“The Chinese Communist Party, the CCP, is posing the central threat of our times,” reads the U.S. State Department website.
From buying 90% of Iran’s oil in defiance of international sanctions to producing 97% of the world’s fentanyl supply, which kills 100,000 Americans a year, and as the origin of the COVID-19 virus, China has emerged as a superpower that threatens the Western world order, the U.S. and its allies in the Indo-Pacific and Middle East, including Israel.
Learn the TRUTH about Gold IRAs and how most precious metals companies play dirty.
But what does the Bible say about China?
ALL ISRAEL NEWS Editor-in-Chief Joel Rosenberg has recently been asked this question repeatedly following the release of his new book, “The Beijing Betrayal,” which hit bookstores earlier this month.
“I want to take you tonight into the scriptures and show you some very interesting passages that you may not be familiar with that has real bearing on this topic,” Rosenberg told the viewers of his weekly program on TBN, while mentioning that the word ‘China’ itself does not appear in the Bible. […]
— Read More: allisrael.com