It’s been a while since we’ve posted a story about a famous person testing positive for Covid-19 because Pandemic Panic Theater took a brief hiatus. But as they ramp up their “Election Variant” fearmongering and gaslighting ahead of 2024, we can expect a steady flow of stories popping up to drive their narrative.
The short straw was picked by First Lady Jill Biden this time. It’s her second Covid infection despite being “protected” by two jabs and two boosters. Biden’s 72-year-old wife, whose symptoms were described as mild, last had Covid in August of last year.
“This evening, the First Lady tested positive for COVID-19,” her communications director, Elizabeth Alexander, said in a statement. “She will remain at their home in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware.”
And…. Here it comes.
Why is anyone testing or caring about this anymore??
— Jenna Ellis (@JennaEllisEsq) September 5, 2023
This tells us they’re deploying the latest scariant of Covid-19 for mass infection. Expect every few days for someone “newsworthy” to test positive in their efforts to normalize concern. But it won’t be the usual suspects like the CDC or corporate media who will truly be driving the narrative. It will be their useful idiots living and working among us who are their best tools.
Fear of Covid-19 seems to be an inherent quality. In other words, most who still feared it as late as 2022 will embrace the coming surge as a reason to reengage with their fears. They may not consciously like it, but unconsciously they are drawn to it like moths to a flame.
It’s fair to say that most Americans were concerned in the early days of 2020, especially with published lies about its potential fatality rate. But once more people were infected and the mostly healthy recovered quickly, concerns subsided in some. Fast forward through 2021 and into 2022 and a strong majority of Americans no longer feared the disease.
To subvert this lack of fear, we’re seeing Pandemic Panic Theater 2.0. My astute readers might believe it won’t work, that neither they nor most Americans will fall for it this time. I would argue two points. First, never underestimate your neighbor’s addiction to fear. Second and more importantly, the powers-that-be don’t need a majority to be fearful. They don’t even need a plurality. They simply need enough scared people to falsely justify the need for more lockdowns. If that’s just 5% of the population — and it will be more than that — then they will have the anecdotal terror necessary to pretend like lockdowns are necessary.
Today, we’re hearing a lot of people claiming they will not comply. I am hopeful that this is true and a huge chunk of America will stick to their guns on this one. If most roll over and allow themselves to be chastised into compliance, then I’m not being an alarmist when I say our nation will be lost.
I was not allowed in an urgent care clinic on Saturday in TX because I refused to put on a mask to see the doctor. I’m 76 years old and have never been required to mask-up before being examined by a physician. I have little hope that others will challenge mandates as the fear-provoking messages start to roll out. I WILL NOT COMPLY this time…I learned the last time that sheep will follow each other mindlessly. I’m no sheep!
That’s. the problem if you don’t comply. The medical profession and grocery stores require it. That makes it very difficult not to comply sometimes.
Their handlers and media can say she has it all they want to. I don’t believe what they have to say when it is to induce fear in the people.
This crowd should be arrested for treason.
Sorry but I just don’t believe the fake first lady has covid. This is a way to keep her from being questioned and promote the idea that Covid is back just in time for the rodents to use it as the basis for their voter fraud plans for 2024.
Everything the Biden Crime Family does and says is a lie so why should this be any different?
She has what used to be called a cold.
But, did she die? I believe she is lying to scare the gullible into taking the poison again. DO NOT COMPLY!!!
The real question is is this how Joe gets covid and shortly thereafter becomes incapacitated, requiring him to drop out of the 2024 race and opening the door for others? Or is it still too soon in the plan?
Maybe she was being intimate with the Whoopster on “the view.” She’s just caught the Kung Flu to.