The Biden regime has escalated their proxy war against Russia with Joe Biden speaking about NATO’s next move during a meeting in Spain. Now, we wait to see how Moscow will react to the escalation.
The sanctions were bad enough. They did nothing to dissuade Russia from continuing their invasion of Ukraine and have instead brought western society in general and American society in particular to the cusp of economic collapse. The Biden regime took it up a few notches by sending money and equipment to Ukraine to prolong the war.
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Now, they’ve declared they’re sending a massive supply of weapons that will be used to kill Russians. Moscow will not react well to this. Watch:
The 50+ nations Biden is bragging about as part of the coalition is designed as cover for American press so they won’t report him as a warmonger, but Russia knows exactly which of the 50+ countries to blame.
DiscloseTV reported:
Biden: US has gathered a coalition of 50+ countries to donate new weapons to Ukraine. The US will contribute another $800 million in military aid. According to Biden, aid to Ukraine has already included:
- 600 tanks
- 500 artillery systems
- 600 000 shells
- 140 000 anti-tank weapons
On today’s episode of The JD Rucker Show, I dove into the implications of Biden’s latest move. I also highlighted the previous moves from an article by Michael Snyder at End of the American Dream. My show follow’s Michael’s article:
If We Keep Escalating This Conflict, the End Result Will Be a Nuclear Cataclysm
There will be nuclear war if we stay on this path. Almost every day, we get more news about how both sides are escalating the conflict in Ukraine. If the American people truly understood what was at stake, there would be giant protests in the streets of every major U.S. city right now. But they don’t. Most of us are entirely convinced that our leaders can do whatever they want in Ukraine without sparking a nuclear war. But the Russians see things very differently. On Russian television there are endless discussions about how the war in Ukraine is really a proxy war between the United States and Russia, and pundits openly discuss the possibility that eventually nuclear weapons will be used. In fact, the destruction of specific U.S. cities has even been discussed on Russian television, but most Americans never hear anything about this.
In a nuclear conflict, the side that uses their weapons first has the best chance of surviving, and the Russians understand this very well.
If push comes to shove, the Russians won’t hesitate to strike if they believe that nuclear war has become inevitable.
So we need to stop this madness while we still can.
Unfortunately, our leaders seem to have no interest in ending the conflict in Ukraine. Instead, they just keep doing things to raise tensions even higher.
This week, Joe Biden announced that the U.S. will be sending “thousands more troops” to eastern Europe…
America will deploy thousands more troops to Europe along with fighters, air defences and ships, Joe Biden announced today, as NATO reinforces its eastern flank in a new Iron Curtain to protect the continent from Russia.
Joe Biden, speaking at a NATO summit in Madrid today, announced the creation of a new base for the US Fifth Army Corps in Poland – the first permanent American base in the country – along with 3,000 extra soldiers to be sent to Romania and ‘enhanced’ troop rotations for the Baltic states of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.
This commitment from Biden is part of an overall NATO effort to increase the total number of “high readiness forces” in Europe to “well over 300,000”…
NATO will enhance its battle groups in the eastern part of the alliance up to brigade levels, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg announced Monday.
“We will increase the number of high readiness forces to well over 300,000,” he said at a news conference in Brussels.
This includes “more pre-positioned equipment and stockpiles of military supplies; more forward-deployed capabilities, like air defense; strengthened command and control, and upgraded defense plans with forces pre-assigned to defend specific allies,” Stoltenberg added.
To the Russians, this looks like a potential invasion force.
Of course the Russians continue to do things to escalate the conflict as well. For example, Vladimir Putin just announced that the Russians will be putting “nuclear-capable ballistic missiles” in Belarus…
Russia plans to place nuclear-capable ballistic missiles in Belarus, a NATO-neighboring Russian ally that housed the forces that invaded Ukraine and attacked Kyiv.
That missile placement would continue a trend of Russian President Vladimir Putin subordinating Belarus to his vision of a “union-state” led by the Kremlin while sending an ominous signal to NATO — perhaps especially Poland and Lithuania, whose borders separate Belarus from Kaliningrad, the Russian exclave near the Baltic Sea.
“Our decision has been made: We will hand over a number of tactical missile systems Iskander-M to Belarus within the next few months,” Putin said during a meeting with Belarusian dictator Alexander Lukashenko. “They can fire ballistic and cruise missiles with conventional and nuclear warheads.”
The Russians have also suggested that Cuba may be a good location for missiles as well.
If you know your history, that should set off some alarm bells.
So much is happening right now, but most Americans are not paying attention.
At this point, the U.S. is providing more funding for the war in Ukraine than anyone else, more weapons for the war in Ukraine than anyone else, and more intelligence for the war in Ukraine than anyone else.
The Ukrainians are providing the dead bodies, but it is the U.S. that is really running the show.
And thanks to the New York Times, we have learned that CIA operatives have been secretly operating on the ground in Ukraine all throughout the war…
As Russian troops press ahead with a grinding campaign to seize eastern Ukraine, the nation’s ability to resist the onslaught depends more than ever on help from the United States and its allies — including a stealthy network of commandos and spies rushing to provide weapons, intelligence and training, according to U.S. and European officials.
Much of this work happens outside Ukraine, at bases in Germany, France and Britain, for example. But even as the Biden administration has declared it will not deploy American troops to Ukraine, some C.I.A. personnel have continued to operate in the country secretly, mostly in the capital, Kyiv, directing much of the massive amounts of intelligence the United States is sharing with Ukrainian forces, according to current and former officials.
But despite all the help that Ukraine has been getting from the United States, the Russians continue to take more ground just about every single day.
Instead of admitting that the Ukrainians are in a fight that they can’t possibly win and looking for a peaceful way out, our leaders just keep upping the ante instead.
And at this point, Congress is going to give the Pentagon and the CIA literally everything that they want for the war in Ukraine…
“I don’t think people realize that right now the spigot from Congress is fully open. Money, weps, intel, whatever they need,” tweeted Jack Murphy, journalist and Iraq/Afghanistan vet. “The American public is not being appropriately informed about what our government is up to as basically every single op DOD/CIA proposes is getting the green light.”
The only way that an overwhelming Russian victory can be prevented at this point would be for the United States to get far more involved in the war.
But if we keep getting deeper and deeper into this conflict, at some point the United States and Russia will start shooting at one another.
And once we reach that juncture, things could go nuclear very rapidly.
You may be thinking that there is no point in being concerned about a nuclear war because if one happens we will all be dead anyway.
If that is what you think, you are dead wrong.
Studies have determined that only about 20 percent of all Americans would be immediately killed by a full-blown nuclear exchange. Here is one example…
This full-scale nuclear war was estimated to cause 770 million direct deaths and generate 180 Tg of soot from burning cities and forests. In the US, about half the population would be within 5km of a ground zero, and a fifth of the country’s citizens would be killed outright.
But that doesn’t mean that most of us would survive.
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Ultimately, the vast majority of the population would slowly starve to death.
A full-blown nuclear exchange would cause a “nuclear winter” and very little food would be able to be grown for an extended period of time…
A subsequent study, published in 2019, looked at a comparable but slightly lower 150 Tg atmospheric soot injection following an equivalent scale nuclear war. The devastation causes so much smoke that only 30-40 percent of sunlight reaches the Earth’s surface for the subsequent six months.
A massive drop in temperature follows, with the weather staying below freezing throughout the subsequent Northern Hemisphere summer. In Iowa, for example, the model shows temperatures staying below 0°C for 730 days straight. There is no growing season. This is a true nuclear winter.
So it could be argued that those that are wiped out during a future nuclear exchange will actually be the lucky ones.
Could you imagine the horror of watching your family slowly starve to death in a world that has gone completely mad?
We must not let things get to that point.
We need to try to find a peaceful solution to the conflict in Ukraine while we still can.
Unfortunately, Joe Biden has surrounded himself with the worst foreign policy team in U.S. history, and they seem to have ruled out trying to find a way to have peace with the Russians.
So we continue to steamroll toward a nuclear cataclysm, and very few of us even seem interested in changing course.
***It is finally here! Michael’s new book entitled “7 Year Apocalypse” is now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon.***
About the Author: My name is Michael and my brand new book entitled “7 Year Apocalypse” is now available on In addition to my new book I have written five other books that are available on including “Lost Prophecies Of The Future Of America”, “The Beginning Of The End”, “Get Prepared Now”, and “Living A Life That Really Matters”. (#CommissionsEarned) When you purchase any of these books you help to support the work that I am doing, and one way that you can really help is by sending digital copies as gifts through Amazon to family and friends. Time is short, and I need help getting these warnings into the hands of as many people as possible.
I have published thousands of articles on The Economic Collapse Blog, End Of The American Dream and The Most Important News, and the articles that I publish on those sites are republished on dozens of other prominent websites all over the globe. I always freely and happily allow others to republish my articles on their own websites, but I also ask that they include this “About the Author” section with each article. The material contained in this article is for general information purposes only, and readers should consult licensed professionals before making any legal, business, financial or health decisions.
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Buffon Biden is the dumbest man on the planet, always wrong all the time. And dimwit Dems are to blame for everything that is happening.
These leaders have the deep underground bunks to retire to after they push the button. They are doing all this to sweep the planet of useless eaters. Biden and Putin are both working for the WEF World Economic Forum… They will b.s. us all right up until the last moment when the button is pushed…
Russians are used to Ukrainians not being able to fight back, such as during the Holodomor and during the 70 years of Russification under the Soviet Union. So Ukrainians have some old scores to settle, while fighting NATO’s battle.
Ukraine has already lost. Only a propagandized moron thinks otherwise. All the weapons systems the US and NATO have will not change that, they will do is insure that this becomes a world war instead of a regional conflict. When all is said and done, regardless of whether NATO or Russia comes out on top, there will be nothing left of Ukraine that could be properly called a nation. The untold millions that will die throughout Europe and the United States will be lives spent for absolutely nothing.
The Russians were in Afghanistan from 1979 to 1990. They do not walk away a easily and all these little things they are doing to poke the bear are not going to work. That is unless we plan on paying for it for the next 10 years in which case then maybe Russia will bankrupt us as we did them. But the likely hood of nuclear hypersonic rockets raining in the US is more likely in this case.
That sure sounds like a declaration of war to me. Remember this when the nuclear bombs start falling. Remember that who ever controls Ukraine it could never threaten the security of the United States. Remember that it is the Democrats that are bringing about our ruin.
Once this conflict goes nuclear it won’t matter who started it because the destruction and deaths caused will be overwhelming. Trying to stay alive will be the most important. The time to act is now, any politician from whatever country who could cause this must be met by life ending force of it’s citizens or harsh imprisonment with no release. Otherwise it will be massive life ending for innocent citizens of the world, and imprisonment to deadly ruined landscape that results of nuclear holocaust with no escape possible.
Or…it’s all a farce intended to frighten an easily-propagandized public.
Well the point is, it doesn’t matter if it was meant simply to frighten the masses. These manipulators of governments are hoping some simpleton calls it out as a nothing burger to further manipulate the people into giving up any resistance to these horrific plans. Shame on you.
Ukraine has already lost. Only a propagandized moron thinks otherwise. All the weapons systems the US and NATO have will not change that, they will do is insure that this becomes a world war instead of a regional conflict. When all is said and done, regardless of whether NATO or Russia comes out on top, there will be nothing left of Ukraine that could be properly called a nation. The untold millions that will die throughout Europe and the United States will be lives spent for absolutely nothing.
america has fallen. it’s no more democracy because 1st requirement of democracy is informed active participation of citizens. but it’s full of stupid, docile, selfish and immoral citizens unworthy of america’s founding principles.
Actually, most of us that know anything at all know that “democracy” is Jewpaganda codeword for “communism”.
We don’t have a “democracy”, we have a REPRESENTATIVE REPUBLIC.
Sorry. Don’t believe in “nuclear weapons”.
Fear porn for the masses.
Remember when an essential mantra of libtardian lunacy was “Trump is going to get us into a war”?
Sadly, the libtards and the trumptards are both equally brainwashed.