A host of federal law enforcement agencies banded together with ICE to carry out deportation raids as part of Operation Take Back America within four days that ended on Friday. The United States Attorney’s office for the Southern District of Kentucky announced the arrest of 81 illegal aliens, 25 of whom now face various federal criminal charges.
The operation, coordinated out of Louisville, netted illegal aliens from Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Cuba, India, and Palau. Twenty-five illegal aliens among those arrested are now facing criminal charges, including unlawful reentry after deportation or removal, illegal possession of firearms, and possession of controlled substances.
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The illegal aliens not charged criminally will be held in ICE custody, pending removal proceedings and potential deportation.
“I commend the work of our federal law enforcement partners, prosecutors, and support personnel who worked tirelessly to make this operation a success,” stated U.S. Attorney Michael A. Bennett, adding, “The aggressive investigation and prosecution of those who violate immigration laws positively impacts the security of our communities and of the Nation.”
Those arrested who face the most serious criminal charges within the Western District of Kentucky include:
Angel David Zuniga-Baca, age 35, a citizen of Honduras, is charged with possession of a firearm by an illegal alien and reentry after deportation or removal. Zuniga-Baca also faces charges of re-entry into the United States after removal. If convicted he faces a maximum sentence of 17 years in prison. […]
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