Democratic White House contender Robert Kennedy Jr. recently blamed the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) for the assassination of his uncle, President John F. Kennedy, in 1963.
Kennedy Jr., the son of assassinated Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, made the allegation on Sunday with John Catsimatidis on WABC 770 AM’s “Cats Roundtable.” Theories around JFK’s assassination have endured throughout the decades, with many others speculating that the CIA, former President Lyndon B. Johnson, the mafia, the Soviet KGB, Jackie Onassis Kennedy, or the Fidel Castro regime—or some combination thereof—were involved in his death.
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“There is overwhelming evidence that the CIA was involved in his murder. I think it’s beyond a reasonable doubt at this point,” Kennedy said about the November 1963 incident in Dallas, Texas. “The evidence is overwhelming that the CIA was involved in the murder, and in the cover-up,” he also said.
Kennedy made reference to the book, “JFK and the Unspeakable,” penned by James Douglas, for some of his assertions. The book theorized that Kennedy was assassinated because he sought peacemaking during the Cold War and was then killed by his own security apparatus.
The federal government concluded during its Warren Commission Report that shooter Lee Harvey Oswald was the lone suspect in the assassination. They said there was no credible evidence to suggest that he was part of a wider assassination conspiracy.
Oswald was shot and killed by alleged Chicago mob associate Jack Ruby two days after Oswald was accused of the assassination. Ruby would be later convicted of the murder and sentenced to death, but he died in prison several years later.
The CIA has long denied any involvement in the former president’s death. An article published on the intelligence agency’s website (pdf) says that it was a “lie” that connected the CIA “to the Kennedy assassination,” alleging it was part of a Soviet KGB “disinformation” campaign and then cast aspersions against director Oliver Stone’s 1991 film “JFK, ” which strongly suggested that the CIA and other federal officials may have been involved in the assassination.
“Unfounded assertions of CIA complicity were bolstered inadvertently by a series of investigations of the Intelligence Community in the 1970s. The 1975 Rockefeller Commission report was followed by the 1976 report of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence and the 1979 report of the House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA),” that article stated.
“All examined the CIA’s activities both before and after Kennedy’s assassination, and, in the case of HSCA, specifically looked into Shaw’s supposed role as a high-ranking operative,” it added, referring to businessman and military officer Clay Shaw, who was arrested and charged on March 1, 1967, with conspiring to kill President Kennedy. Two years later he was acquitted by a jury.

The article stated: “The bottom line in each instance gave no credence to any of [local District Attorney Jim] Garrison’s allegations about Shaw and the CIA. Inexorably, however, the mere fact that such questions were asked helped fashion Garrison into something of a prophet in the public mind.” Garrison’s allegations were prominently featured in the “JFK” film.
The Epoch Times has contacted the CIA for comment.
Other Claims
Kennedy Jr.’s claims on Sunday aren’t the first time he’s floated the notion that the CIA killed his uncle. He’s also claimed in the past that his father wasn’t killed by Sirhan Sirhan, a Palestinian man who supported communism.
“I also hope that the governor will consider the overwhelming evidence that Sirhan is not my father’s killer,” Kennedy Jr. wrote for the San Francisco Chronicle in 2021.
He wrote: “For many years, I accepted the orthodoxy that Sirhan was responsible. After all, dozens of eyewitnesses in the Ambassador Hotel pantry saw him fire his gun from just a few feet in front of my father. But in 2016, my father’s close friend, Paul Schrade, persuaded me to read Los Angeles County coroner Thomas Noguchi’s autopsy report and to listen to audio recordings and review other evidence indicating that Sirhan could not have been the murderer.”
Kennedy went on to say that Sirhan fired two shots at Kennedy, an upstart senator from New York who was running as a Democrat in 1968, and one of the bullets, he said, struck Schrade in the head. The other bullet hit a door jamb. He then fired more shots, hitting several other bystanders, Kennedy Jr. alleged.
However, none of those bullets struck his father, Kennedy Jr. said, floating the theory that the four shots that hit his father “were from within a few inches, with two leaving gun powder residue in the wounds, suggesting that the assassin was standing close behind my father, shielding his weapon with his body while all attention focused on Sirhan.”
He also alleged that Los Angeles police investigators “bullied and badgered eyewitnesses to change their statements regarding the number of shots and to silence those who say they saw Cesar draw and shoot his gun and those who reported conspirators dashing from the scene.”
Thane Eugene Cesar, he said, was the individual who killed his father. Before the Sirhan shooting, Cesar—a recently hired security guard—grabbed Kennedy by the elbow and steered him toward Sirhan, he said.
“Bedeviled by questions about his involvement in my father’s murder, Cesar fled to the Philippines. I was in negotiations with him in 2018, before reports of his death in September 2019. After first agreeing to meet with me, he gradually escalated his price to $25,000 for the privilege of interviewing him,” Kennedy said.
Kennedy, an environmental lawyer and writer, declared his candidacy for president several weeks ago. A recent Fox News poll showed that 19 percent of voters favored him.
Article from our premium news partners at The Epoch Times. Image by Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons.
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Corrections, Corrections, Corrections!
The author’s correct name is James DOUGLASS (not Douglas)!
“The article stated: “The bottom line in each instance gave no credence to any of [local District Attorney Jim] Garrison’s allegations about Shaw and the CIA.”
EXCOOOOOOOOSE ME, rubes, but former CIA director, Richard Helms, testified in 1975 that Clay Shaw had indeed been a cutout for the CIA under their QK ENCHANT program!
Rev. Douglass simply took the depositions from the witnesses supposedly “unchanged” from the FBI and Secret Service and Warren Commission back to still–living witnesses and asked them to verify?!
Almost to the individual, every deposition had been altered and/or fabricated! ‘Nuff said.
Witness in the “polka dot dress” hanging around Sirhan all evening was described as an olive—skinned brunette with a Persian accent —- so the feebs and LAPD bring forth a 19–year–old blonde and Nordic–looking Valerie Schulte, whose aunt and uncle both worked in the same classified section of LOCKHEED (where the part–time security guard, Gene Cesar, worked full-time at)! Valerie’s father also worked at the Technicolor Corporation on the LOCKHEED contract!
That attractive brunette in the “polka dot dress” turned out to be the daughter of a former top guy in SAVAK, the Iranian secret police. (Woman’s name was Shirin Khan, the Armenian–Iranian daughter of Khaibar Khan Gudzarian.)
Regarding the JFK assassination . . .
According to declassified documents —- ever read any??? —– CIA personnel met with French assassin—for–hire, Jean Rene Souetre, about 5 to 6 months prior to Nov. 22, 1963 —– and 18 hours after the assassination (according to other CIA expulsion order docs) —- INS agent Virgil Bailey arrives in Dallas to pick up and deport one Jean Souetre from a DPD holding cell.
Also in the days leading up to the assassination the CIA upper management was seeking out Belgian criminal and CIA contract killer, Mozes Maschkivitzan (one of the “three tramps” featured in the famous photo as they passed by Gen. Lansdale, recently retired from the CIA who just happened to be walking by on the 22nd —- the taller tramp was Lazlo the Hungarian with the oldest one being an actual hobo suffering from schizophrenia).
So from ACTUALLY READING AND CROSS–REFERENCING all the declassified CIA and FBI/SIS documents we learn that the assassins were Jean Rene Souetre, Mozes Maschkivitzan, Lazlo and the CIA’s Lucien Conein, who was in Saigon when the Diem brothers were brutally assassinated and several weeks later in Dallas for the crossfire ambush/assassination of John F. Kennedy!
(Rev. Douglass’ book was the most painstakingly depressing, but the best, of all the thousand plus books written on the JFK assassination as he uncovered much valuable data!)
[The major players served in the same two groups during World War II: either in the same OSS unit or the same FBI/SIS group: e.g., deputy chief of the Secret Service, Paul Paterni, CIA Counterintelligence Chief James Angleton and his deputy Ray Rocca, senior advisor to VP Lyndon Johnson, Cliff Carter (whose brother was CIA deputy director, Gen. Marshall Carter), were in the same OSS unit.
Many other FBI/CIA types served in the same FBI/SIS group — headquartered in the same floor in Rockefeller Center as Nelson Rockefeller’s office, who they “unofficially” reported to — Nelson’s administrator there, was George DeMohrenschildt!]
The fact that commenters like myself and others can dig up simple and obvious stuff from very basic OBITUARY SEARCHES —- while some of the CUH—RAP in this article contantly gets repeated is proof positive no media exists in America, simply PuppetMedia —- the author of this drivel should be eternally shamed since they are indeed shameless!!!
The unsung heroic patriots who tried to halt or reveal particulars about the JFK assassination:
Pfc. Eugene Barry Dinkin (crypto operator, US Army)
Secret Service agent Abraham Bolden (first Black–American agent)
Sgt. David Christensen (crypto operator, USAF)
Plus all those witnesses who perished under suspicious circumstances!!!
My final analyses on the RFK assassination (admittedly supposition), based upon all available data, was that it was an MK ULTRA operation gone askew: the three pivotal actors were Sirhan (who had been attending a CIA–affiliated medical clinic for an injury he sustained at the stables he worked at), Gene Cesar (worked at the classified section at LOCKHEED) and Valerie Schulte, the so-called witness whose aunt and uncle worked at the same LOCKHEED section as Cesar. Most likely all three were hypnotic subjects who didn’t quite work out: Sirhan was supposed to fire shots in the vicinity of RFK while the two SAVAK operators registered at the Ambassador would murder Sen. Kennedy and Cesar was intended to kill Sirhan, but instead Cesar accidentally ended up killing RFK allowing Sirhan to live on.
Intel services at that period often borrowed the services of one another plus the Shah of Iran despised the Kennedy brothers, especially former Attorney General Bobby Kennedy, who had halted the program instituted under the Eisenhower Administration of deporting dissident Iranian students back to Tehran for torture and imprisonment.
Lucien Conein, who was involved in the previous assassinations of the Diem brothers in Saigon and JFK in Dallas, had also been a CIA/military advisor to SAVAK and Iranian Special Forces between 1960 to 1962.
The security chief at LOCKHEED in 1968 was James Golden, former Secret Service bodyguard to VP Nixon, who left the Secret Service with Nixon’s loss in 1960, but would return as campaign security from LOCKHEED immediately after the RFK assassination.
James Golden would bizarrely reappear in the news after the assassination attempt on President Reagan, when as DC US Marshal he would make an authorized attempt to pick up and transport would be assassin John Hinckley, Jr., son of former Zapata Oil business partner to George H.W. Bush, who was Reagan’s vice president then. The Reagan people were furious with Golden and had him fired!
Sorry — that should have been “an UNauthorized attempt” regarding Golden and Hinkcley!
Lee Oswald was shot and killed —– while in police custody long enough to be impinted on public memory —- by former gun runner for the CIA, present Mob guy, Jack Ruby, a k a Jakob Rubenstein, uncle of David Rubenstein, one of the founders of the Carlyle Group (original investor: Mellon family)!
Fifty years earlier in China, the pivotal founder of the Nationalist Party and father of China’s democracy (China had several presidential elections in the early 1900s), Song Jiao–Ren, was also assassinated. An itinerant laborer named Wu, who was bewildered as to why he was arrested and who this victim was, remained in police custody —- for THE EXACT SAME ELAPSED TIME PERIOD as Lee Oswald —– before Wu was mysteriously murdered.
Thus neither the real story behind the assassination of JFK/murder of Officer Tippit nor the assassination of Song Jiao–Ren would ever be revealed. Both ALLEGED assassins conveniently murdered WHILE IN POLICE CUSTODY.
Both following the same exact formula.
Much false revisionism has been spewed out over the years about the Kennedy Administration, led by the likes of Noam Chomsky and Seymour Hersh and others!
One of JFK’s first actions as president was to institute the INVESTMENT TAX CREDIT to spur investment in American industry —— today the tax system favors speculative gains and absentee ownership.
JFK also promoted the passage of the INTEREST EQUALIZATION TAX to incentivize corporations to slow down or halt the offshoring of American jobs, which had already begun in the 1950s.
The only presidents to ever work on behalf of the American worker were JFK and Trump! (Yes, Trump didn’t do as much as he could have, since simply enacting tariffs and sitting back isn’t all that effective after 40 years of offshoring jobs and production facilities to China and decades of offshoring in general!)
The outstanding book mentioned in the above article is one of the two top books I have always suggested reading:
JFK and The Unspeakable by James W. Douglass
Battling Wall Street: the Kennedy presidency by Donald Gibson