Here’s another big win for DEI hiring—Mark Brave, New Hampshire’s first black sheriff, just pled guilty to a laundry list of felonies. Shocking? No, not one bit. This is what happens when you focus on checking diversity boxes instead of hiring the best person for the job. Sadly, we see this happening everywhere these days.
Brave’s fall from grace is nothing new. Sadly, it follows a very familiar pattern if you’ve been paying attention to the left’s DEI circus. Back in August 2023, Brave was arrested for stealing nearly $19,000 in county funds. This “stand-up guy” used taxpayer money to fund his extramarital affair and bankroll romantic trips to Boston and Florida.
Mark filed bogus claims for airfare, hotels, and meals—all while conveniently covering up the fact that he wasn’t exactly traveling solo… or with his wife. He actually doctored receipts to hide the identity of his mistress.
But don’t worry—it gets worse…
Sheriff Brave flat-out lied to a grand jury. He spun stories about attending official events, meeting a US congressman, and, of course, denied his mistress was anywhere near those trips. All lies. One Boston getaway, supposedly for a “charity fundraiser,” turned out to be nothing more than a romantic dinner cruise with his side piece. […]
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