For the last few days, a story has been making its rounds across a multitude of corporate media and leftist outlets. The gist of the story is that a 10-year-old rape victim in Ohio was denied an abortion because she was three days late, so she had to go to Indiana to have the preborn baby killed. The story came out shortly after Roe v Wade was overturned by the Supreme Court and has been fodder for leftist media ever since.
But there are problems with the story. For once, I am very hopeful that the fake news media fell for a story contrived by a radical leftist anti-life abortionist. If the story was made up, as journalist Megan Fox speculated about in a long Twitter thread below, then that’s one fewer victim of the depraved sexual predators who lurk across America.
Arguably the most compelling circumstantial evidence that the story may have been made up is the lack of reporting on a police investigation. We combed through dozens of stories on the topic looking for the one piece of information that could corroborate it, but it was never mentioned by any news outlet. Crimes of abuse against children must be reported to law enforcement by doctors. If this crime really took place, then a criminal investigation would almost certainly be underway and journalists of even mediocre caliber would be seeking updates from law enforcement. That has not happened.
Instead, corporate media has pounced on the story faster than a Trump scandal. But like most Trump scandals, there are reasons to believe this story was completely manufactured. Even leftist “fact-checkers” Snopes was unable to verify the story despite desperately wanting to do so.
It is extremely important that we give people the benefit of the doubt in such sensitive circumstances such as child rape. With that said, there are several aspects of this story that simply do not pass the smell test, most notably the person who selectively released the information. Dr. Caitlin Bernard is as hardcore of an anti-life activist as there is in America
According to Fox:
#1. A pregnant 10 year old is evidence of a heinous crime against a child but in every article (and there are SO MANY) thre is no mention of criminal investigation, no police involvement, not even a town where this allegedly occurred.
— Megan Fox (@MeganFoxWriter) July 5, 2022
#3 which maybe should be #1 The TIMING of this horrific story is too on the nose. Roe v. Wade was just overturned. The media is desperate for stories to push the pro-abortion narrative, stoke fear, anger, and division. They love this.
— Megan Fox (@MeganFoxWriter) July 5, 2022
I heard about it from a teenager at a 4th party and a red flag went off big-time. If the kids have heard about it it was placed where they will see it intentionally. Fake news is always sold to the young'ns because they will swallow it the fastest.
— Megan Fox (@MeganFoxWriter) July 5, 2022
#6 #DrCaitlynBernard, the only source, is an abortionist and has been in the NYT participating in an anti-Trump hit piece and is clearly an activist. She has a stake in preserving abortion, it literally pays her bills.
— Megan Fox (@MeganFoxWriter) July 5, 2022
#8 Jennifer Rubin used this to batter conservatives, her former colleagues, in the Washington Post. This further gives me serious doubts about the veracity of the story. Rubin is a notorious tool for the left using this story to harm pro-lifers
— Megan Fox (@MeganFoxWriter) July 5, 2022
#10, #DrCaitlynBernard got a call from another doctor asking for help for a horribly abused child and her first instinct was to call the media. That should make you all stop and think for a minute. What's really going on here?
— Megan Fox (@MeganFoxWriter) July 5, 2022
Here she is again #CaitlinBernard in June interviewed by PBS, crying. Predicting doom…the very thing she's now claiming. How is she in contact with so much media?
— Megan Fox (@MeganFoxWriter) July 5, 2022
And here's #DrCaitlinBernard again! More media coverage in June before this alleged incident where she is predicting doom. She's a serious abortion activist
— Megan Fox (@MeganFoxWriter) July 5, 2022
By the time I'm done it's going to be harder to find news outlets #DrCaitlinBernard is NOT in. Here she is in Politico on June 19th.
— Megan Fox (@MeganFoxWriter) July 5, 2022
And here she is again July 5th in The Republic.
— Megan Fox (@MeganFoxWriter) July 6, 2022
Here's an updated graph on the related media featuring #DrCaitlinBernard and this story or "women are going to die" because of Roe stories she was involved in. Still going. This is going to be a big spreadsheet by the time I'm done
— Megan Fox (@MeganFoxWriter) July 6, 2022
This is the law #DrCaitlinBernard is suing over. She wants to tear second trimester babies limb from limb. The ACLU is helping her do this. This is from her lawsuit
— Megan Fox (@MeganFoxWriter) July 6, 2022
#CaitlinBernard sued to stop a law in IN that would outlaw dismemberment abortions in the 2nd trimester and won. Now that Roe is overturned the state is asking to have that injunction lifted. Naturally, Bernard is spitting nails.
— Megan Fox (@MeganFoxWriter) July 6, 2022
I think this is all of the news stories from this one claim by #DrCaitlinBernard. Notice that there are no local Ohio stations reporting. Just IndyStar. But from that one article all of these outlets ran with it. I have questions.
— Megan Fox (@MeganFoxWriter) July 6, 2022
Here's my press inquiry to the editor of the @indystar which I don't think he will respond to, but it's worth a shot. What kind of vetting happened here?
— Megan Fox (@MeganFoxWriter) July 6, 2022
Going live to discuss this thread, why I have been obsessed with this story, and how to analyze news in a few minutes. Join me
— Megan Fox (@MeganFoxWriter) July 6, 2022
The truth may never come out if Dr. Caitlin Bernard made the story up. It’s not that the truth is impossible to find, but we do not have proper journalists in corporate media who are willing to do their job.
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