It was in March that a transgender named Audrey Hale entered the Covenant School in Tennessee and murdered three 9-year-old students and three staff members. Hale would have undoubtedly killed more if not stopped by quick-acting police.
Among the evidence collected in the wake of the massacre was a “manifesto” people believe explained Hale’s motivation. Rather than releasing this information to the public, the authorities quickly suppressed it.
Tennessee U.S. Rep. Tim Burchett, claimed the FBI was behind the delay in releasing the manifesto, according to The New York Post. Nashville Council Member Courtney Johnston hasn’t seen the manifesto, but she was told it is “blueprint on total destruction.” She said the level of detail in the plan was being used as justification to withhold it, adding, “that document in the wrong person’s hands would be astronomically dangerous.”
Public records requests were turned down on the basis that the investigation was an open case.
At one point, it was announced that the Nashville Police would release the document, but then it was once again withheld because of pending litigation.
“Due to pending litigation filed this week, the Metropolitan Nashville Police Department has been advised by counsel to hold in abeyance the release of records related to the shooting at The Covenant School pending orders or direction of the court,” the Nashville Police Department tweeted earlier this month.
“It has been more than a month since the shooter was killed and the officers involved have been praised for their actions in the incident,” Doug Pierce, a lawyer for the National Police Association told Fox News. “Accordingly, there is no criminal case and there is no reasonable likelihood of there ever being a criminal case arising from this incident.”
The NPA has sued to have the information released to the public. The Hale family initially fought this, claiming that they own Audrey’s writings.
“During the course of this hearing, a real kind of gratuitous thing happened, and that is one of the lawyers for the parents introduced a criminal defense lawyer who says that he represents the parents of the shooter,” Pierce told Fox News Digital this month. “He said that the shooter died without having a will and therefore has no other heirs, so whatever those writings, i.e., the manifesto, he says they belong to the parents, and the parents are going to assign their interest in those writings to the school.”
Indeed, the Hales later transferred ownership of the documents to the Covenant School parents.
These are documents that should have already been released. The assumption is that because Audrey was transgender, it has become a political hot potato, and the writings will be harmful to the transgender cause.
It’s hard to believe that their release could do more damage than the people who are trying to suppress it have already done to their cause.
In the wake of the shooting, many media pundits and people on social media either tried to downplay the fact that Hale was transsexual or that Hale’s actions were somehow justified. In doing so, the victims were sometimes made to look as if they were partially to blame.
The full truth needs to come out. The Hales are not helping their child by fighting the release of evidence that should be public. This action makes them accessories to Audrey’s crime, and it doesn’t change the fact that Audrey murdered three children and three adults.
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release the manifesto, as was the unibomber’s:;
and: ” …The Attorney General and the Director of the FBI recommended publication”; so, what are they hiding about this person, new techniques?; probably not; they are hiding the truth; trans-crazy.
Pretty simple to figure out. This terrorist suffered from TDS and blamed Trump for its actions. This would mean a guaranteed win for him. They’ll release it after the 2024 election, guaranteed.
Nashville is very anti Trump and sadly a lot of “religious” groups, such as Southern Baptist, have preached anti Trumpism from their pulpits in the trendy, hipster areas of the region. I wouldn’t be surprised if you are correct.
They will never release it. Most people forgot already.
Yet another fake “mass shooting.” Corpse of shooter had different shoes on than the shooter did walking through the halls, and a plastic bullet can be seen bouncing off the wall in one of the police bodycam videos. The Presbyterian Church is anti-gun, so it would be entirely consistent for them to cooperate in such a false event.
I live in Nashville and can not figure out why the school is against the release of the manifesto. The girl murdered 3 students and three employees of the school. We have the right to know what was in that manifesto. We get to see everyone else that leaves a manifesto after a mass shooting so this does not need to be an exception.
the pride flag cult have taken so many losses lately, they don’t want to release info that would make this trans-terrorist a villian… and turn the whole converstation around about the chemical poisoning of these young people.
look to the pharmacuetical companies.
They are withholding it likely because it would expose this tranny as a government programmed and likely the FBI gave it the detailed directions on the “total destruction”. Likely they want to use the blueprint in the future on their next MK Ultra patsy so they will keep this hidden forever . It would be nice if someone with access would actually leak the doc, we get that with anything anti Trump so it is possible.
Giving females high doses of testosterone to “transition” to a male, makes them highly aggressive and violent.
Of course the FBI doesn’t want the manifesto released. They are most likely implicated. If it’s true the level of planning was in such detail, then the citizens have a right to know so as to defend themselves with that knowledge. Does the government believe that no one else has the capability of such detailed planning? “The US Government: They lie about everything, all the time.”
FBI sleeper agent.
I have no issue with people living their lives in private. I think most people would agree. What I don’t accept is the life style being shoved in my face and being told I am the one with the problem if I don’t accept it whole cloth. The government is using the issue in an attempt to divide us, it is easier to control small groups rather than dealing the population as a united group. It is coming to light the gold mine this has turned into for the medical and pharmaceutical industry, that is what funds this issue.
“that is what funds this issue.” To a minor degree, perhaps, but since you state the crux of the matter hopefully you will eventually comprehend it!
What funds the issue are the same sources funding the destruction of Western Civilization to enable a global totalitarian neofeudal order —- promoting micro–tribalism is a subset of Identity Politics and part of Critical Marxist Theory, rebranded as Critical Race Theory!
Whether the NIH/NSF —- which has been funding it since 2005, but greatly ramped up their funding between 2015 — 2017; or Soros and Gates and Pritzker and Jon Stryker of Switzerland (who does profit on the medical instrumentation side), they want to see this going forward, together with the destruction of the nation!
The idea in this instance that Big PHARMA is the driver is rather ludicrous, given the major shareholders in them (BlackRock, Vanguard, State Street and Fidelity) —- like that phony–baloney “public media” battle about whether CIGNA and some major biopharmaceutical could merge asome years back —- both entities had the same majority shareholders!!!
This isn’t just about “follow the money” —- it is all connected and interlinked to the Great Reset!
They wonder why people develop so-called conspiracy theories. When the truth is withheld, people start wondering why.
Negative —- NOBODY of sound mind wonders this —- truth seekers know that term has been promoted by the CIA since the 1960s with the release of the fakey Warren Commission Report!
Yes, exactly, to all three comments above this.
The manifesto probably exposes that the shooter was aided and abetted by the FBI
I’ve had a few people take up this challenge. The majority saw a discrepancy with one dissenting.
Was this a false flag? What is your analysis after checking out this?
1) Look at the sneakers on the shooter in the picture above as they come through the door. They appear to be black and white. You’ll need to find other pictures to get a better look.
2) Search Youtube for the video by the Metropolitan Nashville Police Department titled, “Covenant School Active Shooter Case–MNPD Body Camera Footage”. Play the video and stop at 5:58 where the shooter is dead on the floor and you can see the shoe is clearly black with flames and a white stripe.
3) Google “VANS Old school flame” shoes and compare them. Then check out the black and white shoes the shooter is wearing when they come through the doors after shooting out the glass.
4) Google “Puma Suede Classic black white” and compare to what she is wearing above. The white on the Puma’s goes down to the white trim of the sole where the VANs do not. The VAN’s white stripe is also much thinner.
Are they wearing the same shoes coming through the door compared to dead on the floor?
Did she name people in the police department as her sex partners?
Fantastic article —- much thanks!!!!!
First, a correction:
“It was in March that a ̶t̶r̶a̶n̶s̶g̶e̶n̶d̶e̶r̶ TransKiller named Audrey Hale . .”
“Nashville Council Member Courtney Johnston (ultra–airhead) hasn’t seen the manifesto (but therefore magically knows all about it), but she was told it is “blueprint on total destruction.” She said the level of detail in the plan was being used as justification to withhold it, . . .”
Huh???? So brilliant mastermind Hale detailed a SPECTRE—level plan which must have the highest classification possible —- terribly lame, space cadet Courtney!?
Fiction author F. Paul Wilson, in one of his novels, provided an exact plan for taking down the Web/Internet —- so very technically accurate it gave me pause while reading it!!!
Guess what, airhead Courtney —- nobody classified it, dearie!!!
SECOND MAJOR correction: NO surviving family members have any “right” to evidence in a criminal proceeding which is involved in any investigation —- the court and criminal proceedings obviate all such spurious claims!
What total BULLTWACKY!!! The FEEBS ars classifying it for the same reason THEY classified Hunter’s treasonous laptop, the two laptops of murdered victim Seth Rich, the Jeffrey Epstein Client List, Hillary’s emails, the 21 evidence exhibits from the Charles Lieber/Wuhan University of Technology trial, and many other items —- to obscure THE TRUTH!!!
I believe in this persons writings, ahe hated the teachers for pushing her/him to become transgender. She was very unhappy with her life, ahe hated being trans, and it was the teachers pushing her early in life to become trans, and ahe hates them for it!!!!!
That is what I think!!!