The massive surge of illegal aliens at the southern border since the lifting of Title 42 has revealed to many what some of us have known for a long time. Leftists aren’t just wanting to help illegal aliens. They’re doing whatever they can to give them SUPERIOR rights over American citizens.
Betsy McCaughey from The Epoch Times highlighted some examples of this:
Over the last two weeks, Adams has rolled out a scheme to bus hundreds of migrants to upscale motels in Newburgh, Orangetown, and Yonkers, pleading that New York City is out of space. It didn’t matter that many of the motel rooms were already occupied or booked. Money talks. New York City pays above-market rates to house migrants, averaging $8,000 per room, per month, taxpayers be damned. The motels acted fast to clear their rooms.
“We had a legal contract to have those rooms,” Moretti said. Nearly two dozen struggling homeless veterans also got the boot, including some who had served in Vietnam or Afghanistan.
People staying at the Ramada Inn in Yonkers were told to clear out as well. Up to 100 migrant families are expected there within a week. Savannah Harp, who’s been living there with her 18-month-old son, resents that she’s had to pay for her room, while the migrants displacing her will get rooms for free.
Big city Democrats like Adams give migrants top priority. Protest and you’re called “racist” or “xenophobic.” Even so, some local leaders are fighting back against Adams’ takeover of hotels and motels in their counties.
The border crisis was a raging dumpster fire before Title 42 was lifted and now it’s an existential threat. America will not survive this if it’s allowed to continue for much longer. That’s not an attack against immigrants. It’s a condemnation against illegal aliens and the Uniparty Swamp members who entice them to make the dangerous trek so they can be given free stuff in America.
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I’m a legal immigrant. I am not against immigration as long as it’s not only legal but also makes sense for this nation. We can and should accept a limited number of immigrants based on merit and potential. I’d like to think my mother, who became a Captain in the U.S. Army and a nurse practitioner as a civilian, is an example of how legal immigrants can be beneficial to this nation. But what we’re seeing being pushed at the border and spread across the nation is the exact opposite. They’re not trying to bring in the best people to help lift America. The powers-that-be and their Uniparty Swamp minions want the neediest and least beneficial “migrants” injected into the American population.
The fundamental reason for this push is The Great Reset. It’s a necessary step to fulfill the globalist machination of one world government under the liberal world order. That’s not just fodder for conspiracy theorists. It’s demonstrable and only those who get their news from CNN or Fox have sufficient blinders in place to prevent them from seeing it.
Here are five ways the plan to give illegal aliens superiority over American citizens pushes us closer to experiencing The Great Reset…
Democrat Voters
We’ll start with the obvious one that has been well-documented for decades. Yes, illegal aliens who are given citizen status at some point will likely be Democrat voters. Their children born in the United States will likely become Democrat voters. In both the short and long term, Democrats benefit from as many illegal aliens as possible.
And while Democrats are not alone as puppets for the globalists to promote The Great Reset, they certainly make for easier targets to compromise. In fact, many of them wholeheartedly embrace the tenets of The Great Reset without being compromised at all. They WANT it to happen.
Destruction of Our Economy
Also well-documented is how economically crippling illegal immigration is. There are taxpayer dollars spent in ludicrous amounts just to process illegal aliens, let alone cloth, feed, and house them. There’s also the job-stealing aspect; leftists claim it’s racist to say illegal aliens steal jobs from American citizens but they ignore the simple arithmetic that adding people to a finite job market means some will work and some won’t.
That’s not racist. That’s math.
Tension and Chaos
Whether it’s Black Lives Matter, #DefundThePolice, reparations, trans-lunacy, grooming, or any of the other examples of Cultural Marxism driving the conversations and fueling tension, the left has become adept at making Americans hate each other. Illegal alien superiority may be their coup de grâce to drive us into a civil war scenario where martial law is required and a police state is officially anointed.
This is why they’re kicking out homeless veterans to make room for illegal aliens. It’s why 71% of them are being dropped off in red districts. And it’s why the Biden-Harris regime is trying so hard to not only release them into the interior, but to make it nearly impossible to ever deport them even if Republicans take back control in DC. They want this chaos. They need this tension. They want America First patriots to become the domestic terrorists they already claim we are.
Owning Nothing and Being Happy
The previous three elements of the invasion plan are peripheral aspects driving The Great Reset. This one is direct. The oft-repeated gaslighting by the World Economic Forum that we will “own nothing and be happy” is being tested in its purest form with the border invasion.
Illegal aliens are being given everything they need to survive. They have become wards of the state, and as such they’ve been made into a social experiment through which the powers-that-be will “prove” we do not need private ownership in order to survive. They are already subtly pointing to these illegal aliens through corporate media with puff pieces about how grateful and free they feel. It’s a psyop and an unfortunate number of Americans are falling for it, as intended.
Elimination of National Sovereignty
The Great Reset can only reach its fullest form if national sovereignty is erased. No nation embodies national sovereignty better than the United States (though our history is loaded with examples of how we do not respect the sovereignty of other nations). No attack on national sovereignty is as effective as open borders.
The powers-that-be require a multipolar world that they can control through their centralized seat of power. Long before anyone had heard of Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum, he and Henry Kissinger worked with the Club of Rome to devise their long-term plan of establishing ten regional powers that would govern the world’s population under the umbrella of a New World Order. It’s all sorts of Biblical in its implications and we’re seeing it manifest before our eyes today.
When we fight the good fight against the illegal alien invasion, we must do so knowing that this is more than just defending our jobs or preserving border security. We’re fighting against the globalist elite cabal that is using the perpetual border surge as a way to destroy this nation from within. Recognizing this will hopefully drive Americans to take this threat more seriously. It’s often said that if this happens or that happens, that we won’t have a nation for long. In the case of our current predicament, saying the utter destruction of American society is nigh would not be hyperbole.
It’s just the 2023 version of LBJ’s comment regarding keeping those n$-(+-_s voting for Democrats for a hundred years. It’s been a very long time since I heard the actual recording so it might be 200 years, but you get the point.