If you are not alarmed by what is happening to our largest cities, you should check to see if you still have a pulse. Once upon a time, the beautiful new cities that our forefathers constructed were the envy of the entire planet, but now many of them have degenerated into crime-infested hellholes that are absolutely teeming with violent predators.
Shoplifting has essentially become a national pastime, open air drug markets operate freely right under the noses of indifferent authorities, and addicts pull down their pants and take a dump whenever and wherever they feel like doing so. Thanks to record levels of illegal immigration, gang membership is absolutely exploding, and human trafficking has reached truly frightening levels.
Of course our steadily thinning police forces are overwhelmed at this point. In fact, police in Seattle are stretched so thin that they often are not able “to take reports from rape victims”. And if you are the victim of a non-violent crime in Seattle, good luck ever getting a police officer to pay attention to your case. From coast to coast, communities are descending into a state of utter lawlessness. So if things are this bad already, what will conditions be like when things really start hitting the fan?
Continuing a trend that we have seen for the last couple of years, crime rates all over the nation just keep going higher and higher.
For example, auto theft, grand larceny and transit crime are all up by more than 50 percent in New York City so far this year…
Data released by the New York City Police Department showed Grand Larceny Auto increased by 51.1% with 5,420 incidents as of June 5 compared to just 3,587 incidents by the same time in 2021.
That category had one of the largest upticks during the most recent crime statistic report covering May 30 to June 5. Grand larceny incidents spiked by 50.1% from 20,659 incidents reported to NYPD as of June 5, compared to the 13,713 reported during the same period last year.
Meanwhile, overall transit crime surged by 53.6% so far this year.
I thought that the new mayor was elected to end the crime wave.
Instead, it appears that it has been supersized.
One way to hide the rapid rise in crime is to decriminalize things that used to be major offenses.
In Portland, voters decided to decriminalize hard drugs, but that just turned the city into an “open air drug market”…
The streets of Portland resemble an ‘open air drug market’ after state officials’ scheme to decriminalize hard drugs led to a surge in overdose deaths, critics claim.
Law enforcement agents say that the streets of Portland are full of homeless addicts openly buying and selling drugs and that signs of drug addiction are actually increasing statewide, Fox News reported.
Photos show the desperate situation in the liberal Pacific Northwest city, where people can be seen shooting up drugs or passed out in broad daylight.
At one time, Portland was one of the most magnificent cities in the entire world.
Now it is a horror show.
On top of all the ordinary crime that is going on, now we are witnessing a very alarming rise in politically-motivated violence.
The Supreme Court decision that will overturn Roe v. Wade is expected to be released this month, and a group known as “Jane’s Revenge” has announced that it is “open season” on those with pro-life views…
The pro-abortion group Jane’s Revenge is declaring it “open season” on pro-life groups and crisis pregnancy centers.
The group has a history of damaging property during their protests, and they took credit for the vandalization of a pregnancy resource center in Des Moines, Iowa earlier this month. In a message posted to social media, the group said they broke windows and left graffiti political messages all over the clinic. “It was easy and fun,” the message read.
Sadly, even though the official Supreme Court decision has not even been released yet, there has already been quite a bit of violence.
In fact, it is being reported that there have been more than three dozen attacks on pro-life groups, churches and crisis pregnancy centers in recent weeks…
An armed would-be assassin’s alleged attempt on the life of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh last week is part of a wave of violence, arson, vandalism, and intimidation targeting pro-life groups and government officials since the leak last month of a draft Supreme Court opinion that would overturn Roe v. Wade.
There have been more than three dozen such incidents directed at crisis pregnancy centers and churches in at least 20 states and Washington, D.C., according to a tally maintained by LifeNews.com, an anti-abortion site.
The thin veneer of civilization that we all take for granted on a daily basis is rapidly dissipating, and our streets are becoming more uncivilized with each passing day.
If this is happening while economic conditions are still relatively stable, what will happen once things start getting really crazy out there?
In some parts of the world, the food crisis has already reached critical levels. For example, the government of Sri Lanka has actually shortened the work week so that workers will have more time to grow their own food…
Sri Lanka’s federal government on Monday approved a proposal that would shorten the work week of most public sector staff to four days so that workers will have time to farm their own crops, Reuters reported Tuesday, noting the measure aims to combat Sri Lanka’s worsening food shortages caused by a recent economic crisis.
“Sri Lanka’s Cabinet late on Monday approved a proposal for public sector workers to be given leave every Friday for the next three months, partly because the fuel shortage made commuting difficult and also to encourage them to farm,” Reuters reported on June 14.
Over in Africa, the United Nations has stopped feeding approximately 1.7 million citizens of South Sudan because they simply do not have enough funding to feed the rapidly growing throngs of desperately hungry people…
The World Food Programme has been forced to stop providing food aid to around 1.7 million people in South Sudan, because of a lack of funding. The UN-run organization will still reach 4.5 million people, but many will miss out on vital resources.
According to BBC News, over half the population of South Sudan is currently facing hunger due to floods, localized drought, continuing conflict, and rising food prices. Marwa Awad is from the World Food Programme and is in the northern town of Bentiu in South Sudan, where she has been talking to people about the effects the cuts to aid are having.
All of the experts are telling us that the global food crisis is going to get a lot worse as the months roll along.
If the UN has already reached the limit of what they are able to do, who is going to help the millions upon millions of hungry people that will soon need help in order to survive?
Here in the U.S., food production has been affected by a bizarre series of disasters, and we are being warned that much less will be produced this year than originally anticipated. I think that one expert summed up the current situation very well when he warned that “we are teetering on the edge right now”…
Pennsylvania farmers are being “crushed” by the record cost of diesel – so much so, that questions about a food crisis are starting to loom, the Morning Call reported.
One farmer in Lehigh County is quoted as saying: “I’ve got a tractor hooked up to my corn planter out here, no diesel fuel, and I can’t afford to get any.”
That farmer was airing his gripes to Kyle Kotzmoyer, a legislative affairs specialist for the Pennsylvania Farm Bureau. Kotzmoyer then turned around and testified to state lawmakers: “We have reached that point to where it is very close to being a sinking ship. We are teetering on the edge right now.”
If we eventually get to a point where food prices spiral completely out of control and there are widespread shortages, do you think that those living in our core urban areas will respond with grace and patience?
Of course not.
Instead, people will go absolutely nuts.
We got a small preview of what is to come during the Arab Spring of 2011. There were serious food shortages around the world that year, and that resulted in tremendous civil unrest.
Here in the United States, most people do not have large amounts of food stored up, and that is especially true in our largest cities.
So we better hope that the rapidly growing global food crisis does not affect us too severely, because the truth is that we are definitely not equipped to handle such a scenario.
***It is finally here! Michael’s new book entitled “7 Year Apocalypse” is now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon.***
Article cross-posted from End of the American Dream.
No, the cities did not turn into h*ll holes, rather into socially engineered multicultural h*ll holes, It was done by the DEMs & wandering ethnic minority to destroy ethnic cultural socioeconomic & Geo-political cohesion. Multiculturalism is the ‘”satanic seed of anarchy”‘. Nobody survives it’s poisonous proselytizing mission creep
LUKE 8:17 For all that is secret will eventually be brought into the open, and everything that is concealed will be brought to light and made known to all.
Vote Dem if you want to die from violent crimes. When will people realize Dems can’t govern. Their ideas have never worked. Remember, Harm Reduction for drugs? Some of their dumb ideas that caused this crime wave.
1. Bail reform for criminals
2. Defund the police
3. Normalization of violent crime in 2020 using Antifa and BLM
What delusional idealists like Democrats think that sounds good on paper does not work in real life. They who don’t understand basic human nature, how many must die senseless deaths because their ineptitude?
We can only hope, as it will make target practice that much more exhilarating when we get to aim at real targets. If and when the criminals come to your neighborhood and are raising hell and shooting up the place, SHOOT THEM, as did Kyle Rittenhouse. No longer will we allow the Boogaloo boys, BLM or Black Supremacist to steal our peace.
Remember my friends, taking off the head of the snake is your primary target. If there are many snakes in the grass, you’ll need lots of bullets, SO PREPARE NOW BECAUSE SHORTLY YOU LIFE MAY DEPEND ON IT !!!
Every single bit of this rot is the result of Democrat policies, radical feminazis, pro choice domestic terrorists, black supremacists and the liberal subculture. A lot of people are acing like this is a temporary situation. They have no idea what “The Great Reset” is all about and who is perpetrating it. None of it is accidental, and NONE of it has anything to do with Russia or Ukraine.
Three years ago we were exporting oil, gas, and wheat. One of the first things Biden did after being installed was shut down the pipelines, halt domestic drilling, freeze oil & gas leases, and slap a moritorium on new ones. He’s also been raiding the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserves. The supply chain is a wreck due to high fuel prices, and stupid vaccine mandates on dockworkers and truckers. Dozens of food processing and distribution plants have been destroyed by fire since the beginning of the year.
Many people in rural, low crime areas and small towns feel secure. They hunt, fish, grow gardens, and they’re stocked up. When TSHTF (and it will) – within a week the worst of the worst will be coming their way, looking for food, clean water, fuels, guns, ammo, and women. Basically everything you have will be in jeopardy.
Get ready. Stock up, be vigilant, and commit to helping each other,
Could it be the WH puppet string pullers and dems hope for more rioting and looting; possibly to be timed in early to mid October – just in time to declare another “emergency”, martial law and postpone the election — all for everyones safety.
You’re not supposed to say that part out loud.
If the election is postponed for any reason. It will be the reason for civil war. Postponing elections is how dictatorships start. Once postponed, the election will never be held.
It is time for the citizens to organize into militias to defend their neighborhoods.
This revolution will be by individuals and small cells of patriots; There will be no great confrontations with the government. Americans should cock, lock and pick a target responsible. Most politicians, activists, leftist actors and actresses, commie academians, and social influencers have no bodyguards. These people are bent on destroying America. Our duty is simple. We have to destroy them first. Every deer hunter is a sniper. Every traitor a target.
We are in the midst of a crushing upheaval of our former way of life. These ‘happenings’ of today, from food issues, fuel costs, market free fall, and cultural rot, are completely orchestrated. The evil game plan of the left is coming to light. And the American citizen has NO fighter on their behalf. We must stay vigilant and be resolute in our cause. It is going to be a summer unlike anything we’ve ever seen.
Get right with God. Truly our only hope.
Buy a weapon,
Learn to use it,
Carry it always,
Shoot to kill!
Article: “From coast to coast, communities are descending into a state of utter lawlessness.”
Bible: Matthew 24:12 And because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold.
We are in the last of the last days. Repent of your sins and be forgiven by Jesus!
If you haven’t been stocking up on brass and firearms for at least the last decade, you’re way behind the curve.
It’s coming and it won’t be pretty.
For once, comments that are all spot on. The Rothschild Jews are doing everything in their power to destroy ALL Western Democracies. They are the “Federal” Reserve. They have printed money to a point where the USD is absolutely worthless. We have allowed them to steal elections from coast to coast and yet no one is doing anything. They are destroying food processing plants at an alarming rate to starve the population. They are backing DA’s who just return the criminals back onto the streets to continue their murderous, thieving rampages. They are the blight upon humanities existence. Here’s something most people are blind to…Russia kicked the “Central Bank” cartel out just before the conflict with Ukraine. The Jews are not happy about that, hence ALL the sanctions. ALL US companies are told what to do by the Jews, yes, even Elon Musk.
We need to be ready. I live in BFE and so it may take a few for riots and crazies to get to me, but I’m also prepared for the worst. Slow is smooth and smooth is fast.