As a bombshell update to our previous story on the arrests made on Capitol Hill last night, we were right on both of our predictions. First, we said they would release the news just before close-of-business on Friday when stories are intended to get buried for the weekend. Second, we said the withholding of details from the arrest meant they were almost certainly radical leftists.
It turns out the seven arrested for unlawful entry were employees of radical leftist show host Stephen Colbert. They were doing a skit about January 6, banging on doors of Republicans. What we did not know is the biggest bombshell of them all. They were let into the building by Democrat Congressmen Adam Schiff and Jake Auchincloss.
Here’s the original story with the two predictions intact:
Cover-Up: Did Radical Leftists Attempt an “Insurrection” on Capitol Hill Yesterday?
Since corporate media, Democrats, and RINOs are calling unlawful entry on Capitol Hill an “insurrection attempt,” we’ll use their false label for the latest story that’s getting next to no attention from anyone in the press.
Call me cynical, but whenever law enforcement refuses to release the affiliation of suspects in a crime, I instantly assume they were either non-White non-males or part of a leftist organization. Whenever a White male commits a crime, his mugshot is released before the paperwork is filed. Whenever members of a conservative group are involved in a crime, CNN and the NY Times have the scoop and mountains of details provided to them in minutes.
Thursday, there was a breach of the U.S. Capitol Building. We know it was an actual breach and not some random tourists who got lost because they were removed earlier from the building. According to Just The News:
Seven individuals were arrested Thursday night on Capitol Hill and charged with “unlawful entry,” Just the News has learned.
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The incident occurred at about 8:30 p.m. in the Longworth House Office Building, across Independence Avenue from the Capitol Building, in Washington, D.C. Law enforcement on Friday confirmed to incident to JTN but did not provide the names of those arrested.
“On June 16, 2022, at approximately 8:30 p.m., U.S. Capitol Police (USCP) received a call for a disturbance in the Longworth House Office Building,” U.S. Capitol Police said in statement.
“Responding officers observed seven individuals, unescorted and without Congressional ID, in a sixth-floor hallway. The building was closed to visitors, and these individuals were determined to be a part of a group that had been directed by the USCP to leave the building earlier in the day.”
The affiliation of the group of people arrested also is unknown at this time.
“This is an active criminal investigation, and may result in additional criminal charges after consultation with the U.S. Attorney,” Capitol Police also said.
I will happily retract my theory if proven wrong, but for now I’m leaning towards this crime being perpetrated by members of a leftist group. I have no evidence of that other than the fact that nearly a day after the incident, we still know nothing. It’s likely the facts will be dropped just before the weekend begins, a tactic used by politicians to bury a story they don’t want talked about in the news.
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