During a televised, prime-time speech Thursday night, Joe Biden declared war on “MAGA Republicans.” He didn’t use the word “war,” but his rhetoric was the most divisive we have ever heard from a U.S. President. He didn’t go after his political opponents as his predecessors often did. Instead, he went after the people who support his biggest political opponent and by doing so declared a de facto civil war.
That’s not hyperbole. Responses from both the left and right have been as one would expect from such a speech. The left, hungry for some semblance of a rallying cry or perceived victory after over a year-and-a-half of massive political failures, viewed this speech as the rallying cry to go after America First patriots. The right, which received the full force of direct insults from our supposed Commander-in-Chief, has been reloaded with righteous indignation. We were attacked and we’re preparing for the attacks to get worse now.
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This could be the beginning of the end for the United States of America. That is not hyperbole, either. The globalist elites clearly instructed the White House to unleash dispensable Joe Biden, putting words on a teleprompter that could spark the implosion they desperately want. His handlers were instructed to juice him up, make him sound angry, and give him enough stimulants to keep his energy high throughout.
Their purpose is to begin the controlled demolition of this nation. They are trying to either spark violence from the political right or, more likely, to set the stage for near-future false flag attacks that will be blamed on “MAGA Republicans.” This is the most dangerous example of a Hegelian Dialectic that we’ve ever witnessed in this nation.
We have two choices: Watch it all unfold or launch a revolution. It really comes down to whether there will be a civil war or a revolutionary war, and yes, they are very different. The powers-that-be want civil war. That would pit brother versus brother, left versus right. A revolutionary war would pit the people against a tyrannical government. We want to see the latter but we much prepare for the former.
On today’s episode of The JD Rucker Show, I dove into this topic and defined the difference between the two possible futures for America. Before I get into that in more detail, let’s go through some responses on Twitter by rightly upset America First patriots:
Jesse Kelly: Really doesn’t matter if you can or can’t see it, but this is how every communist dictator in history has talked. Verbatim.
Kari Lake: “We are the UNITED States of America.” Says the most DIVISIVE leader in American history.
"We are the UNITED States of America."
Says the most DIVISIVE leader in American history.
— Kari Lake (@KariLake) September 2, 2022
Catturd: Joe Biden’s Satanic speech tonight is the biggest backfire I’ve ever seen.
Joe Biden’s Satanic speech tonight is the biggest backfire I’ve ever seen.#PedoHitler
— Catturd ™ (@catturd2) September 2, 2022
Trish Regan: Biden effectively issued a declaration of WAR against HALF THE COUNTRY tonight. His inflammatory rhetoric was deliberate. He hopes to INCREASE division ahead of elections. It’s disgusting, it’s manipulative…AND it’s dangerous.
Biden effectively issued a declaration of WAR against HALF THE COUNTRY tonight.
His inflammatory rhetoric was deliberate. He hopes to INCREASE division ahead of elections.
It's disgusting, it's manipulative…AND it's dangerous.
— Trish Regan (@trish_regan) September 2, 2022
Richard Grenell: Joe Biden controls the House, the Senate and the White House (Big tech, the legacy media, the NGOs, the universities and Hollywood) but blames MAGA Republicans for his problems.
Jenna Ellis: This speech tonight is grounds for impeachment.
This speech tonight is grounds for impeachment.
— Jenna Ellis (@JennaEllisEsq) September 2, 2022
Benny Johnson: Joe Biden called half the country cancer tonight. Treated them like sewer rats. Less than people – “Traitors.” Why? Because they don’t support his political party. Joe did this by yelling like a madman in front of a blood-red militant background. Joe Biden is a fascist.
Joe Biden called half the country cancer tonight. Treated them like sewer rats. Less than people – "Traitors." Why? Because they don't support his political party.
Joe did this by yelling like a madman in front of a blood-red militant background.
Joe Biden is a fascist.
— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) September 2, 2022
Lauren Boebert: Never before has a President shown such hatred for his fellow Americans.
Never before has a President shown such hatred for his fellow Americans.
— Lauren Boebert (@laurenboebert) September 2, 2022
Lavern Spicer: Can we get a copy of Biden’s speech in the original German?
Christina Pushaw: We are in the American version of the late Brezhnev era. “Led” by a doddering, paranoid, angry fool with aspirations to be a dictator and a sprawling unaccountable bureaucracy all too willing to prop him up.
We are in the American version of the late Brezhnev era. “Led” by a doddering, paranoid, angry fool with aspirations to be a dictator and a sprawling unaccountable bureaucracy all too willing to prop him up.
— Christina Pushaw
(@ChristinaPushaw) September 2, 2022
Liz Wheeler: This is the most divisive, evil speech I’ve ever heard from a POTUS. Does Biden think Republicans will suddenly becomes leftists… because Biden calls them racist, bigots & terrorists? Do you have any idea what it feels like to be falsely accused? This is a wild miscalculation.
This is the most divisive, evil speech I've ever heard from a POTUS. Does Biden think Republicans will suddenly becomes leftists… because Biden calls them racist, bigots & terrorists? Do you have any idea what it feels like to be falsely accused? This is a wild miscalculation.
— Liz Wheeler (@Liz_Wheeler) September 2, 2022
Ted Cruz: Tonight, Joe Biden vilified millions of Americans in a divisive & angry speech that was detached from the reality of his political failures. He isn’t actually interested in restoring the soul of the nation, he’s only interested pitting his fellow Americans against one another.
Tonight, Joe Biden vilified millions of Americans in a divisive & angry speech that was detached from the reality of his political failures.
He isn’t actually interested in restoring the soul of the nation, he’s only interested pitting his fellow Americans against one another. pic.twitter.com/6YfYAKiph9
— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) September 2, 2022
Brandon Straka: This is like watching Hitler speak.
This is like watching Hitler speak.
— Brandon Straka (@BrandonStraka) September 2, 2022
Allie Beth Stuckey: CNN edited the red to hot pink, but I guarantee there will be pieces tomorrow about how conservatives photoshopped the pink to look red.
CNN edited the red to hot pink, but I guarantee there will be pieces tomorrow about how conservatives photoshopped the pink to look red. https://t.co/NybXKpSn3v
— Allie Beth Stuckey (@conservmillen) September 2, 2022
Civil War or Revolution?
As I’ve said on multiple shows recently, civil war is exactly what the globalist elites want. They need America to be weakened or destroyed in order to realize their goals of fully ushering in The Great Reset across the globe, and they don’t care whether we’re around to be a part in it or not. They just want us out of the way.
Civil war is the easiest way to achieve this. As I’ve said in the recent past, we must avoid civil war at all costs but we cannot dismiss it as a possibility. As smart people of the past have said, “Hope for the best but prepare for the worst.”
In the ideal scenario for the globalist elites, some America First patriots commit acts of domestic terrorism in response to the Mar-a-Lago raid, a future arrest of Donald Trump, or even this divisive speech by Joe Biden. We must not take the bait. Unfortunately, the powers-that-be have rigged the game and will likely initiate a false flag attack to blame on “MAGA Republicans.”
This is why Biden’s speech was so important to them. They NEEDED this speech to set the stage for whatever is next. Now, they have the seeds planted to suspend disbelief. A good chunk of Americans are sheep being led to the slaughter, so they’ll buy the narrative that “MAGA Republicans” are to be blamed. They’ll suspend disbelief and move forward against us. This is why we need to act quickly.
It’s time for a revolution. We have to start acting like our own government is out to get us because they are. It would be impossible for us to win an actual kinetic war against the massive forces arrayed against us which is why our only recourse outside of prayer is to get as actively involved in the information war as possible. We need to spread the word and convince people, left or right, that now is the time to do what most consider to be impossible: Stand against our own powerful government.
It can only be done by the masses. Small pockets of resistance will not lead to a proper revolution. People often get scared by the very word “revolution,” just as they did when a tiny minority of patriots wanted to fight back against the British ahead of the American Revolution. But at this point we have no other choice. They’re going to keep coming after us. They’re going to make things worse and worse until we push back and say enough.
Thankfully, this revolution does not need to be kinetic. We fight through civil disobedience, lawsuits, protests, and ringing the alarm bells as loudly as possible. Everyone must be made to understand that the Biden-Harris regime is not on the side of the American people. Those we reach do not have to be MAGA-hat-wearing Trump supporters, though they’ll obviously be the easiest to convince. Everyone must be talked to and an effort must be made to convince them that the federal government is out to control every American citizen. Those who are compliant with or even giddy about being told what to do by federal tyrants will not be safe. They’ll just be fed to the lions last.
This message is not an easy one to deliver, but we must try. The alternative is to head for the hills, and while that might not be a terrible idea I cannot willingly abandon the masses without trying to preserve the foundation of this nation. It may be futile, but we owe it to those who sacrificed before us to try to keep this nation from imploding.
If the globalists get their way, we’re all doomed. They’ve backed us into a corner. We can either lay down and hope someone does something, or we can do something about it ourselves.
So your advice is more words right..??
Let me ask you this what happens when everyone realizes the whole game is rigged including elections..? When they steal the midterms(i pray everyday that i’m wrong) and we realize we can’t vote our way out of this what then..?? Seriously what then..?
It would be impossible for us to win an actual kinetic war against the massive forces arrayed against us
Totally disagree.. I doubt the military would help the nazi democrats and i highly doubt they start dropping bombs.. I’ve heard estimates as high as a billion but most say there are 4-500 million guns in America mostly owned by us.. I’m sorry to say this but eventually violence and serious civil unrest may be the only answer or we just give up..
Biden is dotardtator, mentally unfit for the job.
Revolution? Maybe, maybe not.
Revulsion, certainly.The man displays a Middle School girlish meanness, a slapfight level at that.
You’re correct, he didn’t write that speech, he just delivered it. The globalist’s in his administration wrote it, and they’re sending us a clear message, we either conform or we’re dead. We still have to endure over 2 years of this BULLS HIT, and please don’t tell me when the REPUBLICAN’s retake the house things will change, anybody who believes that is a FOOL.
The time for dealing with these people by using talk and civility has long past, there’s no time left for my generation to try to talk or vote our way out of this. I agree with you that we need to preserve the foundations of this country, where we disagree is the how.
Probably won’t spark a civil war but it sure made him look like an ass.
Anyone who ever read the Third Reich or has seen old news clips of Hitler will recognize what this is. He should be put in a mental institution, first, and all of his puppeteers arrested.
“It would be impossible for us to win an actual kinetic war against the massive forces arrayed against us”
Tell that too the V.C. or the Taliban or al Qaeda, all of these beat our so called war machine into submission using asymmetrical warfare.
I swore I heard him utter “those november criminals”…… just like his idol adolph Hitler did. We have a dangerous , divisive senile puppet being manipulated by criminals in the shadows. It is plain to see now.
no civil war is coming. perhaps some civil arrest but that won’t last or take hold. the reason is two fold:
1…the warriors are on the left not the right. they have william wallace x10,000,000 while we have linsay graham.
2…a certain percentage of the gop (95%+?) are bs artists bought off by globalists and fully in on the con.
protect your assets and never ever commingle those assets with a leftist/marxist/feminist/donk anti-maga.
good hunting and tally ho.
Thankfully, this revolution does not need to be kinetic. We fight through civil disobedience, lawsuits, protests, and ringing the alarm bells as loudly as possible.
I’ll take exactly one, just one example in our 10,000 year history where this was successful against a despotic government.
Violence never solves anything… except delaying the Persians at Thermopylae, defeating The British king in the Americas, the Democrats slavers, the Kizer, the Communists, the nazis…..
We’re not sure, but we believe it is one or the other, Biden or his handlers who are so flippin stupid they don’t realize that the more they try and lock us down the more we’ll revolt. And then, AND THEN those POS blame us for being revolting insurrectionist. Perfect, just perfect. (sarcasm)
This is almost too good to be true. They are pushing for a civil war so that when we give them what they want, they’ll be able to lock down the whole country, blaming conservatives. These people are diabolically sick, so lets give them what they want.
We forewarn law enforcement that they should be very careful which side of the line they plan on standing on. If you want to be front line Cannon Fodder then side with the state. If you want to live, then we would expect that you will side with conservatives against the tyranny Biden and his handlers are pushing upon America. Which will it be boys ???
Police are public enemy #1. They protect the interests of the state and the parasite political class that puts the police jackboot on our necks. Police protect their buddies and bosses from justice and punishment for the crimes they commit daily. They are all above the law and police make sure of it.
Conservatives blindly support state henchmen because Burn Loot Murder and Klantifa hate police, conservatives are easy to manipulate. Real Americans don’t blindly support a police state, 3rd world peasants do.
“Police” are hired by politicians. “Sheriffs” are elected and hire their own deputies. Sheriff’s and their deputies are Constitutional officers, not political hired guns. There have been exceptions, of course.
As we get closer and closer to what everyone believes is ultimately unavoidable kinetic conflict, I’d like to think that on top of the vast amount of private gun ownership, that there’s another factor also in play: loyal patriots will fight harder, longer and will sacrifice more for the country they love than traitors for a country they hate. When the left’s supporters experience permanent consequences and begin paying a real price for their ideology (which they have NEVER had to do), I doubt they’ll long have the stomach for any direct conflict.
biden, or rather his handlers, are trying to provoke a civil war. If they can, they will cause a confrontation that will result in violence so they can further vilify true conservatives. If that fails, they will simply conjure up a false flag event. biden laid the foundation for both. Above all, we must not fall into their trap. Avoid conflict if at all possible. Continue mobilizing for the upcoming elections, especially poll watchers. But most of all PRAY. There is a God in heaven that hears prayers and intervenes in the affairs of men. II Chronicles 7:14
Deep down it has nothing to do with “MAGA Republicans,” Trump, or anybody else. Progressive democrats, like stalins, maos, hitlers, and all other progressive authoritarian regimes that came before, are ultimately warring against God and His Word. They just don’t have the guts to let their real target be known. The more it becomes clear that they have taken up a fight they cannot win, the more despotic they become.
As for me, I’m about like Peter sleeping in the jail. The more they attack, the more I’m at peace. The more driven I am to stand on the solid rock of God’s Word. I shall not be moved. For me to live is Christ, to die is gain.
I am reminded, how the early church was persecuted. Targeted, many put to death, Rome did all it could to try to stamp out and destroy the threat of Christians. But the gates of Hell could not prevail. In little over 200 years, the Emperor of Rome himself became a Christian. And it has been that way for 2000 years.
We don’t have to do anything but stand. As long as we live and breathe, they lose.
As it relates to undoing progress, progressive democrats are unmatched. They are trying to undo 2000 years of progress. They are MARGA Democrats – make ancient rome great again.
Their “Great Reset” was supposed to be over by now. Trump set it back four years and they hate him for it. They also hate over half of the American people. Make no mistake, they want anyone opposed to them incarcerated or dead.
They continue to indoctrinate children.
They’ve rounded up, incarcerated, tortured and are holding political prisoners indefinitely without due process.
They’ve destroyed over a hundred food processing and distribution plants.
They’ve destroyed the poultry and cattle industries.
They’ve conducted dozens of midnight raids on political opponents.
They’ve damaged national security by decimating the military and opening the borders.
We already know they’re willing to murderl (man-made viruses, killer vaccines, infanticide).
They’ve stockpiled ammo and weapons and armed employees in just about every government agency. Add to that their “civilian army” of street thugs (BLM, Anitfa).
They’re dedicated to disarming people.
They’ve made it clear that they mean business. Voting isn’t going to stop them (it’s a uniparty anyway). Look for the false flag.
When you can’t feed your kids, keep your family warm this winter, find gas for your vehicles, and the elderly start dying off due to famine and lack of medical care, you’ll know what to do.
Yes, the “great reset” was supposed to have been completed by the planned and promised in 2008 after Obama cover president of Hillary Clinton………….
During the Obama/Biden years, Obama declared that We are no longer a Christian nation, ordered 1.6 BILLION hollow points and wanted to build the finest civilian police force. One must consider that the Biden/Obama regime may be proceeding with a plan to deal with dissent.
Yes, Obama was installed to destroy America from within, and he got re-installed for another 4 years to continue the job. The only glitch in the evil plan was Donald Trump defeating the planned and promised in 2008 after Obama cover president, Hillary Clinton. A stolen election took care of Trump, and now the completion of the takeover of America by her enemies is being solidified…..with Obama himself still involved in pulling the strings of Biden and his regime……….
Would be nice if the “author” of this “article” would learn what “revolution” means.
Here’s a hint for all of you poorly educated victims of Jewpaganda schooling.
During the “American revolutionary war”, the KING OF ENGLAND WAS THE REVOLUTIONARY PARTY.
Learn what words mean. Then you can actually use them.
Hopefully it will inspire a revolution amongst any moderate democrats that are left to vote for the most popular GOP candidate on their upcoming ballots in Nov.
this writer gets the root of the problem. his prescription for solving it is unlikely to succeed. I dont recall any historical examples anyone talking or voting their way out of an ongoing marxist/fascist revolution. once the doors have been thrown open, fanatics only use rules and the laws as weapons against their victims, not to follow themselves
When nothing was done to stop The Obama Fraud in 2009 when Barack Hussein Obama was sworn-in as America’s putative president, America’s government and her military were given to her enemies. They are now on the verge of taking full possession of America”s government, her military and her media.
Both political parties allowed this to happen and became complicit in The Obama Fraud. This means both parties must protect what they created or be charged with treason. Of course they choose to protect themselves…..
There hasn’t been a “country” called the “united states of America” since 1913.
Correct. When the US lawgivers decided they had the right, to stick their hands into our pockets to fuel their ambitions (Legislative branch) and the SCOTUS didn’t bitch slap them down (Judicial branch), and the POTUS singed that theft into law (Executive branch), They started the USA on the road to the second Revolutionary war.
The absolute best response:
Lavern Spicer: Can we get a copy of Biden’s speech in the original German?
It’s only the best response if you’re uneducated.
The Tree of Liberty will have to be refreshed soon. The road to this was laid in 1913 with the income tax law, when all branches of the US government decided they could begin stealing from the pockets of working people to fuel their own ambitions and wealth.
However, Patriots will not fire any opening volleys of what is coming. The catalyst for what is coming is bigger than Pedo-Hitler. This is going to start when people are freezing in their homes and/or watching their little children cry with starvation. It is said, that a person will commit violence after missing three meals. I think better of humanity than that.. However,,,, missing three days of eating with no relief in sight? Now there is a real incentive for people who have not prepared to come try to kill me for what I might or might not have.. I will stop them. There the shooting war that will see have the world perish begins. The Tree of Liberty is very thirsty.
The “tree of liberty” always reminds me of the USS Liberty.
1913 was a very good year for the Jews, btw. They got their central bank which allowed them to goad the US into WW1, so the Jews could do their blood sacrifice to Lucifer for the formation of the anti-Israel thanks to the Balfour declaration.
I’m thinking revolution. Even democrats are sick of that demented satanic clown.
Revolution is what THEY ALREADY DID.
The root of “revolution” is “REVOLT”. As in, what they are doing is REVOLTING. The King of England was the REVOLUTIONARY PARTY.
This declaration that we are two very different peoples inside one set of borders will not in and of itself trigger a civil war. Especially in view of the fact that Biden backed off today and now claims that he does not view any American as a threat. This is protective coloration. He is seeking deniability for when government forces and their auxiliaries commit false flag attacks to either allow the forces of the State to begin the purge they lust after, or to trigger patriots to try to defend the country. A long, long time I rather unartfully came up with an acronym in the heat of an online discussion that achieved some permanence. I probably could have done better, but it is still around. It is “TWANLOC”. I submit that y’all may want to look it up to understand our situation.
It is the actions of those in power that will trigger any kinetic unpleasantness that happens. I fear two things that would make it unavoidable. The first is attempts to kill patriot leaders at all levels. The second is a cancellation or blatant theft of the elections. Either would make the division immediate and irreconcilable.
Then there is the second order of possible bad consequences if there are elections and if the Republicans take control of Congress. In that case, if the Republicans [as I more than 50% expect] refuse to oppose the Left and continue with their collaboration OR if the Left just ignores Congress and functionally rules by decree; peoples’ patience will be about gone. Last nights Nuremberg Rally used up a lot of what was left before last night.
In Japan, for centuries they were ruled by what were dictators with the title of Shogun who had seized power from the Japanese emperors. In 1868 a member of the Imperial line named Meiji defeated the last Shogun and restored Imperial rule. He issued a statement called a Rescript announcing he was in charge. Despite his being an ambulatory anal orifice, I have always remembered a line from it.
“Be Thou then Truly resolved. Duty is as heavy as a Mountain, and Death is as light as a Feather.”
There is another line from renowned writer Robert A. Heinlein: “Waiting is.”
Subotai Bahadur