Is it safe to get a blood transfusion from a donor or donors who got “vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19)? Many say no, which all around the world is generating increased demand for “clean” blood.
Now that we know jabbed blood is tainted blood, many are demanding “pure” or “safe” blood from sources that were never contaminated with messenger RNA (mRNA), spike proteins, and the many other contaminants found in covid vials.
“Bacteria, viruses, prions, and parasites can be transmitted by blood transfusions likewise people vaccinated with the mRNA vaccine have the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein … in their blood,” reports Great Game India.
“The spike protein (travels the entire body) caused by the COVID-19 vaccination last for months (potentially permanently in the body for those who frequently take booster shots).” (Related: Check out the movement for clean transfusions in the post-covid injection era.)
In 18 countries so far, “pure blood” banks have already been established. The goal is to set them up everywhere that people are in need of blood transfusions from sources that are free of covid poisons.
Corporate media says fully jabbed blood is no different than clean blood
Left-wing media sources like VICE are mocking the “SafeBlood” movement, calling it “anti-vaxxers … driven by conspiracy theories and pseudoscientific beliefs about the dangers of mRNA COVID vaccines.”
Even though these same sources lied from the very beginning by claiming the jab contents remain at the site of injection, and that the jabs would stop transmission – both of these claims turned out to be lies – we are now expected to just believe that fully jabbed blood is just as safe as clean blood.
It is reminiscent of the rBST claims seen on milk sold in the United States. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requires milk sellers who sell rBST-free products to slap on a disclaimer stating that there is no real difference between rBST and rBST-free milk, which is a lie.
In much the same way, we are expected to believe that the blood of people who got jabbed for the Fauci Flu is the same as blood from people who avoided tampering with the blueprints of their body in fear.
“The same people who told you the vaccine will stop transmission, the vaccine stays in your arm, the vaccine is safe and effective, etc., are downplaying the risks of mRNA spiked blood,” Great Game India says.
“Folks, most of what was called a conspiracy theory by the government and main stream media is now FACT. It’s better to be safe than sorry.”
Unfortunately for patients, the general blood supply is now fully tainted with fully jabbed blood. There is almost no way to avoid it unless you know for sure that a donor did not take any of the jabs.
Even though blood banks require a donor to state whether he or she got jabbed for covid, this information is not passed along to the recipient, nor is said blood separated from the generally fully jabbed supply.
Not only that, but someone could falsely state that their blood is pure on the form, only to quietly dispense fully jabbed blood into the pool. The situation is a mess, and it does not bode well for public health moving into the future.
“If an unvaccinated person receives a blood transfusion of blood containing the mRNA spike protein (and whatever else is in the vials) then that passes on to the recipient,” reports state.
“The spike protein starts replicating again and your body is now a spike protein factory. The unvaccinated potentially become vaccinated along with all the damage that occurs.”
The latest news about Chinese Virus shots can be found at
Sources for this article include:
Gee Ya Think? I have been calling for this for over a year now, and being 76, I know that blood transfusions may become part of my medical reality down the road and I want to be damn sure they do not put any of that tainted blood in my body. My partner and I consider ourselves, Pure Bloods as neither of us have taken any of those fake jabs. I took care of my partner when he got sick for a week and a half, and I did NOT follow suit and still remain naturally immune with both of us now having natural immunity, which the “SCIENCE” has proven is far better than any job with a fake vaccine.
I called a blood bank in San Diego the other day and asked if they bothered to separate blood taken from vaccinated from those unvaccinated, and she said no we don’t. I couldn’t believe what I heard. When organizations like that do not follow the current scientific investigations, they are derelict in their duties to keep our blood supply safe !!!
If you believe the news media and politicians rather than “THE SCIENCE” then you have done yourselves a disservice, and may actually pay the price with your life.
Good for you and your partner!
Where can I donate my unvaxxxed blood so that I can be a recipient and others for my blood type? I feel the same way…in my 70’s and I do NOT want blood transfusions from blood banks. Thank you.
A lot of people failed the most basic logic test.
Can you call a potion “safe and effective” when it is “experimental?”
Of course not, silly. Use your head.
Having SEX with a person who took the JAB and a few Booster shots just might not be a good idea.
I’m going to sell my pure blood at the same price per ounce GOLD is times 16 ounces for a pint.
Seems fair for the amount of bs ive taken for staying A Pure Blood.
Meanwhile here in New Zealand, Comrade Jackboot Jacinda’s government is demanding a child be removed from her parents’ care for requesting their daughter to only receive unvaccinated blood for an upcoming operation.
Here’s an interpretation that hasn’t been mentioned anywhere that I know of. What if, in their long view, the people pushing the vax actually intended to nullify the democrats by convincing them to take the jab? I’ve read reports that around 80% plus of all Biden voters (the sheeple) took the flu (Covid 19) shot. Given another 2-3 years, a whole lot of democrats will expire due to their faith in an all-embracing government. Could this have been the long term plan all along?!
darwinian it is.
It is not a vaccine, it is gene therapy. Like all humans we have the same general make up, but with small differences like hair color, height, many people have small differences between the left and right side of the face. That is why reactions differ to the m-RNA molecule, some people have no negative reaction, but it does not mean the molecule had a positive effect ether. You have people have a negative effect like palsy up to death from days to weeks after the injection. Then you have the group that some time later die, while asleep, flying a plane, on the soccer field, called undetermined cause of death. Embalmers are finding the long protein strands and coffee grind shaped proteins that are not clots per say. Amazingly I have not read much in the way of speculation of what that protein comes from. I think in certain people the m-rna has ordered the cells to make these protein strands that end up accumulating in the circulatory system causing heart attacks and strokes. Like I said I have not seen any information about this issue. But it sounds logical. We will see how much negative response I get for this comment.
If you know ahead of time that you will require a surgery that may require blood, you can stock your own with your doctor(s). Definitely worth it. The fact that pure blood can’t be guaranteed in an emergency is a serious problem from my perspective.
There’s something you all should know, if you think “giving blood” is somehow a good thing to do.
Only 20% of donated blood goes to “emergency use” such as transfusions in hospital emergency rooms.
80% of donated blood is sold to big pharma corporations (like Pfizer). At a profit.
That’s right. You give for free your life’s blood and the ARC turns around and sells it to Pfizer for them to make even more ridiculous profits from.
There’s a bit of news places like this won’t tell you. Maybe think twice next time you think about donating blood. Big mistake.
I am willing to sell my blood for $100,000,000 for a pint. I have a rare blood type. Who wants it?