Populists, conservatives, and nationalists across the globe heralded the election of Giorgia Meloni last year. The firebrand was supposed to be cut from the fold of Viktor Orbán, Jair Bolsonaro, and even Donald Trump.

In just nine months since becoming Prime Minister of Italy, Meloni has earned massive criticism from the political right. She appears to be a globalist in nationalist clothing, siding more with Volodymyr Zelensky and Joe Biden than her own nation.

Dutch activist Eva Vlaardingerbroek is disappointed, as she expressed on Twitter:

I’m so disappointed in @GiorgiaMeloni. Despite her being a WEF member, I was willing to give her the benefit of the doubt when she became Prime Minister of Italy – turned out that was a mistake.

Before she got in power, I listened to her speak passionately about her being a proud Christian, mother and Italian, standing up against the globalists. She was fiery and made big promises about stopping mass migration. Ones she seemed serious about keeping.

But so far, she hasn’t delivered at all. From the first day she’s been in power, she’s done nothing but sucking up to Zelensky and the EU bureaucrats. She didn’t install any of the “sea blockades” that she promised while campaigning. Instead she just went to Tunisia to make a fake deal about migration with Mark Rutte and Ursula von der Leyen. It’s all window dressing.

It’s a disgrace how spineless she’s been: Empty rhetorics, zero results.

According to Jack Montgomery from The National Pulse:

From the beginning of 2023 to July 12th, 73,414 illegal aliens reached Italy by sea, compared to 31,333 over the same period in 2022. Giorgia Meloni, who became Prime Minister of Italy in October 2022, is also radically increasing legal mass migration to the Mediterranean country despite running on a populist-nationalist platform to lower migration.

Meloni and her Brothers of Italy (FdI) party topped the polls on their eurosceptic, socially conservative, and especially anti-mass migration platform. The 46-year-old prime minister even claimed she would impose a naval blockade to stop boat migrants, often transported most of the way to Europe by so-called “rescue” ships operated by foreign non-governmental organizations (NGOs). But she has thus far failed to do so, instead offering much of her attention to Ukraine’s defensive war against Russia instead.

Meloni has adopted a fierce anti-Russian, pro-Ukrainian stance, despite the damage the associated sanctions war has done to Italy’s economy. Her compliant approach has earned her a level of acceptance in Washington D.C., however, with President Joe Biden pictured holding hands with her in May, and recently inviting her to the White House.

While neglecting the issue of illegal immigration, Meloni appears to have caved to big business interests on legal immigration, with her government announcing it will hand out almost half a million visas to non-European Union nationals between 2023 and 2025. In 2019, by contrast, only 30,850 such visas were issued.

Perhaps we should have listened to our gut when we discovered Meloni was a WEF disciple. Recovery from such indoctrination is challenging. Sound off about this post on our Substack.

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