Billionaire Warren Buffett has pledged to give away at least $147 billion to charities and NGOs following his death, tasking his children with spending the money. The 94-year-old Buffet has expressed concern about his children’s longevity, which prompted him to create a backup strategy in case they pass away before being able to give away the fortune. In a recent letter to investors, the 94-year-old stated that he has not yet named a successor in the event his children are unable to fulfill this role.
Buffett remarked candidly about the inevitability of aging, stating, “Father time always wins.” Since 2006, Buffett has been donating significant amounts annually to his children’s charities and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
The Gates Foundation has been revealed to have engaged in researching how to manipulate people into taking future COVID-19 vaccines, as well as funding a Clinton Health Access Initiative aimed at making developing countries reliant on Chinese-made medical products.
Warren Buffett has also shown an interest in population control, attending a 2009 meeting with billionaires Bill Gates, George Soros, Ted Turner, and others to discuss slowing the global population.
Buffett is also pro-abortion, and tax records released in 2016 revealed that he had donated millions to pro-abortion groups like Planned Parenthood, enough, by some estimates, to pay for the killing of 3.6 million unborn babies. […]
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