As nations around the world push to introduce and expand liberal euthanasia laws, the plans are sounding eerily similar to the “assisted suicide” agenda billionaire Bill Gates has been promoting for several years.
The Microsoft co-founder argues that it is not cost-effective to provide individuals with long-term healthcare.
Instead, Gates believes his fellow human beings should be euthanized to reduce healthcare costs so that the money that would have been used for treatments can be spent elsewhere.
In 2010, Gates weighed up the cost of keeping “terminally ill” Americans alive versus paying for teachers’ salaries.
Gates lamented that Americans are unwilling to question if spending money on people in “the last three months” of their lives was cost-effective. […]
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Bill gates is right.
Healthcare by our medical establishment is NOT a right.
As long as they stop stealing my money to pay for others medical bills,I’m all for it.
Oh, and if you don’t participate in their medical scam, then they can’t euthanize you.
As a paid min wage caregiver, and
also a ward of the State, with HUD
housing and relying on Medicaid for
a few years, needing to get a total hip replacement
In two months, needing better housing
or at least a Ramp for after the surgery,
and facing poverty and further reliance on
Safety Net social services, that’s My Needy
personal Case. I’m experiencing the truth
of the ridiculous costs of supporting people
who will not improve, who require government
paid Medical appointments, transport, oxygen
generator and paraphernalia, multiple medications, kidney dialysis, delivery of food,
Bandages , bed pads, visiting therapist, etc.
and despite being officially unqualified to
provide rides to errands and such, I still
do it, taking the clients in my old car, often
smelling the stink of the backside of the
incontinent idiot. They keep the medical
mafia in business, but these clients have
no responsibility to stop woofing down
sugar koolaid and snickers bars every day.
I wrote a paper 25 years ago titled
“Population Reduction Now” , and teased
a bit, truthfully , along these Bill Gates
talking points. I’m not worthy to receive
these benefits, but I selfishly judge myself
more worthy than my shit-ass retarded
care client who does nothing for anybody,
but provide me 23 hours a week working
as a caregiver.
won’t someone please please let the air out of this bag of shit! The wonder of it all is that Gates still lives! I’ll start the fund with $100 if some tech-savvy youngster will just set it up, surely everyone in the world can throw in a few bucks…. paid in Monero of course
How about Bill Gates being not worthy of healthcare first off. He’s showing there are mental. emotional and physical problems with his brain. His healthcare is not necessary because people like him are a pox on humankind.