Never in modern history have the polls been wrong by FAVORING Republicans heavily. Polls favor Democrats by 3%-6%, so in any race that’s close in the polls, Republicans have a better chance of winning it than the Democrat because real results for the GOP outperforms polling. We saw a clear example of this in Florida where polls that favored Republican candidates underestimated their victories while polls that favored Democrats, such as the race between Eric Lynn and Anna Paulina Luna, were wrong. Luna defeated Lynn by 8-points despite the final two polls showing Lynn slightly favored.
That’s how things are supposed to go, but this last election was different. Very different. Inexplicably and undeniably different. Instead of close races going to Republicans, they defied every election in modern history and went to Democrats. Even candidates who were clearly winning in the final polls, such as Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake or Pennsylvania senate candidate Dr. Mehmet Oz, had their fortunes reversed.
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But here’s the catch. The red tsunami that everyone and their dog predicted was only thwarted in states where voter fraud is essentially permitted through loose voter ID laws, ubiquitous mail-in balloting, ballot harvesting, and unchecked vote counting practices. States that have stricter laws such as Florida and Ohio saw the predicted red wave. States where voter fraud is de facto legalized like Arizona and Pennsylvania saw inexplicable “wins” for corrupt Democrats.
Unfortunately, we’re not hearing about this from most in conservative or alternative media. Instead, we’re hearing excuses. For example, I’ve seen many conservative pundits that I used to respect claiming that the abortion issue is what caused the failure of the red tsunami. This is unambiguously false for one important reason. Nobody woke up on election day and said, “Hmm, I know I was going to vote for Republicans and told the pollsters I was voting for Republicans just yesterday, but today I remember Lindsey Graham wants to create a nationwide abortion ban so I’m going to vote for Democrats instead.”
That didn’t happen. If abortion was the issue that stopped the red tsunami, we would have seen that reflected in the polls for weeks ahead of the election. We didn’t. In fact, many Democrat candidates had switched their ads in the final weeks to stop focusing on abortion because it simply wasn’t playing for the general population. We also would have seen it in gubernatorial races. Instead, what we saw is 100% of the governors who signed an abortion ban won reelection.
Others have blamed the “MAGA Republicans” for being bad candidates. This is also false. Lake, for example, ran a pitch-perfect campaign. This is why she was leading in the final polls. Without massive, widespread voter fraud, I imagine she actually won by double-digits against a very weak candidate who wouldn’t debate, was embroiled in multiple scandals, and whose only pitch to voters was that Lake was somehow dangerous. So the lady who ran the counting of the ballots after being non-existent during the campaign somehow won against a person the people have known and trusted for decades during her television career. That didn’t happen, either.
Some are pointing to the student loan forgiveness causing a blue wave among students. This may be the most ludicrous excuse of them all. Announcing that college students voted heavily Democrat this election is like saying the sun rose in the east this morning. Students have voted Democrat in every election for the last six decades. It’s not new. It wasn’t exceptional this year. It didn’t stop the red tsunami.
You are being gaslighting, as Wayne Allyn Root noted on one of his recent columns, which I included in a segment of today’s episode of The JD Rucker Show. Unfortunately, we’re not just being gaslighting by leftist corporate media. Conservative news outlets are blaming the election losses on everything other than massive, widespread voter fraud.
Know this. If you feel in your gut that voter fraud is the main reason the red tsunami didn’t materialize, you’re not alone. People on both sides of the political aisle are going to try to convince you otherwise. You’re going to be labeled an “election denier” and for some reason that’s scaring enough conservative pundits into silence. Don’t fall for it. You know what happened. You may not know the details, but you know there is no possible way the general population outside of Florida and a few other states voted for more of the torture this nation has been put through the last two years under Democrat control.
“It’s the economy, stupid.” For Democrats to have allegedly been rewarded with possible gains in the Senate and far fewer losses than projected in the House is simply impossible with the economy the way it is. It wasn’t Roe v Wade. It wasn’t “MAGA Republicans.” It wasn’t student debt forgiveness. It was voter fraud. Period. Don’t let anyone, especially so-called conservative pundits, convince you otherwise.
Hopefully, there will be some lawfare finally used properly by Republicans. That’s the only recourse at this point. As Leo Donofrio noted on a recent interview, there are ways we can correct the stolen election in Arizona at the very least. I’m sure there are ways in other states as well. It’s time to find some good, patriotic attorneys and plaintiffs who are willing to put in the work to save this nation. Otherwise, there may not even be a 2024 election.
When are heads coming off of necks?
Death penalty for vote fraud!
The only reasonable way to stop this evil 5hlt!
I would go for that!
Be careful what you wish for.
Capital punishment could easily then extend to many other faucets of life.
Such as, being an election denier or drug user, etc, etc.
You people are basically advocating for an authoritarian government model.
Again, be careful what you wish for.
These dirty democrats will do anything, but dont get it messed up.
Republicans are complicit and likely getting their hands greased from FTX and all that money laundering they are doing with the money sent to Ukraine.
These politicians need to face actual justice for their treasona nd the courts are so corrupt they willnot do their jobs and bring justice.
Mitch McConnell wants to crush the MAGA movement just like he crushed the Tea Party movement in the 2010-2014 elections. He was directly responsible for the crap show in Mississippi and getting Lisa Mercowski (spelling) in Alaska as a write-in candidate re-elected. McConnell doesn’t care who controls congress because they are two wings of the same dragon.p (Satan).
You know Mitch McConnell wants to crush the MAGA movement just like he crushed the Tea Party movement in the 2010-2014 elections. He was directly responsible for the crap show in Mississippi and getting Lisa Mercowski (spelling) in Alaska as a write-in candidate re-elected. McConnell doesn’t care who controls congress because they are two wings of the same dragon.p (Satan).
What we can see from the absolute lack of any real action being taken by law enforcement (sheriffs, U.S. Marshals, Non-corrupt F.B.I. “if there are any”) is that the long term communist plan of wearing down the American people has worked. Every tactic being used today matches exactly what I was taught about back in 1986. {Globalist corporate control of government, the installation of thousands of leftist obsessed unelected appointees that are instructed directly from the entities they identify with, stolen elections, etc.} When 24/7 fake news started 30 years ago, such corruption wouldn’t have stood a chance and no one in their right mind would allow a candidate to be in charge of the vote counting process. Now, people just sit in front of the TV watching overtly scripted instructions and never question anything. It’s become so bad in fact that America is now only a few steps away from a mass forfeiture of rights.
That’s a good one Urchin.
My question is simple; How many times are they going to frigging steal it right under peoples noses and in front of their eyes real time, before we all come up with a better program? They can’t honestly be surprised at this point, we knew they were going to steal this next election over 2 years ago.
The solution: Block chain technology. Every ballot can have a unique key code w/ an associated scanning square. This is assigned at ballot printing, tied to the ballot itself. Every vote cast digitally can be given a unique key code and associated scanning square, at the time of vote casting.
Then everyone could simply log into a central database at any point later in time, to verify their vote was tallied as cast. There would be no privacy exposure, and as long as people saved that little block chain key code receipt, we’d all be able to verify our votes were tallied as cast, as well as gaining more detailed general audit capabilities regarding verifying total voter numbers against voter rolls, that sort of thing.
Colorado; Still wearing the crown for having the most counties, with more votes cast than registered voters. If you guys did not see this coming a mile down the tracks you were blind. They’ve been stealing it ever since the first digital voting machines came out decades ago. Get a damned clue people. You are watching political theater. Enjoy the show. (uh oh, blog name entry tiles below misbehaving, acting invisible again.)
the “fraud free” elections bs is deeper than hip waders… drip by drip the first dominos are falling with more votes than registered voters in pa, georgia, arizona etc… even though i watched 16 to 18 hours of voter fraud hearings & observed massive voter fraud through other sources the msm debunked all of it so i didn’t see what i saw… besides, cell phone geolocating data only works at the capitol if your not the fbi, blm, pantifa or at drop boxes…
voting machines are the only computer that can’t be hacked, ask the main stream mockingbird media…
Deb, run this web search: TinaPetersForColorado. Find the website.
Then click on the ‘reports’. Download and save all three of them.
The methodology to steal the votes lies within the table based large data systems.
Basically anyone capable of running python or other simple to use table based systems can mis match and scoot data from one table to the next. Voila! What was a vote for one side is now a vote for the other.
I mean, we’ve proved it, we have the hard evidence.
Political slime whom refuses to fix the issue, well, that’s because they’re all in on it.
They go in regular, and come out rich, nobody wants to rock the boat and they’re not competing to represent us, they’re competing for great cozy jobs with practically no executive oversight.
Politics 2022. You are watching political theater, as it’s politicking season again. Enjoy the show.
Oh here, I’ll link it for you. Everyone READ THIS.
The red wave is in box # 3.
The red wave is in box # 3 uncounted
In the 2020 presidential election, evidence of theft abounds. Election crimes were caught on video, with audit evidence, through the breaking of election laws and the illegal formulation of new rules, through the capture of electronically collected and changed voting data, and by witnesses who gave sworn testimony about vote thefts, election rigging and their cover-ups. I believe the fundamental theft this time minimized these possibilities of being exposed. The theft could have been accomplished as follows:
Let’s say Republican candidate ‘A’ leads Democrat candidate ‘B’ by 8% in internal polls (54% to 46%). That means if, for every 10 votes for candidate ‘A’, one vote is flipped to candidate ‘B’ in real-time; i.e., the vote is initially recorded as a vote for ‘B’, not given to ‘A’ then taken back and given to ‘B’, that election can be flipped. After 50 actual votes for ‘A’, he’d only be credited with 45 votes. On average, given the 8% real vote difference, of every 100 votes cast, 54 would have gone to ‘A’ and 46 would have gone to ‘B’. But after the steal of 5 votes from ‘A’ (one in every 10), ‘A’ would only be recorded as having received 49 votes (54 minus 5 stolen) while ‘B’ would be credited with 51 votes (46 plus the stolen 5). ‘B’ would be declared the winner 51% to 49% despite losing the actual vote count by 8%.
This theft can be achieved by just a few lines of programming code. This code would be placed at the point where votes are electronically recorded in the machine. On the scanning of a ballot for a particular race, the software recognizes if the vote is for ‘A’ and if so a variable, say CountOfVotesForA, is incremented. The logic in pseudo-code below is executed:
If (the vote is for ‘A’) then CountOfVotesForA = CountOfVotesForA + 1
If ((CountOfVotesForA > FlippingThreshold) & (FlippingThreshold != 0))
then record the vote as one for ‘B’
and //* reset the CountOfVotesForA *//
CountOfVotesForA = 0
It’s that simple. The check of FlippingThreshold not being equal to 0 allows the system to pass testing. That threshold is set to 0 for testing, then set to the desired value for the election (as shown in the example, It would be set to 10 for overcoming an 8% expected deficit). Setting that parameter can be done remotely; as we saw in the 2020 election, the Dominion machines could be remotely accessed. It can even be adjusted dynamically based on results being recorded. For example, if the spread was more than 8%, that is ‘B’ was still trailing after one in 10 votes for A was flipped, the threshold can be adjusted to be less than 10. The non-zero value can also be set with no external input based on the system date (e.g., at the start of early voting or after the last day of testing). Generally software testing assumes the developers weren’t trying to conceal functionality. If that assumption is not made, the testing to be done has to be dramatically different and far more rigorous and include code reviews.
With this method of cheating, no video would show it, no poll watcher or other witness would be aware of it so they don’t have to be kept distant, the vote totals need not be decreased as was done in 2020, nor would there need to be fractional votes, the votes would not need to be sent overseas for tracking and adjustments, no monitoring of the electronic transfer of votes would detect the theft, mules are not needed, late night one-sided vote dumps are not needed, many thousands of preprinted filled in ballots aren’t needed, resubmitting the same ballots through voting machines is unnecessary, unsigned or undated ballots aren’t needed, sharpies and special handling of the ballots a machine could not read are unnecessary, illegal voters (out of state, the deceased, non-citizens, felons) aren’t needed, and no new laws or rules that enable cheating are needed. All the theft is wholly contained in local voting machines in just a few lines of code.
If this was done and allowed to stand because it wasn’t investigated, all future elections would look legitimate since none of the many types of violations detected in the 2020 elections would be needed. The software used in these systems is — or was in 2020 — developed in foreign countries and was not allowed to be reviewed due to Intellectual Property laws. If this method of stealing elections was used and is allowed to stand, it is a fatal blow to our Republic.
Since their “hanging chad” election debacle in 2000, Florida has worked to make their elections sound. As a result, Florida’s was probably the most legitimate midterm election and it showed the real orientation of Americans. Republicans shellacked Democrats in Florida. That’s probably what actually happened all around the country with a few blue exceptions.
Fortunately, if this was how the election was rigged, it is easily uncovered. All the thieves’ eggs would now be in one basket and exposing their method could give full and accurate election results. There are at least two simple ways to find if the theft occurred in this manner. First, since the paper ballots read and recorded by an individual machine/polling place are identifiable, they should be hand counted and compared to what the machine reported. The counts should match. Second, the software in the voting systems is reverse engineered (the code is decompiled) to see exactly what the code was doing and whether or not it was misbehaving in the manner described above. Technically both approaches are easy if there is the will to do them. Note that the choice of machines to audit or examine in either of these ways is important as perhaps the cheat code was not in place in every system but selectively used. An examination of a relatively small set of systems from key polling places should be performed and done quickly to right the wrongs and to limit the opportunity of people “cleaning” the systems.
Hey Curtis Frantz, that’s a great detailed technical explanation there. What are you a mypillow fan or something, lol.
Yep, that’s how it’s done. I linked the tina peters forensic reports for everyone to see the raw data regarding what you’re talking about, fyi, above.
However, don’t forget about a hard drive or sata drives ability to simply be mirrored and over written. And that’s how the game is played, after the fraud is achieved, they mirror back to a sort of factory state and nobody ever knows…
Ballot printing is another regular method, something they could not get away with if all ballots had to be issued alongside a block chain unique identifier, that would stop printing fraud.
These people don’t want to stop the fraud. The American public is beyond stupid, that they will believe all the propaganda messaging all the time.
You are watching political theater.
Furthermore, this is prohibited speech Curtis. Clean it up partner.
Curtis J Frantz:
Pay Pal Balance: -$2,500
Our country may not be able to weather the next two years under the Biden Administration, so correcting the illegitimate voting system with our votes will not change the tyranny that is currently being applied by the socialist.
What will change the direction of the criminals at the top are bullets and we mean millions of them because there is nothing they fear more than our guns. There is nowhere this can go but down because one way or another the people will revolt when they start to starve or get evicted from their homes because they can’t make their house payment, and those idiot socialist don’t think all the homeless is the harbinger of what is to come if they keep up their lying about everything.
If we can’t get our military to take out the whole of the Biden Administration, then we predict a civil war will commence if they don’t turn on the energy spigot. Biden’s handlers have better get their heads out or they will be forced to face their greatest fear when the Patriots come for them. We predict a Benito Mussolini treatment.
Pay Pal Balance: -$2,500
Furthermore, vote with your wallet, vote with your feet. It’s not the governments fault if people take on risky loans and trust lenders, over extending themselves or whatever. The manipulated low fed rate was never going to last forever. If you object to the policies, boycott the companies whom fund these politicians. I keep telling people, sorry, I can’t boycott something twice, it’s up to you now. We’ve kept tens if not hundreds of thousands of dollars away from corporate hands by simply consistently shopping at local thrift and goodwill stores, and avoiding ‘smart tech’. It’s actually quite simple to pull the funding and use the power of the purse. If only people would remember the lessons and move back to embracing thrift… Let’s not just jump immediately to civil war, eh? This is a war of information, please do try to keep up.
There were a number of FBI whistle blowers, that detailed the alleged abuses within the bureau during the Trump years. I would not be surprised if there were people coming forward to present their claims of election malfeasance in Arizona and elsewhere.
Let’s take a look at the Democrat “to do list”.
Our national “to do” list.
1. End the filibuster.
2. Add Justices to the SCOTUS, so it better reflects the US population in appearance and beliefs.
3. Re-interpret the US Constitution.
What needs to be reinterpreted?
1. Freedom of speech means freedom from misinformation. That science is settled.
2. “A well regulated Militia,…” will require each state to establish a militia that meets the requirements of federal regulations. Handguns are not used for hunting. Duh.
3. Electoral College? Not in this day and age.
It’s pretty much down hill, from here on out.
“every terrible instrument of war.”
In 2020, they brow beat us in an attempt to convince us a mediocre, career political hack and two-time failed presidential candidate, suddenly garnered eleven million more votes than any candidate in history without leaving his basement. Bill Barr and Chris Wallace won’t be required to convince us there was no evidence of election fraud in 2022. This time we’ve firmly made up our minds. Democrats jumped the shark. First with the anomaly of Florida and Ohio. And now with Kari Lake. At least we are free to stop pretending.
Well, Mr Duties, at least your finally coming around.
Some of us have been watching congressional hearings on vote fraud and machine voting fraud for literally the past 20 years. The content is on damned CSPAN, always has been.
Like, for real. These hearings have been broadcast for literally decades, and are on record for posterity that anyone can go back and watch them again anytime they want.
I just can’t believe how stupid the general public is, that they think they’re discovering new truths or what not.
Repeat after me: safe AND secure.
Let’s try it again: safe AND effective.
Pick up your daily ration in room 101. The chair is against the wall. John has a long mustache.
Folks we cant keep letting this happen! It will get worse. Join up and let coordinate some national pro AZ protests and get this election TRULY investigated.
Apparently, the majority of Americans are just fine with:
Record high Double digit inflation
Pipelines, drilling, oil & gas leases all shut down
Strategic Petroleum Reserves depleted
Diesel fuel almost gone
Sky high gas prices
Food shortages
Supply chain destruction
Open borders – 5.5 million Illegal aliens so far
Murderers, rapists, terrorists, & Fentanyl, crossing the border
Skyrocketing crime
Opioid crisis
Vaccine injuries & deaths
Unprecedented Censorship
Tanked economy
Housing market crashed
Military decimated
Over 80 billion given to Ukraine
Public scool indoctrination
Genital mutilation of children
Parental rights trampled
Pronouns, trannies, drag queens
Culture rot in schools (CRT & Gender BS)
Demonization of Conservatives
Incarceration and torture of political prisoners
Middle of the night raids by gov’t agents
Foreign policy wreckage
China, N. Korean, and Iran provocations
Corrupt Justice Dept.
Out of control Federal Law enforcement
Marginalization of Christians
Election theft is a crime and there are many factors that are currently allowing it to continue. For decades; Cloward Piven style planners, strategic soros appointees, the weather underground, marxist academic operatives, corrupt law enforcement heads, federal acronym heads, media puppets and left leaning global corporate entities that have consumer monopolies to protect have all played parts in creating public apathy. The 24 hour news cycle and resulting public fatigue were an important part of the world communist plans.
The research of crime has always been of intense personal fascination and as a constitutional conservative, I will never stop pointing out the causes and connections of corruption regardless of how many times my comments get deleted.
What needs to happen has to happen at the state level, and that’s complete election reform.
– No more drop boxes
– No Ballot harvesting.
– No registration for illegal aliens.
– NO MORE mail in ballots except
– Absentee ballots only for the handicapped and military out of the country.
– Hard cutoff time for receipt of absentee ballots. Not received in time – not counted.
– Chain of receipt for absentee ballots
– Purge all dead people from the system.
– No more Dominion voting machines.
– Certification of all voting machine software immediately prior to election
– ALL counting stops within 24 hrs NO MATTER WHAT. Get it done.
– Multiple cameras and observers at all counting sites 24/7.
– Immediate arrest for electioneering at polls.
– Strict laws and mandatory prison for voter fraud
Colt, great list. May I please add one more item…
Qualified forensic review of all hard ware and software systems by independent third party cybersecurity experts like the ones Tina Peters used, to be run after every election.
The Republicans have been in on the fix since 2020 yet somehow people are just waking up to this fact. That’s why nothing is going to change.
Kari Lake should not concede this election. There are several states who have issues with these midterms, if those people in those states do not take a stand then we are another step closer to Socialism. The reason I say people in the states with issues is because residents are the only people who have standing. Other states can support them but you must have standing to press the issue. At the very least you should make your voice heard and support your beliefs verbally. Questions are where and who voted, the whole system needs to be taken apart and investigated.
I agree, she needs to stay out front and remain vocal. That may not keep the election from being certified, but, a whistle blower may come forward expose everything. A whistle blower may also provide clues to detect this activity before election day.
Time to fight back!
my wife and i voted in the morning at 730 am in Michigan, the sharpie marker we were told to use bled thru the whole ballot, i demAnded a new ballot and left it blank except i wrote across the entire ballot backwards “FUC- DOMINION” AND PUT IT IN THE SLEEVE AND FED IT INTO THE DOMINION TABULATOR WHISCH ACCEPTED IT all caught on video and sent to proper authorities.
“It’s time to find some good, patriotic attorneys and plaintiffs who are willing to put in the work to save this nation. Otherwise, there may not even be a 2024 election.”
~ That would be great, but what about the rest of us? Up to this point, hand-wringing and posting on the internet haven’t accomplished anything. Those of us who aren’t lawyers or plaintiffs are just supposed to sit on the sidelines and keep repeating the threadbare mantra of, “Well, okay. But NEXT TIME…”
No. There is an extremely good chance there won’t be a next time.
Stop voting, and then it won’t bother you so much. Everyone knows that those who count the votes decide the winners. You goofballs act as if elections have always been fair…’s a history lesson; they have not. If voting worked it would be illegal. You keep doing the same thing and expecting different results
What cha goona do? Absolutely nothing, that’s what. We learned the courts don’t care. ALL LAW ENFORCEMENT in the US are the Democrat goon squads and don’t care about any citizen, they only are there to protect the State. So again there is ABSOLUTELY nothing we, normal Americans, can do. The military is neutered and has shown that they will leave Americans behind…Afgan withdrawal is all you need to see. The Government alphabet agencies are military organizations in their own… again what you gonna do?
I agree, she needs to stay out front and remain vocal. That may not keep the election from being certified, but, a whistle blower may come forward expose everything. A whistle blower may also provide clues to detect this activity before election day.
Want to know who the website you get your news from works for?
Do they use real-speak, and say…LYING…
Or do they use woke-speak…and say GASLIGHTING.
WTF does everyone feel the need to use the “control the narrative with woke-speak language” word of the moment, “gaslighting”? Does anyone remember when we used to call it LYING?
Makes no sense to me…
why virtually NO ONE in the Republican Party gives a s*** about Dems BLATANTLY stealing elections!
“Never in modern history have the polls been wrong in favoring the Republicans…”
2012 comes to mind. I guess that’s not modern.