Modern day corporate journalism is an exercise in perpetual manipulation. They pretend to deliver the news while doing everything they can to promote the agenda du jour. That’s not shocking, but every now and then they stretch the limits of propaganda and gaslighting that exposes their emotional connection to their narratives.
Fox News is arguably the biggest bad guy in American media. Unlike competitors like CNN and MSNBC, Fox News pretends to be right-leaning as they work on behalf of the UniParty Swamp. They’re the needle that taps the veins of conservatives who still watch them despite their clear allegiances. That makes Fox News more dangerous than their competitors who are blatantly leftist.
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The top story they were promoting on their website most of Friday morning would be laughable if it didn’t represent a harbinger of their future intentions. On the homepage, it read, “Christian leader’s endorsement could shatter White House dreams before caucus.” The article’s actual headline is, “Could evangelical leader’s endorsement upend Trump’s massive lead before Iowa’s caucus?”
Let’s be clear. There are two possibilities with the GOP primary race. Either the Deep State is successful in taking Donald Trump out of the race through lawfare or he wins the nomination by a landslide. It would take an act of God for any of the current or potential primary opponents to actually catch up to Trump; he’s currently beating Ron DeSantis in his home state by 41 points. Nikki Haley is “surging” as much as an also-ran can surge, but she’d have to consolidate everyone else’s supporters under her NeoCon umbrella in order to even come close to Trump. Let’s hope that never happens.
Fox News isn’t stupid. They are well aware of what’s happening which is why force-feeding their audience with this story at a time when there are exponentially more important news stories than the Iowa caucus is concerning. Remember, this was the headline story for hours. That means they wanted it to get more clicks than all the other below-headline stories combined.
The article itself doesn’t even make a strong case. Yes, Bob Vander Plaats, president and CEO of The Family Leader, said there’s still a chance for those participating in his Iowa event today. It’s his job to say that whether it’s true or not. Otherwise, he’s hosting a meaningless event. But the candidates participating only have a chance if Trump falls to lawfare. Those candidates are DeSantis, Haley, and Vivek Ramaswamy. Vander Plaats will then heavily promote the results of the event after the fact and will make his once-coveted endorsement in the weeks ahead.
I say “once-coveted” because he hasn’t endorsed a nominee for as long as I can remember. That’s not a knock against Vander Plaats who is a committed and patriotic man. It’s just that so much emphasis has been placed on Iowa despite the fact that the last time a non-incumbent winner of the Iowa caucus won the nomination was 2000. George W. Bush enjoyed about the same lead over his opponents back then that Trump enjoys today.
So why is Fox News pushing this garbage? In a vacuum I’d say it was just some editor or producer feeling fatigue about the news cycle, but this has been a recurring theme. Time and again they push false narratives and outright lies against Trump or in favor of their preferred candidate of the moment. That preference has been DeSantis, but Haley is getting more attention lately.
Considering the state of the race, most conservative outlets with a preference other than Trump are seeing the writing on the wall and shifting their editorial practices. I know this as editor of The Liberty Daily which gives me a bird’s eye view of the conservative media zeitgeist.
Fox News isn’t slowing down. They’re doubling down. That’s why I’m concerned. Those in media who cheer for one candidate or against another generally do so out of preference. That’s acceptable because it’s human nature. This seems to be far more personal for Fox News, which at a corporate level means there’s a danger perceived by the network or their bosses among the Globalist Elite Cabal.
If that’s the case, then Fox News is even more dangerous than I suspected. The longer Fox New and the globalists can make Republicans think someone other than Trump can win the nomination, the harder it will be for those Republicans to get onboard after the race is won.
To be clear, I do NOT begrudge any Republicans for not supporting Trump at this point. Americans can support whoever they want and I don’t consider it a threat at all for people to hold out or even never support him. Fox News is not a voter. They’re supposed to be a news outlet. The fact that they’re continuing to double down on their anti-Trump stance leads me to believe they will attempt to subvert him in 2024 just as they did in the final days of the 2020 election. It was more subtle back then, but it was clear that corporate Fox News wanted Joe Biden to win even if many of their show hosts did not. I believe they’ll do the same thing more aggressively this election which is why they’re still selling hopium before the primaries.
Trump is very far from perfect. My excitement level for his second term is lower than it should be because of his stances on the jabs, among other points of disagreement. But I’d prefer a known positive like Trump over a Deep-State-manufactured candidate. We’ve had far too many of those over the last six decades.
JD, what do you predict the reaction will be if lawfare takes Trump out of the race?
If you’ll stand for that then you’ll kneel for THIS!
I don’t watch the Fox channel; killed that part of my satellite package right after the 2020 election, but I have seen this very clearly on their news site. They do everything they can to pump up the smallest news burp on one of the also-rans for hours at a time. It’s so easy to see. And the folks they’re screwing over the most are the donors. The donors turn to Fox and read articles like the one you highlighted and become confused…either as nevertrumpers with hope and money to waste or as Trump supporters trying to read the tea leaves.
Man oh man everybody in this nation appears to be in a state of chronic SELF–DENIAL?!?!
Preisdent Trump signed the CISA Act of 2018 —— one assumes he had no idea of what he was signing, but that sealed the deal on the election fraud of 2020, 2022, 2023, et cetera and so on!!!
Centralizing election fraud control under CISA — — whose Advisory Board consists of communists, WEFers, Obama appointees and former TWITTER censors . . . . NOT a good idea!
PUBLIC LAW 115–278—NOV. 16, 2018
With the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency Act of 2018, CISA’s footprint grew to include roles in securing elections and the census, managing National Special Security Events, and . . .
Thank you, Star Gladiator. I’m so happy that someone else gets is (including your earlier comment). Here is one thing you may want to add when you mention CISA:
See page 4, which describes how Trump’s signing of CISA built on the crimes of prior administrations. The document as a whole shows that 2020 was a hand-off, not a steal, as I’ve been saying for 3 years even though I only found this document a few months ago.
Please come to ZeroHedge if you’re not already on there (I post as BlackPilledAF). I have a lot more CISA documentation, as well as other objective documentation of how Trump did exactly the opposite of his talking points throughout his presidency. I’m working on organizing all of it, with CISA being the priority because it’s the most conclusive. Since Trump signed CISA into law in a stand-alone bill with zero political pressure, none of the standard excuses apply. That makes it very clear who Trump actually served (I should say WHO he served – LOL) and it sure as hell wasn’t us!
What people still don’t realize is that the ‘alt’ conservative media is just as compromised as the MSM, they just use a different strategy. They use truth, then misdirect people to the enemy as the solution. Classic controlled opposition all the way. Absolutely sickening. In addition, there’s a huge shill team promoting Trump and giving the appearance that his base in intact. The NY Post did a story on that a while back.
The bottom line is that We The People are on our own and my goal is to wake people up to the fact. The reason is that the Presidency is OWNED and the Fed Govt operates from the WH down. There is no rogue FBI. Jan 6 was a Trump operation. The scamdemic was run by Trump, not Fauci. Everything operates from the WH down. The media (including alt media) exists primarily to prevent people from realizing that.
Chris Merkling, sorry but you couldn’t be possibly be more lost. You’re a perfect product of the media. You are exactly where they want you – clueless! Also, Covid was a scam from start to finish. The media and Trump worked hand in hand in administering it. It was Trump’s CISA that allowed the videos from China of people dropping dead in the streets (obviously completely faked!) while removing all posts related to the dangers of the vax. His creation of CISA was prep for the scamdemic and the scamdemic couldn’t have happened without the mass censorship.
Thanks for the link —– am unsure whether Trump is unwitting or aware controlled opposition, but either way part of the political theater landscape to divert attention away from other activities.
I, along with hundreds or over a thousand anticommunist commenters, was banned from Zerohedge several years back when they changed ownership (believe the Murdochs now own thwm through the NYP)! I used to consider ZeroHedge to be the last bastion of free speech, but doubtful now (I mentioned that New Eastern Observer was owned by the Russian gov’t after they posted a pro–CCP article and was immediately ZAPPED with my comment deleted?!)!
Thanks for your comments, Good Citizen!
I was probably still a lurker when ZH cleaned house. It’s definitely not the same but still as close to free speech as I can find. Very sad that we now have China-tier internet in a nation founded on freedom.
Star, I also believe 2018 was a hand-off to give Trump the appearance of being stone walled. Keep that in mind when you read the CISA strategy document.
FINALLY releasing the J6 tapes — — outstanding!!!!
“There is a concerted effort underway to blame Trump for lockdowns, vaccines, election losses and anything else that the Swamp can put on him.
Don’t fall for it.”
The plan was to drag the lockdowns on for a very long time. #Birx admitted in her book that #TwoWeeksToFlattenTheCurve was a starting point. #Trump called their bluff setting in motion #PPE, #ventilators, #HospitalShips (not used,) everything they said they wanted!
“I feel like this needs to be addressed often because a lot of people don’t seem to understand it…Trump DID save millions of lives by forcing the pharmaceutical industry to push out their vaccines quicker than [they] planned so that there would be no economic collapse or Great Reset.
That’s what they wanted..a complete society collapse which would have resulted in worldwide destruction.
Trump came in at the absolute red line…at the precipice and pushed back against their 16 year plan to destroy Amercia and freedom worldwide.
Now the establishment is attempting to blame Trump in order to replace him with a rhino when he was the one who pushed the world away from catastrophe.
I refuse to accept their narrative.” ChiefNerd
Listen to what he said: “No mandates. I got something through that saved alot of lives in 9 months vs 5 years!” This is a CLUE!
The plan if Hillary was in charge was to lock us up for many, many years until the vaccine was perfected vs EUA, then would have been mandated for certain.”
Operation Warpspeed was NOT just about vaccines. Trump called their bluff by setting about procuring whatever they said they needed, tests, masks, ventilators, even hospital ships, that weren’t used, BTW. He solved problems that were being used as reasons to stay locked up..Remember, Pence was in charge and recruited Birx that admitted the 2 week lockdown was just a “starting point.” He also refused to fire her. Dr Paul Alexander, placed by Trump, said it was a military operation and was told over and over again that he was told the point was to get rid of Trump. If he raised a concern, staff would run to Fauci who would get ahead of it on MSM. He also brought in Dr.Scott Atlas who questioned the shocking lack of critical thinking about the science … a reckless abuse of public health and a moral failure in what should be expected from public health leaders. Peter Navarro had purchased millions of doses of HCQ but then were not allowed to use them. And, Eric Topol, MD, led a personal campaign to make sure the administration could not rush a covid-19 vaccine through regulatory authorization before Election Day on November 3 as he knew this would help Trump. Remember, people were wanting the vaccine so that they could start their lives again. Trump left clues to alternative treatment…Some chose to bash those who tried to share the message. The light therapy and disinfectant theory that he wondered out loud about, were scoffed at, although viable tx options. He never said bleach. He was not in a position to deny the very thing people were clamoring for and as someone mentioned here, the Stafford Act would not have allowed him to, nor was he in a position to ignore medical advice.
You are even dumber and more incompetent than your lust object, Trump, who was sooo easily played and played and played by Deep State, clownboy!
DEI, communist political minder systems, implemented under Trump Administration by MARK ESPER, globalist and same graduating West Point class as his BFF, Pompeo, who took ZERO action against the Russiagate Hoax op as CIA director, instead (Bilderberger) Pompeo concerned himself with taking out Wikileaks’ Julian Assange, who was actually helping Trump on the “DNC phony hack” stuff!
WEF, through their partner firm, Accenture, recruited and hired US Border Patrol agents for first two years of Trump Administration!
Funding from NIH and NSF to transgender children increased under Trump Administration!
Trump signed the CISA Act of 2018 — — learn to read then READ IT!!!
Trump, like Obama, refused to pardon the great patriot, ABRAHAM BOLDEN, which would have blown up the false narratives on the Coup of ’63, the JFK assassination (Manchurian Joe later pardoned him in a dishonorable fashion, claiming he was a “rehabilitated criminal”!!!)
“Trump DID save millions of lives by forcing the pharmaceutical industry to push out their vaccines quicker than [they] planned so that there would be no economic collapse or Great Reset.”
So you disinfo trolls still promoting the death jab, the SPIKEVAX —- wrong site to be doing that drivel, bubba!!!
Yes, Trump is far superior to Manchurian Joe TransBiden, but so is my dog . . .
Yes, Fox called AZ to prepare Trump supporters who they knew would be watching Fox cuz they knew what was coming. Jesse was trashing Biden in SF to guest Bret Baier who seemed very uncomfortable w the conversation. I used to watch Fox 24/7 but can hardly stand it anymore–no enlightened analysis, just regurgitation of tweets from 5 hours earlier. The outrage over the McCarthy election in January, even by Harris Faulkner, was the last straw. Think 5 steps ahead, please. How they couldn’t understand what Gaetz et al were trying to do, the very thing they professed to believe for years just shocked me.
I really take exception to the comment about Trump and the vaccine. Think it through. In addition to the other comments I’ve made here per your invitation, he was lied to as well as we all were..he fought to have other measures like hydroxychloriquine and ivermectin but was shut down by Fauci and Birx, the so called experts.
They tried to discredit #DrPaulAlexander when he was trying to help save the country. They even told him that their goal was to make #Trump look bad, even if people died, they won. Stop buying the bs. #Plandemic
Listen to this interview.
Peter #Navarro confirms this. “Fauci and Pfizer failed to disclose the vaccine’s side effects to Trump, leading him to believe it was a conventional vaccine rather than one based on mRNA technology.”
Trump knew the vaccine was:
“It was the path to the least deaths.
If you know the future you know at what place you put the traps.”
Assuming you aren’t a PHARMA plant — and given all your circumlocutions and parsing that’s a mighty big assumption — if at this late date Trump is still UNSURE or uncertain about FBI Director Christopher Wray (the rest of us know him to be a WEF demon) and still pushing the SPIKEVAX, then he’s either too dumb to locate his own genitals or controlled opposition!
It is Disgusting and Disgraceful. Every single one needs to be in Jail for TREASON!! AGAINST HUMANITY AND MURDER!!!!
If Democrats succeed in getting Trump off the ballot by my way of lawfare we lose in 2024. Trump’s supporters will rightly feel that the system is corrupt and stay home no matter who runs.
But barring that Trump will be the nominee. There is NO chance that he will lose the primaries. All the GOP never Trumpers are doing is making Trump weaker in the general – and these people aren’t dumb, they know that no one has a chance but Trump.
But they don’t care if he is weakened – these spiteful RINOs like Paul Ryan would rather see Biden in office than Trump. They despise the GOP rank and file- power is their only concern and many are supported by Soros money.
In short they hate Trump so much they prefer Biden – Trump threatens them that much.
These are not people that any Republican should support. I would urge Republicans to stop being misled by the fantasy of some other candidate – some of them like Christie and others are actually funded by Democrats – who seem to have unlimited amounts of cash from Soros and others. (Another thing to be beware of – Democrat money in GOP politics). Many of the votes they will get are Democrats temporarily changing parties for the primary.
I have issues with Trump – but he is the only one who could have stood up to the left and things were going pretty well under his Administration. Hopefully he will remedy the mistakes made in the second administration.
Biden is an utter disaster and that the RINO billionaire anti Trumpers prefer Biden over Trump is mind boggling. But the primaries are an illusion – these jokers will only hurt us at election time and I say that with all due respect to DeSantis who is the only one with any scruples and who is trustworthy. The rest are worthless RINOS.
Fox is dangerous indeed –
The Right side of The Swamp is showing its colors by pushing Nikki Haley on us. This is just like the McCain/Palin pairing and then the Romney nomination. Nobody but the political powers on the Right wanted these buffoons then or Nikki Haley now but that’s what they insist on giving us. Don’t accept it and stop watching Fox today no matter how much you love their on-air personalities. The Swamp is a uni-party that swaps sides every 4-8 years. They’re happy with the setup but don’t let them succeed, we have to stop it.
The author is absolutely correct in his claim that FOX News is dangerous. There is an impeccable argument one could make to support his (silly-sounding but 100% accurate )assessment of that news organization: FOX is a Trojan Horse movement. As he points out, it pretends to be patriotic, conservative, fair, balanced, but truthful, yet in a not-so-thinly-veiled fashion promotes ideas that are anything BUT. An enemy inside the gates is always more dangerous than any external foe. FOX looks and talks like us, so we tend to let our guards down and swallow everything presented on that cable outlet as Gospel Truth. FOX couldn’t, wouldn’t lie to us or play us! Heaven forbid! Yet it does. It pushes candidates who will likely lose, or if they win, will do nothing to save the US.
If anything, Rucker UNDERstated the case – the truth is something closer to FOX is currently an existential threat to our country’s survival. “Controlled opposition” is indeed an accurate assessment of this New & Improved FOX News. There is little sadder or more tragic than watching yet another conservative voice go down the tubes and begin controlled the other side. God alone could save America at this point.
Rucker’s job is to point you away from the source of the problem. Here he is doing it again with J6.