A viral video has lit up TikTok and YouTube recently, netting the original poster Charlie Cheon over 4 million views and counting. Cheon, an Asian man, poses the question, “What Are We Doing to White People?”
In the video, he discusses the blatant racism being proudly directed toward white people, a topic I recently addressed myself in this article. I received some comments telling me that I was racist just for suggesting that racism was being directed toward white people and that such a thing wasn’t possible. I was attacked for “whining” and for “being a Karen.” For the record, calling someone a “Karen” is a racial and sexist slur. It just means if you are white and a woman, you should sit down, shut up, and take it, no matter what.
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But I digress.
You can watch the video right here. It’s only 16 minutes and it’s very worthwhile.
We’ve all seen this.
Over the past years, it’s become more and more acceptable to denigrate people for the color of their skin, at least if that color is white. It’s become okay to write them off, to wish violence on them, to shame them, and to call them slurs like “Q-tip” or “mayo monsters.” Imagine if this was done to any other race. I’m going to be denounced again for defending white people and I guess, do what you’ve got to do to justify your behavior to yourself.
But what’s worse is that this attitude is infecting the way our children are treated. It’s affecting their education and their opportunities. We’re watching segregation in action just 69 years after Brown vs. the Board of Education ended that horrible practice. There are many spaces in educational institutions where white students are not allowed to be. There are events that white students are not allowed to attend. A black student at UVA unleashed her fury on the fact that there were “too many” white students in the multi-cultural center. Cornell University has a rock-climbing class that is only open to minority students. An elementary school in Washington banned white students from a mentor program and a “safe space” club. Berkeley banned white students from using common areas in off-campus housing.
Why are we replaying some of the worst parts of America’s recent history and just targeting another group?
It’s not okay, not by any stretch of the imagination.
But outlets like TikTok and Buzzfeed seem to be obsessed with promoting the theory that you “can’t oppress the oppressor” and that there’s no such thing as racism against white people. They make it seem like every person of the younger generation feels this way. They make it seem like every person of color feels this way.
But it’s simply not true.
Responses to “What Are We Doing to White People?”
I’ve selected some responses to Cheon’s original video.
Jamel AKA Jamal has a channel that is usually dedicated to fun reaction videos, but he took a serious turn with this one. He seems like a stand-up guy.
The gentleman at DependTV (sorry, I’m not sure of his name, but I love his motto of “facts over feelings”) was likewise appalled by what has been acceptable and calls it out for the bullying behavior that it is.
Lou Valentino, who describes himself as “a mixed-race man who grew up in the hood,” says that “Hatred toward anyone or any race is not ok” in this video.
The Cartier Brothers watched the video together and were visibly uncomfortable with the clips of folks denigrating white people.
I think the video that I got the most interesting information and response from was Amala Ekpunobi’s take below. If you aren’t subscribed to her channel, I really recommend it.
In summary, basically everyone thinks it’s wrong to do this.
The majority aren’t hateful.
In my opinion, these people are the ones who represent how most of us are feeling. Most people, regardless of skin color, don’t like to see others discriminated against or put down merely because of race. Most of us are not on board with racism, period. I have friends from many different backgrounds, one of the awesome perks of my job, and none of them, from any race, find this acceptable.
Remember this the next time you see one of those outrageous videos espousing hatred for white people. Show these videos above to the young folks in your life. Just because the media is trying to stir up animosity and make us hate each other, it doesn’t mean that we need to take the bait.
The answer to racism is not more racism. The answer is kindness, acceptance, and respect. Treat people like fellow humans. Not like black humans, or brown humans, or white humans.
At the end of the day, we are defined by our actions and, to quote Dr. Martin Luther King, “the content of our character.” Terrible things have happened in American history, just like the history of every other country in the world. Don’t go back to darker times to get misplaced revenge on people who had nothing to do with what occurred before.
“How do you like it?” isn’t the answer.
We can’t move forward by looking back. Racism now doesn’t erase racism that took place previously. And yes, discriminating against people based on race, including white people, is racism.
What are your thoughts?
What do you think about these videos and reactions? Have you seen examples of this modern racism in your community? How do you think we can move past the anger and have some unity?
Let’s discuss it
About Daisy
Daisy Luther is a coffee-swigging, adventure-seeking, globe-trotting blogger. She is the founder and publisher of three websites. 1) The Organic Prepper, which is about current events, preparedness, self-reliance, and the pursuit of liberty; 2) The Frugalite, a website with thrifty tips and solutions to help people get a handle on their personal finances without feeling deprived; and 3) PreppersDailyNews.com, an aggregate site where you can find links to all the most important news for those who wish to be prepared. Her work is widely republished across alternative media and she has appeared in many interviews.
Daisy is the best-selling author of 5 traditionally published books, 12 self-published books, and runs a small digital publishing company with PDF guides, printables, and courses at SelfRelianceand Survival.com You can find her on Facebook, Pinterest, Gab, MeWe, Parler, Instagram, and Twitter.
Degenerate draft–dodging thief and strident anti–Catholic fake newsy, Larry King, would push the very same meme, seems to be endemic where vile types are concerned!
Switched him off back in 1978 after his on air tirade against the US military vets, Christians and others!
This is obviously an extension of the Identity Politics op, furthering the Wall Street–directed communist takeover of America to usher in their Great Reset!
No coincidence that the chairman of “The Critical Kid,” a pass–through Maoist funder of other groups, is a Wells Fargo investment banker!
This is all top down . . .
I heard a “lecture” from a Chinese American professor at the University of Colorado blaming violence against Asians perpetrated by Black people on White racism. Successful, educated Asians who espouse hatred for White people, seems to me, are adopting a victim status, the most powerful status in today’s America.
Seen much of that, but are they Chinese–Americans or Chicom–Americans —- first gen Americans from PRC who are hardcore CCP agents? More than a few of them around North America: Jia Wang and Cynthia Chung in Canada, Felicia Wong, and others, and Americans like Cyrus Janssen of Las Vegas, Swalwell and Gary Locke and Danny Haiphong, etc.
Hardcore commie Felicia Wong, CEO of the Roosevelt Institute, is the vice chairperson of the TACRE, Treasury Advisory Committee on Racial Equity within the Department of the Treasury —- has nothing to do with “race” but everything to do with “equity” the newest buzzword for communism! This group disburses federal revenues to states which direct it almost exclusively to illegals — essentially to defund citizenship!
Felicia Wong claims “white patriarchy” (note commie terminology) has been ruling for over 400 years globally?!?!
Pretty certain the top global economy at and probably beyond 1800 was China!!!!
Felicia Wong was the financial POINT person at Soros–funded Democracy Alliance, which picked up the funding for Fusion GPS and the Steele Dossier after the initizl Clinton payments for it! [RUSSIAGATE HOAX]
I agree with the points raised, and I have noticed this happening more and more. I am not sure where it comes from, but for some to think that they can do or say whatever they want to white people because it is not possible for them to be racist is disgusting.
I would say that when it comes to taking offense, white people are the least likely to take offense to things people say about us, but lately it has started getting a bit out of hand, and I most certainly will draw the line when you “people of color” follow the lead of the thin-skinned wannabe Marxists (formerly known as Democrats) start directing your unhinged hatred on our children.
If you want to get along, stop letting the leftists divide us, understand that we are all Americans first, then it is easy to see that all the other characteristics that they use to divide us are irrelevant.
“I am not sure where it comes from. . ”
Oh, we have a pretty good idea the origin —- appeared in media outlets from the communists at the SPLC, specifically the Cohen family who managed it some 20 years or earlier —- they would go around the country sounding “dire warnings” on “white nationalists” and “white supremacists” who were fomenting so-called revolution, then they would offer “examples” of said groups —– invariably turned out to be harmless, diverse sports clubs, usually with a bi–racial guy in charge!?
Southern Poverty Law Center long ago devolved into a communist–front organization!
There are many dividers in American politics. They get paid to divide and attack American greatness. Many are the same people that should be praising America for it’s generosity and acceptance. President Obama for one. Instead of blaming systemic racism for keeping poor people poor, We all know it is Democratic policies like welfare, paying people to stay poor that has been the problem for decades!