It’s one of the “commandments” of global organizations like the UN, and the World Bank, to name but two, and also those less official ones like the WEF and the Gates Foundation: the digital ID.
And in the US, lawmakers have for years been struggling with the concept, heavily criticized by rights advocates for its ability to take mass surveillance to the next level.
On the one hand, the lawmakers have (or are supposed to have) their existing laws and constitutional protections in mind, but on the other, new legislation is cropping up both from Democrats and Republicans that signals a more or less slow creep towards the ultimate digital ID goal.
At the state level, the push is mostly focused on mobile driver’s licenses.
But the proponents of the schemes – who insist that the unprecedented centralization of personal information will provide for more trust and security – want things to start moving faster at the federal level, too. […]
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That is a bullCUHRAP site:
“lawmakers have for years been struggling with the concept”
Was this a comedy article ????
No worries, Trump will save you —- sure, TPTB have been playing him like an old fiddle for eight yesrs now, and the nation is down the toilet, but he will save us all!!!!
Riiiiiigggghhhht ………