The Great Santini is a compelling cinematic character sketch of Bull Meechum, a fictional American fighter jet pilot during peacetime: a warrior without a war and therefore a misfit in...
Read moreDetailsThe mainstream media has noticeably ramped up the fear-mongering once again. Apparently, the new COVID variant is so scary, that it can “infect you every month.” “Even having had...
Read moreDetailsSTORY AT-A-GLANCE Food, energy and economic crises are being fabricated according to a predetermined plan, just as the COVID pandemic plan was foretold during Event 201. In a recent...
Read moreDetailsFewer Americans are purchasing homes and the ones who are buying are acquiring more affordable homes as consumers are greatly affected by the worsening inflation. Mortgage demand fell last week compared with...
Read moreDetailsThe real pandemic the world is experiencing is the skyrocketing cases of preventable diseases literally caused and exacerbated by spike protein injections, also known as COVID-19 “vaccines.” Research conducted...
Read moreDetailsIf you put a crab inside a bucket, it will crawl out. However, if you put multiple crabs in a bucket, they will all stay inside the bucket. If...
Read moreDetailsThe next batch of Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines developed by Big Pharma companies will be perfectly designed to drive “immune imprinting,” leading to more sicknesses and deaths of people who take...
Read moreDetailsEditor's Note: There are multiple risks associated with a societal collapse that are centered on potable water. Access to this precious resource may be limited, which is why we strongly...
Read moreDetailsPerhaps one of the more astute observers of Russian foreign policy in recent decades has been John Mearsheimer at the University of Chicago. He has spent years warning against...
Read moreDetailsSTORY AT-A-GLANCE David Martin, Ph.D., presents evidence that COVID-19 injections are not vaccines, but bioweapons that are being used as a form of genocide across the global population The...
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