Left-wing commentator Ana Kasparian revealed this week that she abandoned the Democratic Party after she revealed that she was sexually assaulted by a homeless man and was subsequently harshly criticized for publicly disclosing the attack.
The co-host of “The Young Turks” made the revelation on Jillian Michaels’ “Keeping It Real” podcast while discussing feeling “politically homeless” in recent years.
“In 2022, it was around March, I was walking my dog,” she began. “It was not quite dark yet, but the sun was setting. As I’m walking my dog, I see these two guys that were, they were just kind of like moving around weirdly, they seemed kind of manic, and their clothes were tattered. So I just I knew that they were probably homeless, and I also knew that they’re probably on something.”
She said that she didn’t think anything of it because she has been around the homeless before and has never had issues.
“But as I was bending down to pick up my dog’s mess, one of the guys, like, grabs me by my hips and he had an erection, and just starts, like, humping me and I didn’t know what to do,” she said. “I was terrified. I didn’t have a weapon on me, like I had no way of defending myself. I didn’t know how far it was gonna go, because it’s two guys.” […]
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