Rep. Pramila Jayapal Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-WA) faced backlash online on Thursday after she chuckled during a television interview when discussing multiple news chyrons that networks displayed during a Biden immigration speech, one of which from Fox News referred to an illegal alien in New York City who violently raped a young girl late last week.
“There’s a lot of fear mongering,” Jayapal claimed during an MSNBC segment with Joy Reid.
Reid read chyrons that the three major cable news networks had on their screens as Biden held a press conference announcing that he was taking executive action to protect hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens in the U.S.
The chyrons said: MNSBC: “Soon Biden Announces Legal Protections For Undocumented Spouses Of U.S. Citizens” CNN: “Biden Announcing New Protections For Some Undocumented Spouses” Fox News: “Migrant Arrested For Raping 13-Year-Old NYC Girl” Advertisement As soon as Reid read the Fox News chyron, […]
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