The great historian and literature scholar Dr. Naomi Wolf has written the most important book of our times. She really nails it. After you read The Bodies of Others: The New Authoritarians, Covid-19 and the War Against the Human, you will understand the truly diabolical conspiracy that threatens the world with destruction. In an article a few weeks ago, I reviewed Robert Kennedy’s essential book The Real Anthony Fauci. Kennedy showed that Fauci’s efforts to promote global catastrophe and to profit from it go back decades. But Dr. Wolf goes even further. She shows how evil the forces of destruction really are.
She begins from the onset of the so-called “pandemic” early in 2020. That’s only a little more than two years ago, but the world before then was vastly different from what it is now. We have entered a new Dark Age. In Dr. Wolf’s career as a reporter and journalist, she knew for a while Chrystia Freeland, who became the Deputy Prime Minister of Canada. Dr. Wolf writes, “’Ms. Freeland was part of a small cadre of ‘influentials’ connected to the World Economic Forum. . .She and her peers, along with allied elites in other fields, eventually masterminded a crime against humanity unprecedented in our times—-a crime that involves the theft of assets and the destruction of cultures, as well as untold deaths.”
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“This book,” she says, “is about how we came to this harrowing civilizational crossroads—-engaged in a war against vast impersonal forces with limitless control over our lives for the freedoms we have taken for granted; how these forces seized upon two years of COVID-19 panic in sinister new ways; and how, yet, against overwhelming odds, we might still win.”
The argument Dr. Wolf makes for this far-reaching conclusion is simple and devastating. Human culture depends on contact between people. But our high and mighty masters want to keep us apart through lockdowns, government control of all our activities, and injecting harmful substances into us. “In these two years, the COVID-19 pandemic, which began unfolding with unprecedented global ‘lockdown’ in March 2020, has fundamentally remade human relations, capitalism, and culture in the West.
No matter that in the past we had lived through far graver medical crises without passing thought of stopping all congregation, suspending the production of all culture, or compelling all healthy people to cover their faces, close their businesses and keep apart—-this time, the elites used the ‘crisis’ to shut down Western norms of liberty, the human-centered world, and civilization itself.
But what is our culture, which we once thought durable, to be replaced by? A world managed by machines and mediated by digital interfaces; a world predicated on cruelty, without human empathy as an organizing principle; a world in which national boundaries, cultures, and languages are drained of meaning, in which cultures embody only the goals of meta-national oligarchs, a world organized for the benefit of massive pharmaceutical companies, a few global tech giants, and technocrats. . .”
You might at first be inclined to wonder, “Is Dr. Wolf exaggerating? Didn’t the world face a real threat that required drastic action to combat? One way to answer this is to say that the “drastic” measures didn’t take enough account of the costs, both economic and psychic, that they imposed on the world’s population. But Dr. Wolf, with exemplary insight and courage, offers us a better answer that strikes to the heart of the danger that confronts us.
The whole “threat’ was manufactured by the enemies of civilization in order to control us. “None of this is accidental. Nor does it have anything to do with ‘science.’ The data were soon widely available, and even in 2020 studies showed the ‘lockdowns’ and restrictions did not stop disease and often made health outcomes far worse. But the draconian measures did not stop.”
Dr. Wolf spells out in detail how lockdowns and masks destroy civilization. “How do you destroy civilization? One way a machine program could target human beings is by attacking and undoing the magical power of touch. One of the strongest diktats from the start of the pandemic was the demand for ‘distancing,’ that inorganic, awkward verb that was introduced in a new context, and redefined, early in the pandemic.
The implications of the war on touch, more than two years on, are beyond tragic. Physical closeness is not an ‘extra’ for human beings. Without it we suffer from mental illnesses ranging from depression to anxiety and are even vulnerable to hallucinations and other forms of psychosis, as many studies have demonstrated. . .From a hug to a high-five, positive moments of human touch can calm the nervous system, boost mood and release endorphins, strengthen the immune system, and boost healing.”
Dr. Wolf issues a dire warning that she supports with irrefutable evidence. “The end goal is something much darker than a dark-enough world in which everyone is coercively vaccinated, whether they are at risk or not, whether they have immunity or not, a world in which ‘boosters’ for seven billion people annually are guaranteed forever.
The end-goal, rather, is to ensure that our pre-March 2020 world disappears forever, irretrievable. To be replaced with a world in which all human endeavor is behind a digital paywall, and in which all of us ask the permission of technology to gain access to the physical world, access to culture and access to other human beings. . .The real goal has nothing to do with public health. The real goal is to destroy Western and human culture, and to replace it with a techno-fascistic culture—-a culture in which we have forgotten what human beings can do. The crime that was perpetrated during the pandemic years of 2020-22 was perhaps the greatest ever committed against humanity. And it is being perpetrated still.”
When Governor Andrew Cuomo put New York “on pause” in March 2020, Dr. Wolf and her husband reacted with astonishment. “Since we had both lived in combat zones and war areas, we knew that commerce was never closed, even in the worst crises. People needed to keep making their livings in order to survive the crisis, and the economy needed to be sustained in order for the community to survive the crisis. We both knew from the history of warfare that when people are forbidden to buy and sell, they can’t fight back. It is the death of their economy that kills them off or leads to their eventual enslavement or occupation.”
Why are the global elites doing these terrible things to us? In one of the most insightful passages of this always insightful book, Dr. Wolf explains that the elites think differently from the rest of us. “For others do always not think as we do. To understand such an immense crime, it is essential to grasp the thought processes of many political elites, of financial oligarchs, and of tech elites. . .To understand what is going on in the current lockstep of tyranny, we must understand that certain subcultures, certain leaders, and certain ideologies simply don’t have our core values at heart; and we must face the fact that these monsters are not just Nazis long dead or members of the CCP far away. Some monsters are very near to us. . .To understand 2020-22, it is essential to grasp that great evil need not arrive in the guise of a goose-stepping soldier, or an official knocking at your door wearing jackboots. To understand how COVID-19 policy can be so coordinated and so cruel and so neo-fascistic, we need to understand that human evil can come in the form of a well-dressed man or woman far removed from any traditional human or national loyalties or decencies but pleasantly passing the sherry.”
Let’s return to a question we asked before. Even if you don’t like masks and isolation, aren’t these needed to cope with a pandemic? Dr. Wolf not only knows the medical science we need to answer this question. She is also a scholar of English literature who has studied epidemics in history and literature.
She says, “Tubercular people in the past were at times quarantined or sent to sanatoria, but never before in the history of dealing with serious airborne illness had the human race ‘distanced’ the healthy from one another in order to deal with the risk from this kind of pathogen. If ‘distancing’ and ‘masking’ had ‘worked’ with regard to serious airborne respiratory illnesses, why was this presumably tremendously important discovery now news only coincidentally with the onset of a brand-new illness in 2020? The question naturally arises: how did we deal with similar medical crises in the past? The answer: for all the devastation these crises brought, civilization and commerce were not brought to a standstill.”
Dr. Wolf tells us something about masks that clarifies and articulates the repulsion we feel for them. “In all cultures and at all times, masks have represented de-individuation and dehumanization. Thieves wear masks. Executioners wear black masks so their victims cannot see them. Torturers are masked. . .On the other side of the equation, masks allow for people to be more easily punished and victimized.”
But what about the “pandemic” itself? She is an expert on digital dashboards, and she argues that we cannot rely on data reported on them. “’Cases’ tabulated on a digital dashboard are not necessarily generated from actual tests that are generated from real human biological samples. ‘Deaths’ tabulated on a digital dashboard do not necessarily derive from any actual dead bodies recorded by real coroners in real hospital morgues or from funeral directors retrieving bodies from homes. A digital dashboard is simply a product of codes that counts data inputs in a certain way. It counts what the developer told it to count.”
As if all of this were not enough, “vaccine passports” pose an even greater danger to liberty. The global elite can use them to control all our movements. “This mechanism can also directly manage dissent. With a tweak of the backend, those who control the mechanism can be sure never to grant you a ‘rejoin society’ or ‘I don’t have COVID’ checkmark. You would be at the mercy of what the ‘passport’ says about your status. So if you’re a dissident, you can always be positive for COVID without much recourse to challenge it. And you’d be in a second-class category in society for the rest of your life. Your family would too.”
Dr. Wolf notes that many people have had enough. They resist masks, lockdowns, and medically unsafe and coerced “vaccines.” She mentions a number of heroes in the campaign against tyranny, including Steve Berger, a Board Member of the Mises Institute, who supplied her with “important research links, impactful analyses of his own, and read the manuscript”; but she has left one out. She herself is one of the most heroic battlers for liberty today. Her book is must reading a renders a great public service. Three cheers for Dr. Naomi Wolf!
About the Author
Article cross-posted from Lew’s blog.