The following video is well worth watching, in large part, because it provides videos taken by people on the ground in real time as the massive, unbelievable flood hit North Carolina and parts of Tennessee without any real warning. Much of the information has been addressed in other articles and posts, but the manner in which this clip was produced really tells the much broader story of the survivors of Hurricane Helene.
God Bless all those who have rushed to the aid of these survivors to help them in their very real time of need, and shame on the Biden regime — damn this Biden regime and FEMA — for its monumental failure in its response which one can only see as once again a purposeful design to leave fly over America and Her real patriots in a lurch and a situation that has been deadly from the start, even more deadly now, due to a lack of clean water and food for people stranded in remote areas and no way to reach them other than by helicopter, with numerous bridges destroyed.
What we have witnessed over the past two weeks is an unconscionable failure of the Biden regime and an outstanding response from the good and decent Americans of this country who refuse to allow the government to stand in the way of their own rescue efforts. What an upside-down world it has become, when the nation that is supposedly “the Greatest Nation in the World” sees any administration/ regime ignore its duty, responsibilities and the good people of America in so egregious a manner.
Keep praying for our countrymen — the men, women and children — of these devastated areas, and keep working in any manner you can to get help to them, in regard to sending foodstuff, medicines, clothing and/or men and machinery to help in the cleanup and rebuilding process. […]
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Where I live, we had about 2 feet of rain, and the river rose about 25 feet, almost exactly to the 100-year flood mark, and to the same level as a flood that occurred in 1940. What you’re seeing with roads washed out and such is a product of bad design, in combination with environmental regulations. You’ll notice it happened on the outside bend of rivers and large creeks. That’s because the water is moving slower on the inside of the bend relative to the outside. More dirt and debris settles on the inside, and as a result the course of the waterway is pushed out more and more until it undercuts the road. I’ve seen places where the river changed course by at least 50 feet. A large creek undercut a major road near me, which changed course a good 20 feet or so, in places. Historically, roads were built along river and creek beds, following wagon trails, because that’s the only way through, and the only alternative is to cut through solid rock.
But there have been floods here in the past, that were just as bad. The difference is more people live here, there are more houses and buildings near waterways, there are more roads, and so on. And that not only means there are more people affected, it also equates to more debris in the water, which is a problem that compounds itself, and can do so in a very short period of time. Not only by causing waterways to change course, but also by clogging up culverts, creating temporary dams that hold back water and then release a massive wave, and so on.
It just goes to show that mankind is not as smart as he thinks he is. I know of places where the government experts did years of study and exerted tremendous control on what people could and could not do near the waterway, which were some of the worst hit.