Around the Web – Original Source:
The Michigan primary election is Tuesday, August 2nd. One group of Michigan Patriots believe that over 22,000 voters could be easily cleaned off the state’s voter files and are actively challenging these potentially fraudulent voters.
There are an estimated 8.1 million voters on the Michigan election rolls. 1.3 million absentees went out so far in the August primary, of which 68% or 883,901 have been returned so far. Michigan has no-reason absentee voting .
And one group of patriots, staffed with volunteers and donor money, has done the election integrity work the government is paid to perform by finding and […]
Around the Web – Original Source:
The Michigan GOP should have been better prepared.
The 2022 Midterms will be a REPEAT of 2020.
More Democrat CHEATING.
Just a *preview* of what will happen again in 2024.
Trump will WIN ??
With all the Democrat CHEATING….I’m not so sure.