Those who have followed Planned Parenthood for years know it as a formidable foe, a $2 billion plus corporate empire responsible for more than a third of all abortions performed in America each year. The organization has clinics all over the country, is a worldwide exporter of abortion ideology, and remains a powerful political machine, responsible for keeping pro-abortion politicians in office at all levels of government.
Also, PPFA is a media darling about whom reporters can never say a disparaging word.
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In its February 15, 2025, edition, the New York Times ran a long feature story, written by Katie Benner, revealing some of the organization’s seamier side :“Botched Care and Tired Staff: Planned Parenthood in Crisis.”
The surprise isn’t so much that Planned Parenthood has problems – many which pro-lifers have known and shouted about to deaf ears for years — or that the organization has made abortion politics a priority over patient care – something else we’ve brought up repeatedly. It’s rather that the media, and, in particular, even the ever-so-august New York Times, is finally acknowledging that the nation’s premier abortion factory has feet of clay. […]
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