Florida Governor Ron DeSantis won reelection in an absolute landslide. Even the most optimistic weren’t anticipating he’d win his state by 20-points, but that appears to be the approximate margin of victory when all of the votes are counted.
During his victory speech, he delivered some cold, hard truths about why he was successful when other Republicans were not and why Florida thrived while much of the rest of the country crumbled.
“You know, over these past four years we’ve seen major challenges for the people of our state,” DeSantis said. “We saw freedom and our very way of life, and many other jurisdictions in this country, wither on the vine. Florida held the line.”
“We chose facts over fear. We chose education over indoctrination. We chose law and order over rioting and disorder,” he added as he stood alongside his wife, Casey, during an election night gathering.
“Florida was a refuge of sanity when the world went mad,” he added. “We stood as the citadel of freedom for the people in this country and indeed across the world.”
DeSantis insisted that Florida “faced the tasks” and “took the hits” amid the coronavirus pandemic.
“We stood our ground and did not back down,” he said. “We had the conviction to guide us and the courage to lead.”
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Ron DeSantis is going to the republicans parties little “female dog in heat” to divide the Republican Party as payback for Trump taking out little miss Lizzie Cheney. They are already setting the stage and DeSantis is salivating at the chance. Then the demonic rats will crush hiM just like they did to President Trump.