Pop quiz, hotshot: You’re an influential media figure in the political arena. Iranian hackers contact you to hand off intel about a candidate you detest. (Or Russian hackers, North Korean hackers, Columbia U hackers … choose your own betes noires.) Do you wonder whether you’re being played by malevolent foreign governments, or do you just hit ‘publish’?
Ken Klippenstein chose Door Number 2, and one has to suspect that a lot of media hotshots would have done the same. But he has an explanation for it!
It reportedly comes from an alleged Iranian government hack of the Trump campaign, and since June, the news media has been sitting on it (and other documents), declining to publish in fear of finding itself at odds with the government’s campaign against “foreign malign influence.”
I disagree. The dossier has been offered to me and I’ve decided to publish it because it’s of keen public interest in an election season. It’s a 271-page research paper the Trump campaign prepared to vet now vice presidential candidate J.D. Vance. As far as I can tell, it hasn’t been altered, but even if it was, its contents are publicly verifiable. I’ll let it speak for itself. …
If the document had been hacked by some “anonymous” like hacker group, the news media would be all over it. I’m just not a believer of the news media as an arm of the government, doing its work combatting foreign influence. Nor should it be a gatekeeper of what the public should know.
That sounds very high-minded. And to be honest, it could be, but … one suspects that this was at best a secondary motivation for this decision. In fairness, it’s tough to say whether any other journalist would choose Door Number One, at least on a consistent basis. Reportedly, some media outlets did refuse to publish it; the Biden-Harris campaign(s?) chose to ignore it too, at least until now.
— Read More: hotair.com
Banned from HOT AIR long ago for daring to mention and criticize GEORGE SOROS, I will explain what the controlled opposition sites of Salem Media would not — that this lefty journo is the spawn of an ILLEGAL and has no allegiance, ZERO ALLEGIANCE, to the USA, only the CPUSA, the American Communist Party!
Just as his ILLEGAL mother was!
Has any so–called “conservative” (really PSEUDO–conservative) “news” site ever EVER MENTIONED that the recruiter of those Marxist females who created hashtagBLM (#BLM) to the rebranded Maoist group Liberty Road, now called BLM – affiliated with the government operation, ANTIFA, Susan Rosenberg, is the niece or grandniece of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, major Soviet spies who passed along weapons systems secrets, and the atomic bomb technology, to the old Soviet Union and China, thus aiding in the enslaving of 2 billion or more souls under COMMUNISM?!
And enslavement it is to this day, when groups of thugs are bussed into China cities to burn out residents so new buildings may be built and when the Han residents successfully repulsed the CCP thugs, the residents still PLEDGE ALLEGIANCE to the Communist Party, the ultimate in slave mentality!!!
The COMINTERN is alive, and sadly thriving, whether on their own or USEFUL IDIOTS for the globalist devils of the WEF, the World Economic Forum, they seek the demise of Western Civilization!