(WND)—In less than six months, the country will be faced with another presidential election. In normal times, we would have a proper degree of concern. We wouldn’t be thinking we were facing a near existential threat. In other words, we wouldn’t be so anxious, full of dread and scared to death about the routine changing of the guard. Evidently, we all know this election represents something bigger than that – much weightier.
It’s all on the line for America, this time. We have a fundamental choice in 2024 – one more chance to make things right. What is it?
As Ronald Reagan explained years ago, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”
Now we know what “the Gipper” was talking about – and how!
The Democratic Party is now the existential threat we face. It truly encompasses all our worst enemies and diabolical foes.
That’s because we “skipped” the election of 2020 – though not by choice. President Donald Trump would have won the election outright – securing at least 74,224,319 votes, far more than any previous candidate for president. How many votes did Joe Biden have to get to beat him? A staggering 81,284,666 – about twice as many as Barack Hussein Obama. Does that make sense to anyone? Yes, it does. IT WAS RIGGED! That’s the only explanation. The Democrats illegally changed the entire election process under the of darkness night during the manufactured crisis of the worldwide pandemic. How else could they have done it? They extended our traditional voting day to voting weeks. Voter fraud was rampant. Then they induced the so-called “insurrection” as cover.
For too many years, the Democrats had been engineering the coup. They rigged institutions to cover their tracks – from the media, the law schools, Hollywood, public education and so forth. Then, they did all over again in the 2022 elections.
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Now we have been captured by the Deep State. America is like a pitiful, helpless giant since. If America is to return to its glory days as a county ruled by the people, it has just one shot left.
His name is Donald Trump. Only he has the courage, experience and fortitude to do it. What the Democrats have done to us is unspeakable. And they have done it all to Trump.
Again, think back to Reagan: He tried to tell us in his own way. Remember?
He said, among other things, “As government expands, liberty contracts.”
He told us, “Republicans believe every day is the Fourth of July, but the Democrats believe every day is April 15.”
Again said simply, “A nation that cannot control its borders is not a nation.”
And most of all, he told us, “You and I have a rendezvous with destiny. We will preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on earth, or we will sentence them to take the first step into a thousand years of darkness. If we fail, at least let our children and our children’s children say of us we justified our brief moment here. We did all that could be done.”
Reagan’s gone, but his inspiration lives on. Thankfully, Trump lives and maintains the fight. May God bless him.
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A sovereign nation looks after its citizenry —— America long ago ceased to be a genuine country, and this is blatant under the Biden regime’s END AMERICA PROGRAM!
The blithering idiot who penned this piece has OBVIOUSLY never read a piece of legislation signed into law their entire existence: LAZY BONES, LAZY BONES, LAZY BONES, shame on you!!!
“His name is Donald Trump. Only he has the courage, experience and fortitude . . . .”
Yes, ignoranuses, there was massive election fraud in 2020 and Trump won but “lost” — now why was that?
Because some doofus named TRUMP signed the CISA Act of 2018, handing off all FUTURE ELECTIONS (2020, 2020, 2020 plus 2022 . . .) to the DHS, along with the Census!
Under the Trump Administration, SecDef MARK ESPER implemented DEI, communist political minder systems, at the DoD and intelligence agencies, further expanded later by Manchurian Joe TransBiden! In other words, RUBES and this blithering idiot writer, ESPER restructured them as COMMUNIST ORGANIZATIONS, which they remain as in the present! (Then MARK ESPER, never–Trumper, joined the anti–Trump CHERTOFF GROUP and the Atlantic Council!)
READING IS FUNDAMENTAL, try it sometime!
It is 2024, EVERYTHING is corrupt and crooked in America yet JOSEPH FARAH of WND has blind faith in in the American election process, which is UTTERLY OPAQUE, thanks to official EXEMPTIONS of BALLOTS and BALLOT IMAGES from public disclosure laws at the state level!?
Ameritards glibly assert they can “track their ballots” —— they can never VERIFY their after–election ballots, since it is against the law, but they can track them, oh for joy: a nation of clowntards and Ameritards!
A bunch of FBI retirees were swindled out of their life savings in Florida back in 2006, falling for the classic “swamp land” scam —— still lots of cheap swamp land remaining in the Everglades, rubes, set aside just for you!
In 6 Months, We’ll Know if We Still Have a Country
by Joseph Farah, WND
I submit he is well meaning but ignorant . We lost this country decades ago . They did such a good job at stealing it from the fools we are . We didn’t see it happening .
People – the thinking people know that the country is in peril. Many think it’s going to get better,back to normal . What normal ? The morality of the 50’s. LOL we can’t even get back to the virtue of the 70’s.
Dreamers …….
The Japanese navy asked Isoroku Yamamoto . IF we go to war with America what is the out come ? He came back and said . If we go to war we will prevail for 6 months after that the tide of the war will turn and we will lose. They called him a traitor and some wanted him killed . ( The battle of Midway was 6 months into the war with Japan . )
German General Rommel – the creator of the Atlantic Wall stated that if the Allies invade and get a beach head . We will lose the war . The Allies did get a beach head and Germany did fall .
Am I as smart as they were ? No. But like them I can deduce what is going on. No matter what one wants to believe . All three of us in our lives saw the sun come up in the east every day and could see the outcome .
It’s not hopelessness but knowing that the war you’ve been put into , you just can’t win.