reached a stage where “tradwives” are considered to be freaks.
Modern feminists would have us believe that the way that we are doing things now is so much better.
But if that is true, then why are people so unhappy and why is a higher percentage of the population on anti-depressants than ever before?
Perhaps we should go back and examine how previous generations of Americans did things, because maybe they were a whole lot smarter than any of us realized.
***It is finally here! Michael’s new book entitled “End Times” is now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon.***
About the Author: My name is Michael and my brand new book entitled “End Times” is now available on In addition to my new book I have written six other books that are available on including “7 Year Apocalypse”, “Lost Prophecies Of The Future Of America”, “The Beginning Of The End”, and “Living A Life That Really Matters”. (#CommissionsEarned) When you purchase any of these books you help to support the work that I am doing, and one way that you can really help is by sending copies as gifts to family and friends. Time is short, and I need help getting these warnings into the hands of as many people as possible.
I have published thousands of articles on The Economic Collapse Blog, End Of The American Dream and The Most Important News, and the articles that I publish on those sites are republished on dozens of other prominent websites all over the globe. I always freely and happily allow others to republish my articles on their own websites, but I also ask that they include this “About the Author” section with each article. The material contained in this article is for general information purposes only, and readers should consult licensed professionals before making any legal, business, financial or health decisions.
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Article cross-posted from End of the American Dream.
TradFam needed everywhere.
Tradfam is a perversion just like lesbianism. The kids will not do well.
When women’s labor is reserved for within the family, her productivity is not taxed. This can make the family substantially wealthier over time.
Yes, child rearing is also important. Home schooling nets enormous multi-generational benefits. Their are other benefits to women being in the home most of the day. Communities are safer and more caring. Home businesses thrive.
For generations women in our family have rolled our eyes over feminist histrionics, because we already had substantial freedom and economic power. We weren’t stupid. We knew what leaving home and going to an office would cost us. We were the real feminists, because we recognized that women’s traditional contributions were infinitely valuable.
Ladies, now that public schools are hostile environments for students and teachers, and communities are increasingly dangerous and callous, it’s time to come home where you’re needed. It’s time to reclaim America, and it is women, more than any other population, who has the power to do it.
Don’t give the IRS any ideas! They may decide that women’s labor in the home is taxable.
The Lefties co-opt people’s legitimate anxieties and twist the truth in order to fan the flames of hatred – racial, gender, age, religion,etc.
The complaint that priests are always men is maligned into the false notion that women are held as inferior in the patriarchy”. However, the reason is because women are held to be spiritually superior, and are free from the same rigorous religious requirements as men!
Martial arts master, Yang Jwing Ming, explains in his video series: “Understanding Qigong” explains how in Taoism the female (yin) is considered superior to male (yang) in some respects. It is a fascinating lecture series and here’s a few points that I can recall:
1. Women do not need to meditate on their energy center and move the energy up their spine because they instinctively know their energy center, since they have a uterus, but men must work to become aware of their energy center.
2. Women are stronger internally than men because their system must support more than one life during pregnancy.
3. The sperm that carries the male chromosome glows in the dark and swims much faster and arrives at the egg sooner than the sperm with the female chromosome, which is fatter and slower. However, the male sperm can be exhausted after reaching the egg and fail to fertilize it, while the female sperm swims slower and has more energy stored as fat, and when it arrives at the egg has more energy to penetrate the egg. Slow and steady wins the race! This is an example of female wisdom.
4. Women invented Tai Chi martial arts because they must be more cunning than the stronger males and when males learn to cultivate this female energy they become very formidable.
Western religion places women on a pedestal whereas for thousands of years they were subjected to being kept like chattel, just like sharia law. Women should be extremely thankful but if they destroy western civilization they will rue the day.
God Almighty the Creator, Giver of Life is, I believe, is smiling at this.
it’s #TradLife
Started years ago
I noted that the hairstyle and the dress in the headline picture are from the 1940s, not the ’50s.
40’s might have included Rosie the Riveter. 50’s was the return of the female workforce needed during WWII to their traditional job of homemaker.
Great alternative to a closet full of expensive shoes & pantsuits, a milk crate full of cosmetics & costume jewelry, frozen dinners & take out food, piled up laundry, a dirty house, and monthly sex. Having the little gal wear just panities & a tank top while serving sandwiches, munchies, & beer during football games and 3 Stooges marathons is also a plus.
men’s lifestyle fantasy are “gross”
women’s lifestyle fantasies are “stunning & brave”
Any chance the Marxies’ll discover God along the way?
The article’s headline scared me; I though someone misspelled “Trannywife.” A return to traditional family roles is a very pleasant surprise.
Tradwife is hot
An interesting article but this is not news to those of us in the Nationalist 3P.
If you like the idea of “trad”, join us.
Sounds great. If women want to go back to the 50s, do it right and bring back some of the foundation garments of the period. While there was nothing “natural” about them, the bullet and cone bras of that time created a fantastic look. That is part of what made those summer dresses look so appealing.
I’m an expert at something finally!! I’m late sixties, married a man 8 years younger when I was 36. He wanted a stay at home wife, to take care of house and kids, and we have been going strong since then. I did have a job before him, and when our children were in grade school, I took a part time job working at their school, just to keep from getting bored, and be off during summer vaca etc. He never stopped me from working if I wanted by the way. But, he really loved coming home to a beautiful house, great hot homemade food, family vacations. He was 29 when we met. Rare for his age to see the value in traditional roles. I’m a strong women and stand up to him if need be, but we are in love still, and love to spend time together. He’s a good find, and wish it form my 28 year old daughter.
Perhaps there are so many freaks because we moved away from trad parents and trad families. That’s what scares them and what makes the freaks so miserable. It is very difficult to admit that you are wrong. I don’t envy them.
My former neighbor was a lovely, highly intelligent woman, a Ph.D., and Md. She envied me for being able to be home so much more than she was. I envied her qualifications and professional status, and it surprised me to hear her admit that she envied me! She was naturally very soft and feminine and eventually left the high pressure of Stanford researcher to take a job at a local hospital that allowed 30 hours a week with no emergencies. In her world, she was considered a “sell-out” for doing so.
Traditional is the way forward, as always, basics win. The nuclear family is not only the cornerstone of America but entirety of civilization. The other pillar of a ordered society is organized religion. Go to church on Sunday the family will thrive and order will be restored. The opposite of order is chaos and that is what currently rules the day.
When some fragments of society can’t (or claim to not) even know what their own sex is we are in deep trouble. The video clip of the so-called teacher is (besides being half drunk) is reveling in her assumed power to control children and their families. She should not be allowed in any classroom.
Organized religion teaching hedonistic values? That’s no solution.
Ummm, it was post-war America? What about it? it was great BECAUSE of mostly zero gov’t interference in our lives and business.
That is all.
I guess I’m a “tradeife” I Quit my real estate job the day I noticed I was frustrated and “yelling at” someone on the phone… with my newly born boy in his “backpack”… my husband goes to work every day I cook dinner once or twice a week.
Have not had a “job” since.
Thank God it’s Awesome. No way could I make costumes for 25 kids in the school play, or be on call if something happened at recess…
My boy will be 18 in a couple months .. Gets all A’s & Bs, invisible second year of the same job, AND has a GIRLfriend. So greatful.
Nice story, too bad no one will take it to heart.
Tradwife is not gonna motivate men to “put a ring on it” unless we go back to having a tradwife supportive culture; go back to trad divorce & trad “domestic violence” laws; and get rid of the gyno-centric family courts.
Some good points here. I would suggest that many aspects of ‘tradwife’ (aside from the nostalgia for the ’50s–the era of my childhood) basically mirror the path of human (including our psychological) evolution. Religions also have successfully reinforced these behaviors, providing cultural stability.
Humans are rather unique among mammals in their long term two parent reproductive strategies (birds are the only other large group) but it makes sense. In virtually all mammals, females are the primary caretakers of the young, however the long term development of human young over the course of years (rather than weeks or months) is a survival challenge. A human female with a number of young of different ages cannot effectively hunt or forage at the same time as caring for the young.
So a relatively simple mutation seems to have occurred. In almost all mammals, females only mate during times of fertility, which makes sense in those species. But by being sexually active at other times, female behavior laid the groundwork for a far more complex and durable long term bond. Males staying around full time provided food, protection and eventually emotional support for the young… All the parties benefited and this became a dominant aspect of human behavior.
Even someone who is not religious can see that the behaviors that built our species are being short-circuited in the name of modernity. That won’t end well.