One of the many defining features of the COVID-19 pandemic, along with media misinformation and gaslighting from politicians, was the authoritative voice of “The Experts.”
The chain of command during the pandemic was clear; “The Experts” unilaterally determined what “The Science” said, dictated “The Science” to politicians and the public, and the public was supposed to fall in line regardless of the consequences. And boy were there consequences. School closures created horrific learning loss, businesses were shut down and then permanently closed, and millions of people saw their lives disrupted in unimaginable ways.
What made these disruptions, losses and authoritarian mandates worse was the lack of supporting evidence behind them. Soon after the first lockdowns in March 2020, informed members of the public realized how “The Experts” were using poorly reasoned guesswork to close down society.
Despite their failures, “The Experts” have committed to an absurdist path in their search for the real villains of the pandemic. It wasn’t their fault for getting the actual science wrong, it wasn’t the politicians’ fault for abandoning critical thinking and rationality. It was our fault, for not listening better. […]
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