There’s a TV series in the works in which Christians are the heroes, but it is not coming out of the major Hollywood studios where Christians are the foils for the noble people who are anything but Christians.
“I’m also working on a TV limited series about the Siege of Malta, which is an incredible story, and there’s only one place to film that, I mean, in Malta,” Gibson said, according to Movieweb.
“Because that’s where it happened, at these fortresses where 700 knights defended Malta against an onslaught from the Turkish and Suleiman sent 40,000 men and ships and, wow, the knights won. So, it’s a pretty crazy, great story,” he said.
The Great Siege of Malta of 1565! Centuries prior to that, the crusader order of Hospitaller warrior monks made a promise to defend Christendom against the most dangerous foes. At Malta, they kept their promise in face of full onslaught of the powerful Ottoman empire. (Thread!)
— Aristocratic Fury (@LandsknechtPike) March 29, 2022
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Not surprised. Mel Gibson is one of the greatest film directors.
Is Mel Gibson also going to do a series about how Christians throughout Europe and Russia murdered, slaughtered, tortured, and butchered Jewish men, women, and children over a 1,900-year period due to their Christian genocidal hatred, racism, bigotry, jealousy, and arrogance?
No, he is sticking to history, not fantasy.
Are you still poisoning the wells?
Christians also defeated M uslims in Hungary.
Hungary has 50 fortresses spread all over the country which were made specifically for the regular m uslim invasions. For hundreds of years the Hungarians have called the M uslims “a culture of thieves.”
M uslims were looting nations long before Democrats in Los Angeles.