Around the Web – Original Source:
The warrant obtained by the FBI to search former President Donald Trump’s office and residence at Mar-A-Lago has been made public , and it is a shocker. And I’m sure you’ve heard this before, but this could be the big one—the case where Trump can’t escape legal accountability.
Appendix B to the search warrant states that the warrant is to search for evidence of violations of the Espionage Act, 18 U.S.C. Section 793, and two other statutes. It appears that Trump allegedly held on to top secret records that he originally lawfully possessed after their return had been demanded by […]
Around the Web – Original Source:
Maybe he did still possess documents that could be used to the injury of the United States, or to the advantage of other countries.
So does Obama in his 33 million records. So did Hillary in all the information she put on her private server. So did Kerry when he illegally negotiated with Iran in violation of the Logan Act. So do a flipping boatload of former politicians. And current politicians, to whom the statute in question wouldn’t technically apply if they have clearance, but still. No doubt Swallwell held such information while he was sleeping with the enemy. No doubt Fienstien held such, while the enemy was driving her around. No doubt the Democrat-controlled Congress held such information when it hired foreign nationals and gave them administrative permissions to all the systems in the flipping House of Representatives. No doubt all these former generals and intel people, such as Brennan, spouting off about inside information on national television every night possess information that could be harmful.
What could be worse than the democrat house hiring foreigners and giving them the flipping keys to the systems?
Democrats brag about that stuff. They’re proud of it.
It’s a part of their flippin party platform. Hello?
How in the sam hill are they going to indict Trump, when his worst alleged offense is having documents locked up in a secure location, at a secure house, in a secure gated community, which is guarded by the Secret Service, documents the GSA accidentally sent there, which he probably didn’t even know were there. How in the sam hill could he possibly have “reason to believe” as the statute requires, if he didn’t even know the flipping documents were there?
Talk about entrapment. Good God have mercy. The government packs it up. The government ships it to his property. The government sets up and approves the storage location on his property. The government stores it in there for him. The government goes through it, gives the ok, and one government agency suggests the other install a better lock.
Then the government indicts him for having it.
Am I missing something?
You listed some good major points. It’s another frame operation.
Indictment is likely, followed by a constant media blitz, and a long case. The DOJ has not been accountable for its other crimes, so it is not going to change. The affect on the 2024 election is not clear. I think the corrupt GOP will try to disallow him from being on primary ballots.