As if your pale, vegan, demi-gender-in-law wasn’t annoying enough when zhe whined about your F-150 tearing apart the clouds, now zhe has another target: your cats and dogs.
Several years ago I noticed obeisant stooges in the Operation Mockingbird media lashing out at how house pets are going to ruin the air we breathe, the soil we farm, and the water we use to wash the scrapple out of our brick BBQ pits.
Check out this climate codswallop from CNN:
Our four-legged friends don’t drive gas-guzzling SUVs or use energy-sucking appliances, but that doesn’t mean they don’t have a climate impact. In fact, researchers have showed that pets play a significant role in the climate crisis…..
….Their meat-heavy diet is the biggest contributor to their carbon pawprints, which requires an abundance of energy, land and water to produce. And the production of pet food emits huge amounts of planet-warming gases.
Watch as this mental belly flop from the UK warns Brits (not that they are being replaced by violent Muslims) that their cats are climate killers:
When pets can emit twice the carbon emissions of our homes’ electricity and kill up to 200 million wild prey in the UK every year, we cannot stay silent. Unfortunately, in many cases pet ownership is simply another form of destructive consumerism.
Yes, cats kill a lot of birds. It’s what their nature tells them to do. Nature, climate, get it? Suck it, libs! […]
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